Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
So there may already be a thread for something like this, I don't know I couldn't find one. However, if there is then I apologize.
Anyways, I know that mutts are usually wonderful companions. But I was wondering what is everyone's favorite breed of dog(you can list more then one)?
Mine is:
Pharaoh Hound, Husky, and German Shepard.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 156
My family owns a Cavalier kingcharle's spaniel (long name is long...) and he's turning 12 this year so of course I'm fond of that breed.
My favourite, though, would probably be a bordercollie. I think they're adorable, and they're really smart too. I can't probably ever get one for myself, since I'm a hopeless slacker, and bordercollies are shepherd dogs and I've understood that they need plenty of activity, so...
Last Edit: 2010/01/17 19:50 By Chie.
Reason: typo~
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 17
I've always been partial to Golden Retrievers. I've never owned one, but always wanted to.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
I have a Doberman and I'd have to say they'd be my favourite. Mine's pretty wild lots of energy and then some but is a big baby. Labrador retrievers would probably come second.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 78
My last dog, Babe, was a golden retriever. He was huge and fluffy and friendly, and understood English perfectly. He was about the ideal dog. The fluffiness was definitely a big plus. The dog I just got, when Babe died this fall, appears to possibly be a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I'm not quite sure, because someone threw her out of a car, so she has no history. Her fur is very spikey and tough, and she is boney instead of cuddly. She isn't as intelligent, and she can't fetch, but she is very fast, and brave. Any dog you get, becomes your family, and becomes loveable in its own way. To me, once someone or something belongs to you, they are irreplacable, and things like being really cute or really talented or really smart are just icing on the cake... and really have no bearing on how much you "love" them...
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
I agree with you completely on that Knifethrower. I like your view on that, and I have the same thoughts on it. An animal shouldn't just be seen as a 'pet' or something to have around to show off when people come over. But should be seen as and treated like a member of your family.
I also just found out about that type of dog(the Rhodesian ridgeback) I have read that they are very good dogs. But anyways, good luck with your new family member
Also, to the other breeds mentioned. Those are all good ones, I use to have a cocker spaniel but then my dad got rid of her
I want to get a German Shepard sometime in the future, but right now I don't think I am mentally ready to have one. I was reading up on them, and it said that it is better if they have an owner who is confident in themselves and can lead well. Because otherwise the dog may become skittish(it picks up on the owners vibes) and can become a 'scared biter'. So I'll have to wait until I know I could do that before I get one
Last Edit: 2010/01/17 22:52 By PRVN.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 13
I love dogs!!! I've had them all my life. Most of mine have been somesort of beagle mix. I have included a pic of my current yahoo's, that what I call 'em. It was when they were about 7 ot 8 months old, and had just eaten a wall (yes you read it right)Then they stop and pose for a pic like that. Naughty babies. Like I said I always have had dogs, and didn't think it would be that much trouble, and for the most part it isn't ....they entertain themselves for the most part. They are from the same litter (even though it doesn't look it, don't tell them but they may have had different dads)but a puppy with a naughty idea is trouble to keep up with, two puppies is trouble. But they are mine. They may be part beaver, because beside the wall...a couple couches, multiple pillows, they stripped bark of the maple tree in the backyard like it was strirng cheese and ate several arborviae.  .
Luckily they dont do that anymore.
I agree with knofethrower....once you adopt them they are your family. I can't believe someone would throw a dog outta car. Weren't Rhodesian Ridgebacks used to guard against lions, so I can see where she gets the bravery from....she's lucky for have found someone like you and I am sorry for the lose of Babe. Its is never easy to have to let go.
George is the big fuzzy follower, Gracie is the little pesky ringleader.
When all else fails...read the directions.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 696975
I had a great pyrenees and she was awesome. Lady was my baby then, brave, stubborn, intelligent and protective. and soooooooooo soft and cuddly, though she HATED to be brushed.
Contessa is an English Setter...wild, strange, psycho, very active and both intelligent and dumb. it really depends on what. but she is a suck and hte most affectionate dog I have ever seen. She's my baby too.
i'd love to get a pyr again...or a bernese, or a newfie, or a malamute. I'm all about teh big dogs...the gentle giants. Contessa is about as small as I would go.
I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 78
Babe ate a massive chunk of drywall too! I have no idea what brought that on... But it's easy to fix a wall with a can of spackle (or two) and some paint. As for people who would throw a dog from a moving vehicle, times are hard in Michigan. Many humans are becoming homeless, so their animal companions are as well. The bad economy is hurting us all, businesses, families, individuals, pets. Sadly, abandonment, abuse and neglect are becoming more common. The humane societies are not able to keep up. I am thankful to the rescue group that rescued my dog Joe, and the lady who saved our cat, Max from being put down by the humane society. She told me she had rescued and found homes for over 400 cats and counting, while her family lives hand-to-mouth in hopes her husband will not be laid off. These people are true heroes. Anyone who has room in their homes and their hearts should consider adopting a homeless pet.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 67
Though I don't have dogs, I'd have to say my favorite breeds are German Shepherds(my first and only dog was one), Retrievers (any color coat), and Siberian Huskies(they are so beautiful).
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 78
German Shepards and Golden Retrievers...
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
I have also been one of those fortunate people to have a dogs all of their lives. Right now, my parents back home have our pure bred American Eskimo, which my Dad named Duke. Here is a fully grown American Eskimo (not Duke, but identical). Dawwww. And he still looks like a puppy.
An American Eskimo
But I have to say, my favourite breed is a Belgium German Sheperd and a good ol' fashion Bloodhound.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
My favorite breed is the Irish wolfhound, and Great Danes.
I have a German Shepherd named Inari, she is 2, i also have a black and white wolf shepherd hybrid he is 4 1/2 months old, named him Kuro, and we have a Springer Spaniel,American Bulldog he is 4 yrs, his name is Ichibob.
Ichibob was a neighbors dog, he followed my son home one day and decided he liked it here better and every chance he got he took off to our house. So the neighbor just gave him to my son. Bob he adopted us, he likes it here cause he is an inside dog, and he gets treats, and my son loves him to death.
Inari is my baby everyone is terrified of her, cause she is a shepherd but she is a big ol baby, loves people she hardly ever barks, but she does have a weird howl she does it sounds like she is saying Momma, my next door neighbor gets a kick out of her when she does that. She thinks she is lap dog because i held her so much as a puppy, she was the runt of her litter but now she outweighs her brothers and sisters by 20 pds. lol my daughter likes to tell people she grew so much because i love her so much, i spoil her rotten. lol
Kuro belonged to the neighbor that gave us bob, well his son, and he gave him to me for xmas cause him and Inari got along so well and i am a stay at home mom so i have plenty of time for the dogs.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 6
Doberman, and boxer-pit mix  I have an 11 year old red doberman with natural ears, and he's the biggest sweetheart ever! The box-pit girly thinks she's a lap dog who happens to weigh 65 pounds...LOL
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Wow, all these big dog breeds o.o But I absolutely adore Pomeranians. They're just so cute and fluffy, just like a teddy bear! X3 The same applies to Papillons, although I've never had one. I've always wanted one of those. They just sit and want love and think they're the toughest things in the world even if you can carry them in a shoe box.
I also really, really like Mastiffs. With they're kinda droopy faces and awesome person-size hugeness. That's a dog that'll knock you off your feet, literally.
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Posts: 237
Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 10
White German Shepard.
They're like German Shepard's but completely white and in my opinion usually smarter than their darker counterparts. Not that normal ones aren't also smart. I had two growing up and no other dog breeds seem to come close.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
Aura wrote:
White German Shepard.
They're like German Shepard's but completely white and in my opinion usually smarter than their darker counterparts. Not that normal ones aren't also smart. I had two growing up and no other dog breeds seem to come close.
Those dogs are beautiful. I have wanted one of those since seeing one walking around the streets when I was younger, he was really amazing. But for some reason they are hard for me to find.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
Inari's mom was a white shepherd, if you do a search online you can find a breeder of white shepherds, i know of two here in florida, because before i was given kuro i was going to get a white male to go with inari. inari took after her dad he was a black and tan saddleback, all the other pups were white with a little bit of black on them,
white shepherds are good dogs, but you wont find one in germany the breeders over there used to put down all white shepherds because it was considered a mutation and a throwback from when they tried to introduce wolves into certain bloodline. they also used to think they would have health issues more than a normal shepherd. i have had whites and they were great dogs, my girl is smart, we have the invisible fence took her twice to learn, and now its off, she has a basket of toys, and she will take out her toys play with them and when she is done she puts them back, i cant even get my kids to do that lol 
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
The breed I have always wanted is an Alaskan Husky with blue eyes. I have always been fasinated by them and have always wondered how they manage to pull a tobbagan sled across treacherous passages and snow. They would have to be amazingly built.
They also remind me of Kouga's wolves
Here is a picture link:
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
i like yorkies they are cute
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 2
I would say my favorite breed would be a Chow Chow.... I love them but they do alot of sheading!!!! But I also like Great Pyrenees they are awesome !!! Kinda torn between them ... Neither will do in this hot state of Texas... LOL...
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
another breed i love is a tibetan mastiff, they look like chows but the size and jowls of a mastiff, and omg are they expensive.
this is the google search on them my favorite is the golden orange one isnt he a beaut?
well night all, i am heading to bed , i have to go to the cardiologist in the morning because we think i have strep, and i had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic the dentist put me on, so i am covered in a rash, my tongue is swollen, and with the poss, strep my doc is freaking.
i just take things one day at a time, and trust it will all work out the way its meant to, i am but one little person no way i can go against the fates .
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 156
Heh, there's a little town and a lake called Inari in my country.
About the dog becoming a member of a family, I partly disagree with that. I'm not saying they shouldn't be members in your family, just that even if they are, they are still dogs, not humans. There are too many tv-shows going on where an expert has to come and help clueless owners, and many times it's because the dog has stopped being a dog to the owner and become their baby in stead... And that's not really healthy, for either party.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 78
I think the dogs the Dog Whisperer deals with live in homes where they are NOT expected to be a member of the family, in other words, not to communicate and cooperate with their owner. Getting a dog to actually actively listen and cooperate requires some consistency, and is easier with some breeds of dog than others. I have a Pomeranian that is very much like a cat, and doesn't seem capable, but most sporting breeds, like Labarador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, English Springer Spaniels seem to have an almost eerie capacity to learn their business, and take it very seriously. Shepards tend to be more dominant, but are very intelligent, and if you are dominant enough, they can be your partner as well. I used to do gardening for a couple, the lady was very soft. She was neurotic, and the couple thought they should always have a trained Shepard from Germany (the dogs speak German). In spite of being a highly intelligent dog, and highly trained, their dog at the time was totally dominant over the woman, but that was her fault, because she was a lightweight and the dog, like other humans, did not take her seriously. God, I would have loved to own that dog. But the thing is, you have to work on yourself to become a serious human being, work on being asseretive and having a physical presence, and you will be respected by your dog, other animals, and humans. This is the lesson of life. Work out, learn to protect yourself through some form of martial-arts, self defense, or weapons training. Become assertive and a straight shooter. This is the hidden secret of the Dog Whisperer, Horse Whisperer, Human Male Whisperer, whatever. If you are worthy of respect, you will garner respect.
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Re:Favorite dog breed? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
wonderful reply , and correct, my family breed great danes, german shepherds, and i owned two wolves as a child, i knew i had to be alpha, and dogs are family animals, hence pack, i spoil my girl but she knows i am alpha, she is a very docile shepherd, the vet said she just has that personality, because i trained her the way i did, she knows verbal as well as hand signals, i am working with the puppy now, he is learning just as quick, Inari has helped with his potty training, they will imitate other dogs behaviors.
and she is very smart, when she would jump the fence and we caught her she would go back to the gate and sit and wait, she never left that yard. we just added the invisible fence as a extra precaution. we had to have a special insurance for our homeowners because of her breed,
i am breeding her once and getting her fixed, i have 9 people that want a puppy, one is a retired cop who was shot in the line of duty and lost his k9, and the rest are family members, and my vet wants one. then she is getting fixed. hubby has a friend that has been trying to get me to let his shepherd mate her and i refuse, his dog is highly aggressive and i dont want that trait in a dog. that and she isnt old enough to breed yet, my family never breed our dogs until age 3 and never back bred, we skipped a year usually meant only 2 litters a girl but we had great dogs.
well off to the dr, have a great day everyone
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