favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
So I was just wondering, what are games from your childhood that you still have fond memories of? Or that are or were your favorite games during your childhood?
One of my favorites(for some strange reason) was: 'Heads up, thumbs down' otherwise known as 'Seven up'
I just got a strange urge to play that game(which is the reason for this post)
So what was your favorite childhood game?(either in school or one that you would play at home or else where)
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
Wait, you mean game-games, not video games, right?
I was never really one for physical activity much, and I can't run fast so I always hated tag. However I didn't mind elastics (you have an old pair of pantyhose or strips of elastic tied together, two people stand facing each other with the elastic in a rectangle around their ankles and the third person has to get their ankle/foot/leg over and under the bands in a certain pattern/to a rhyme. They usually have to keep jogging on the spot as they're not allowed to stop moving, too. And as they complete each one the elastic gets raised higher to ankle, knee, waist, under arms, and neck height. I've no idea what the other names for this game might be  ). I didn't mind it because I'm supposedly double-jointed and so could always bend my leg back to do the neck height fairly easily X3
Hopscotch, gutterball (tenis ball at two pieces of wood forming a triangle on the ground), and the various jumprope games were okay too when I got the hang of how to do them properly.
For video games I always liked Bubble Bobble, and I think I recall one called Shadow of the Beast. Golden Axe, too. We still have a computer around that can run these games, too ^^;
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
haha yes, when I meant game-games, not video games, but the good ol' fashioned games that didn't require sitting on your behind for hours in front of the TV.
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 13
I grew up in the PVGE (pre video game era, I know that might sound crazy....(talks real low) but they hadn't even been invented yet. Crazy right?
Outside games..... we played in the pool, marco polo....rode bikes, roller skates (the metal 4 wheeled kind that you buckled to your shoes), baseball, tag, freeze tag, red rover, 4 square, teather ball (that was fun)
Inside games...monopoly (i would cheat though and take $ when my sister wasn't looking), twister, checkers, & chess when I was old enough. Rummy was the card game we always played.
Then ATARI was invented....we got one of the original systems for Christmas when it first came out. I was probably around 10, and we stopped playing all the the above things.
When we entered jr. high the very first computer came out for schools. It was some sorta little green screened apple. But then we were teenagers..we didn't really play games anymore....we did get some RPG games in high school. We thought it was fun. But you always had to flip around the 5 1/4 floppy discs when you got to the next challange and you had to type in the response of what the character did. It would or wouldn't do it based on the answer you gave.
In college we played uker (I don't think I spelled it right) and other types of games we wont mention cause youngin be watching.
So out of all these Id say rummy, monopoly, and checkers
When all else fails...read the directions.
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Posts: 237
Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 10
So non video games I was a lover of ditch and a good ole fashioned snowball fight. I liked others but those I remember the most fondly.
video games...I remember this one text based game on the Commodore 64 where you a vampire hunter and had to destroy this vampire before it made you it's minion over the course of three days. I never did beat it, it was one of the hardest video games I remember playing as a kid. I do remember laughing at the scene where you locked yourself in a closet and left a bag of blood outside of it so the vampire would leave you alone for a night. Not sure why but it still makes me smirk thinking about it. For the life of me I couldn't tell you the name of it though.
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 40
my favorite childhood game was 'Adventures", where we'd pretend we were going on an adventure. I remember carrying a big stick with me all the time. It was my sword, my telescope, my gun, everything i could think of. my backyard would turn into Egypt or a scary cave, or a wild forest.
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 9
I remember doing a roleplay game of Sleeping Beauty with my cousins and I was always the Aurora xDD...I remember touching the door handle like it was the spinning wheel and dropping to the floor pretending like I was asleep xDD and I also uased to have a barbie tent shaped like a house....and I'd play house :|
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years ago
Karma: 1
Hm....When i was a kid....do any of you remember that game with the "Send (enter name) right over!" and then someone would run at the wall of people and try to get through? And if they did they'd chose someone to go back with them to the other side, if not, then they would stay with that side....? Thats the game i liked ost. That, or skat-boarding, baseball, football, and wrestling with my friends. I ruined a LOT of clothes...
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years ago
Karma: -666
Hawk wrote:
Hm....When i was a kid....do any of you remember that game with the "Send (enter name) right over!" and then someone would run at the wall of people and try to get through? And if they did they'd chose someone to go back with them to the other side, if not, then they would stay with that side....? Thats the game i liked ost. That, or skat-boarding, baseball, football, and wrestling with my friends. I ruined a LOT of clothes...
That would be Red Rover.
"Red Rover! Red Rover! Send Hawk right on over!"
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years ago
Karma: 1
ladybattousai wrote:
Hawk wrote:
Hm....When i was a kid....do any of you remember that game with the "Send (enter name) right over!" and then someone would run at the wall of people and try to get through? And if they did they'd chose someone to go back with them to the other side, if not, then they would stay with that side....? Thats the game i liked ost. That, or skat-boarding, baseball, football, and wrestling with my friends. I ruined a LOT of clothes...
That would be Red Rover.
"Red Rover! Red Rover! Send Hawk right on over!"
That's the one! Thanks mi'lady! It really annoyed me i couldn't think of the name! Lol, and where would i be running to?
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years ago
Karma: 31
PRVN wrote:
So I was just wondering, what are games from your childhood that you still have fond memories of? Or that are or were your favorite games during your childhood?
One of my favorites(for some strange reason) was: 'Heads up, thumbs down' otherwise known as 'Seven up'
I just got a strange urge to play that game(which is the reason for this post)
So what was your favorite childhood game?(either in school or one that you would play at home or else where)
I LOVED Heads Up, Seven Up! I fell asleep every time, only to wake up when someone put my thumb down. Such a good game.
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years ago
Karma: 5
my twin brother and all my cousins and i would play war every time we weren't in school. or i remember when star wars, empire strikes back, and return of the jedi came out we played those.we would hike, follow streams for hours, and make paths through the woods, we used to build tree forts and all kinds of stuff. i remember playing atari, and we had the first Nintendo i remember duck hunt lol, ooo i remember having one of the radio shack computers too, and an adam computer, but my favorite game was house, we had the basement as our play room and we set it up like a house, my grandparents had a old fridge down there and our chest freezer. they got me a holly hobby oven when i was really little, and i would stay down there for hours watching tv, reading, and baking and my brother and i would play whatever games we had, and listen to the radio and play our guitars and i played the piano and electric organ, he played the drums. looking back i realize now we were spoiled rotten. lol we were raised by our grandparents our whole lives from 4 months until we got married, our aunts and uncles were all older than us and spoiled us as well.
does anyone remember having a sit and spin, or as my aunt called it, the hurl a whirl.never failed we got on it, we puked.
the thing i remember the most was being 5 yrs old and wandering around the shopping center where my grandparents did their grocery shopping every two weeks, just us, we would hang out in the pet store and the comic book store there. its sad that you can't now, hell i don't let my kids out in my yard without the dogs, or myself sitting on the front or back porch.
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Re:favorite childhood games? 15 Years ago
Karma: 13
Shae wrote:
However I didn't mind elastics (you have an old pair of pantyhose or strips of elastic tied together, two people stand facing each other with the elastic in a rectangle around their ankles and the third person has to get their ankle/foot/leg over and under the bands in a certain pattern/to a rhyme. They usually have to keep jogging on the spot as they're not allowed to stop moving, too. And as they complete each one the elastic gets raised higher to ankle, knee, waist, under arms, and neck height.
I totally remember that game and played it all the time and for the life of me I can't remember what we called it either. >.<
I also remember playing lots of Candy Land (bestest board game ever!), Red Rover, Simon Says, Hide and Seek, Tag, Red light Green light, and so many more that I can't even think of their names anymore.
Last Edit: 2010/02/23 07:26 By Quiet Whisper.
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