Ack 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 23
I'm being indecisive right now. So, I would like some opinions of others here(If you don't mind)
So lately, I have changed my diet and have begun exercising more(running/walking and such) However because I have a bad back it makes it hard for me to do crunches or sit-ups.
Which is why I started looking into those ab machine things. I found two that are interesting, and look like they work, but I don't know which one would work best. They both cost the same too.
I am still doing research on them, but in your honest opinions, which one do you think seems like it would work better?
The Contour: thecontour.tv/
the flex belt: www.theflexbelt.com/abs/?mcp=2194&b=6420&adid=1665&affid=3407&subid=CA&pid=3407-CA
Gaah I'm so indecisive 
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
They're useless. I wouldn't buy either one.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- Abraham Lincoln
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 78
Belts like that were marketed some twenty years ago, and the FDA forced them off the market because they didn't work. I have heard that the memory of the "market" is 20 years, so I guess it is time for the public to get sucked in again... My lower back is prone to muscle spasms, and I do fine with the "Ab Lounge". I notice less strain on my back, and less tendency to cause spasms than on-the-floor sit-ups. But you've got to do the work... Even three sets per day of 60 sit-ups is enough to give you some definition, and that takes hardly any time or dedication at all. It's not that hard, or that hard on your back... Any exercise that strengthens your "core" muscles is good for your back, as well. For example, if you do pull downs, imagine using your core muscles, not just your arms. Your back will give you less trouble if your core is strong...
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 42
Those ab belts are just useless gimmicks. I know those ab machines (like the ab lounge) work for some people... but to me they look like back death traps. My mom had one and she ended up having to go the chiropractor. I'd say your best bet is to pick up a back brace, you can get them at walgreens or any pharmacy and they're not too expensive. They serve the same functions as say a knee brace, they just hold you in the proper position while exercising. I used to use a back brace when weight lifting for squats and I had friends who used them and they help a lot. Doing your crunches or things like that with the brace on and a pillow under you bottom should help. Main thing is to just stay away from those silly machines, anything that promises amazing results with little work is usually a crock.
pretty sure that's the same one I used to use, they have models with pockets for ice packs in them and stuff too: www.walgreens.com/store/catalog/Braces-and-Supports/Ace-Contoured-Back-Support/ID=prod3543888&navCount=0&navAction=push-product
Another thing you can do is while doing your crunches/situps don't hold on to the back of your head like you see some people do. Put your fingertips lightly on the shells of your ears and keep them there, this keeps your arms up and out of the way so you don't try and swing them for leverage and it keeps you from trying to 'pull' your head up which could hurt your back.
Last Edit: 2010/01/11 13:00 By MontiK.
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Since I can't afford equipment, I've been sticking to old fashioned workouts (at least trying to) because they work. But I have to admit those crunches suck. But these days there are all sorts of exercises created to match different people.
Lately, I've been trying these upside down abdominal exercises from Jillian Michaels. I definitely feel my muscles working and I like it since it's all done in a standing position. I don't particularly care for this woman, but I liked the concept and watched this video Upside Down Abdominal Workout Video.
Also, have you thought of doing crunches on those big exercise balls? I found that the bounce of the ball was easy of my back, but harder on my abs because I had to use the ab muscles to keep the ball from rolling out from under me. Sometimes you can find these balls on sale at places like Big 5. I got my like, $40 ball for only $12.
Anyway, my point is that it's about experimenting and there are lots different options if a little exploring is done.
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
Thank you those who replied to this
I have done crunches on my medicine ball(or those big plastic balls) and it does help but on that I can only do like 20 before my back starts hurting again(and yes, I am doing them correctly)
I'm still reading reviews on both ab machines. I think I'm leaning more towards getting the flex belt, because it has a lot more positive reviews. If I do end up getting it, and it doesn't work after a month(it has a two month money back thing) I will send it back.
But until then right now I am just searching around for things I can do with what I have. I'm also working out already(but what I do have only targets my legs/arms) so we shall see. Thank you again for everyone who responded 
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 67
Another good workout is the Crunchless Abs series. These workouts work. After just 10 minutes, you start to feel your abs getting firmer. And it makes you sweat. These workouts are no joke.
As for those belts that claim to tone your abs while doing absolutely nothing are a joke. My sister ordered a precursor to The Contour and she ended up throwing it out after several weeks. We ALL got tired of putting on this cold gel before putting on the belt was really annoying.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Ack 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 23
DemonQueen17 wrote:
Another good workout is the Crunchless Abs series. These workouts work. After just 10 minutes, you start to feel your abs getting firmer. And it makes you sweat. These workouts are no joke.
As for those belts that claim to tone your abs while doing absolutely nothing are a joke. My sister ordered a precursor to The Contour and she ended up throwing it out after several weeks. We ALL got tired of putting on this cold gel before putting on the belt was really annoying.
Yeah, When I was reading reviews for it. The contour had A LOT of bad reviews, I think I only read a few good ones. Not only that but it takes forever to come in the mail and by time it does the warrenty(sp) is already over with so you can't return it.
That's why I'm thinking of deciding to go with the other one(because it has a lot of good reviews, and comes within 5 business days) and if it doesn't work I'll send it back before the thing ends(no harm in trying it right?)
I have a kettle ball that I am using right now, and it helps with some stomach exercises too(more for love handles and such then actual ab workouts) ( Also It's not like I want a six pack or really ripped stomach just a somewhat toned and flat stomach)
Last Edit: 2010/01/16 06:46 By PRVN.
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