Thanks for posting this! Even though it's been repeated sooooo many times on SyFy, I somehow manage to keep missing the first half hour of Part 1. lol. Anyway, my favourite character is Hatter. I love his lines! They're funny and adorable... just like him.
Hatter: Trust me - I, I know a thing or two about liking people. And in time, after much chocolate and cream cake, 'like' turns into 'what was his name again.'
Hatter: He's mad as a box of frogs. (Loved this one! XD)
I liked the White Knight/Charlie, too. His lines, expressions and actions got a lot of giggles out of me. He's a complete nutter, he is!
"The starrrrs are aligned in a cosmic rrray of hope!" - White Knight/Charlie (Love how he rolls his r's. lol)