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Live action anime movies...?
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Time on my hands
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 3
Normally I don't do the 'what if they...' speculations, but since Inuyasha is one of my passions, I have to put in my two cents.

While I agree that Heath Ledger would be an excellent addition to any live action Inuyasha movie, I wouldn't cast him as Inu. He did such a fantastic job as the joker, that I think he could pull off Naraku much more than satisfactorily. He had the calm, sick, evil of the joker down so well, I think he would hands down be the best choice for Naraku.

For Sesshoumaru, Orlando Bloom would be a consideration. Look to the Lord of the Rings trilogy for an idea of what he would look like in the part. I also think he could pull it off as an actor.

I didn't read the whole thread all the way back to the beginning, but I didn't see Miroku mentioned anywhere. We can't forget our favorite perv. Perhaps Chris O'Donnell, circa Disney's The Three Musketeers.

I won't even comment on Robert Pattinson, other than to say that if that pasty faced little twit is the sexiest man alive, I have lost all faith in women everywhere. And why didn't Pee Wee Herman make the list? They both turn me on about the same. Ewwwww!

Sorry twitards.
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Lady Lillian
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
personally if they are going to make a live action Inu it would have to be japanese they made such a mess of the other two I don't think my heart could take a butchered InuYasha. as for others according to Anime News Network Warner Bros have bought the rights to make a Live Action Bleach movie I don't know Bleach is my second fav manga and anime I will without judgement until they give out a cast list there better be and damn good cast or I ain't wasting the money
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Lady Lillian
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I think I might be ill .... according to firefox news I am almost hoping it is a joke but here is a copy of what was wrote by one Leva Cygnet


This Japanese cartoon, about a bad-mannered half-demon boy and a teenage girl who accompanies him on his adventures, is a longtime fan favorite and the movie is expected to appeal to both comic-book fans and Narnia fans. Kagome, the heroine, travels to the past through a magical well, just as the kids in Narnia travel to a magical world through a wardrobe.

However, early plans announced by Hollywood indicate that some changes will be made. Inuyasha will be set in California, and Kagome will be a poor orphan being raised in foster care. Inuyasha, instead of being a sixteenth century half-demon, will be a rock star with a bad attitude and a secret identity as a hanyou.

Said a studio spokesman, "We feel that American viewers will be more comfortable and more apt to watch a movie set in America, with characters reimagined to suit American sensibilities."

Casting has been announced for Inuyasha: The Movie. Actors selected for the roles include:

Kagome: Kristin Kreuk
Inuyasha: Tom Felton (so you all know its Malfoy from harry potter)LL
Sango: Eliza Dushku

Miroku has not yet been cast. A studio spokesman indicated that they were looking for a black actor for this role because they wish to have a diverse, racially sensitive cast. However, the studio spokesman indicated that every screen test they'd seen featuring a black actor as the sexually aggressive Miroku did not meet the approval of the movie's financiers. Said one bigwig, "When Miroku gropes the girls, we're concerned about how it will be perceived by the audience. However, we want to remain true to the character.

No word yet if they're keeping fifteen year old Kagome's extremely short skirt.
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Time on my hands
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 3
Yeah, it was a bad joke, so don't get excited. I think it was addressed on the forum here a while back. If you want real info, go to That is about the most accurate Hollywood movie site out there. You'll find the most recent thing listed for Inuyasha is The Final Act (Kanketsu-hen). For breaking anime news, is good too. They have discussed the live action Voltron movie as well as a possible Cowboy Bebop, but I haven't heard any real news about a live action Inuyasha.
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Lady Shikibu
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Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 4
I've been noticing that the new in thing in Hollywood is doing live action movies from anime. The one most of you probably know about is the Avatar movie, and then I've been hearing a lot about a Cowboy Bebop live action movie (mostly that Keanu Reeves is playing Spike ).

What would you say if they did a live action Inuyasha? What part of the series would it be on? I mean, the show does go on for a bit and its hard to condense it into one 2-2 1/2 hour movie. What parts should be included? Who should direct it? Avatar has M. Night Shyamalan, should the Inuyasha one have George Lucas? And most important - should it be Japanese or American made?

I think it would be ok if they went at it right. If they did the final battle with little flashbacks all through it that might be cool. And definitely Japanese made, I trust them to be true to the story more than any American made movie would be . Totally not being unpatriotic or anything;)

oh, and if you know of any other live action movies what were they and are they any good?
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 67
There is absolutely no way America can make a successful live action anime movie. They would have to be done in Japan. Hollywood makes it a habit of making terrible anime live action movies (do Speed Racer with way too much CGI and Dragon Ball:Evolution ring a bell?). M. Night Shyamalan would probably butcher the Avatar movie unless he's familiar with the storyline. Keanu Reeves as Spike Spiegel? I don't see that happening at all.

As for an Inuyasha live action movie, it would have to be done in Japan rather than in America. No disrespect to George Lucas,but he should NOT direct anything involving Inuyasha. The Japanese live action Death Note movie looked like it followed the storyline and I'm sure Japan would do the same thing with an INuyasha live action movie. Hollywood would just butcher it like it did with Speed Racer and Dragonball:Evolution, which didn't follow the manga/anime at all.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 4
I totally agree with demonqueen, its should be made in japan rather than the US because they usually dont follow the story, and even if they did you would need japanese actors to play the parts, or it wouldn't come out right at all. In my opinion if the US ever did make a live action Inuyasha I think that the person whom directed the Harry Potter movies would make the movie come out WAY better than the creator of Dragon Ball Evolution, they would just need japanese actors for the parts.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 23
I would like it to be done in Japan, any anime/manga life action movie should be done, by anyone besides Americans. No offense, to those who like American movies, but most of them-aside from comedy. Are terrible.

Did any of you see the remake of 'One missed call'. The Japanese version of that movie, was way better. I've noticed that, for anything, Americans enjoy butchering movies. Instead of having suspense, or you know things that mess with you mind and really pull you into the movie, they would rather have gore and blood. Which to me, doesn't appeal all that much.

Also; there are very few American actors and actress' that actually have talent, and are not just good looking now.

I heard they were going to be remaking Death Note, with American actors/actress' which I hope was just a rumor and not true. The thing I heard was Jesse McCartney(sp) Would be playing light. Bleh.

If they do anymore Anime/Manga live action movies here, I think Tim Burton should direct one of them. Because he is the only director I can imagine, that would actually get really into the concept of the movie, and do his best. But *shrug* I don't really know, so yeah lol. I think they should do Inuyasha, in Japan. If they do decide to make it life-action.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 2
DemonQueen17 wrote:
There is absolutely no way America can make a successful live action anime movie. They would have to be done in Japan. Hollywood makes it a habit of making terrible anime live action movies (do Speed Racer with way too much CGI and Dragon Ball:Evolution ring a bell?). M. Night Shyamalan would probably butcher the Avatar movie unless he's familiar with the storyline. Keanu Reeves as Spike Spiegel? I don't see that happening at all.

As for an Inuyasha live action movie, it would have to be done in Japan rather than in America. No disrespect to George Lucas,but he should NOT direct anything involving Inuyasha. The Japanese live action Death Note movie looked like it followed the storyline and I'm sure Japan would do the same thing with an INuyasha live action movie. Hollywood would just butcher it like it did with Speed Racer and Dragonball:Evolution, which didn't follow the manga/anime at all.

I agree for the most part....but the Deathnote movies BUTCHERED:angry: the Manga and the Anime.The first one was like half accurate, the second one changed the entire ending, then number three has NO basis at all in the storyline. So I doubt Japan would do Inuyasha right either. They would have to do Inuyasha as a least, or else they'll be skipping a lot.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 20
Okay, Im bringing back this thread because my son, D-Man, came home from his father's tonight excited about the trailer for the new live action Avatar movie [ we both are huge fans]. He is so stoked about it and cannot wait for it to come out, and he pulled the trailer up on youtube and showed me. While I am not that pleased with the choices made for casting, it does seem that it might be worth going to see. The little boy playing Aang did not look that bad in his wardrobe, and he is skilled in martial arts. I believe back when this thread was started, one our esteemed Dokugians stated that her little brother attended martial arts classes with Noah [the boy cast to play Aang]and said he was a good choice for Aang.

I myself thought they should cast Asian actors in the roles, it doesn't sit well with me for caucasian actors to play Asian parts in movies since there are so many talented actors and actresses out there that be wonderful in the roles. However, I believe in giving things a fair chance and so, I will see the movie with an open mind. D-Man has already made plans for us to go see it, even though it won't be released until the summer of 2010..LOL.Anyhow, we'll just have to wait and see if it measures up to the anime. The trailer did look good though.

I just had to share this in case there are more Avatar fans here and wondered what their thoughts are.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
I am looking forward to seeing the Avatar movie too. However, It kind of bothers me how so many people make race in a movie such an issue. I mean yes, since technically it is an Asian themed show(movie) it may have been better to cast those of that race. However, I also believe it is better to have someone who has the talent to act as the characters, then to cast someone just because they look like the character(or are of the same race).

Not to mention its fantasy so its kind of out there anyways XD Some of the cast they have could have switched around a bit. But for the most part, I think given the characters and the actors abilities they did well in casting for the movie. Can't wait to see this movie, it seems 2010 is going to be a good year for movies
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
DemonQueen17 wrote:
The Japanese live action Death Note movie looked like it followed the storyline and I'm sure Japan would do the same thing with an INuyasha live action movie. Hollywood would just butcher it like it did with Speed Racer and Dragonball:Evolution, which didn't follow the manga/anime at all.

I absolutely agree with you on the Dragonball:Evolution issue. My partner lives and breathes Dragonball and when the live action came out he was devastated. I quote, It felt like my childhood was being raped." I have no desire to see Inuyasha undergo similar treatment.

Then again, I've watched a few episodes of the live action, Japanese made version of Hana Kimi and that was just terrible I suppose there is a range of talent American, Japanese or otherwise so really it would depend heavily on the actual director and producers. That being said, there is probably a better chance of a good outcome from a Japanese team since they are more likely to be familiar with the style of anime and translating it to the big screen.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 5
(In Theory)

I think that it would be good if they did a collaboration between two directors. A japanese one who is familiar with the story line and history behind it. And an american one for financial support and to also make sure that it can enjoyed world wide. Because you know that hollywood puts the most money in their movies.

It would have to be filmed in japan though and not new zealand like most american films that are set in foreign lands or it wouldn't be right.

I think the person who did the make-up for the Labyrinth would have to be used. He is absolutely amazing. Did you see the elves he did in Hellboy? I think he could make really cool demons.

Now for the Avatar movie that is actually coming out. I'm really excited for it no mater what you people say. I love that show.

M Night Shyamalan got the idea to do the movie from his kid who is also as obsessed with the show as I am. So I think they'll keep their father in line.

The action scenes are going to be amazing and they took out all of the fart jokes so it can be enjoyed by all ages. There are going to be three movies. One for each book.

The Avatar world in the tv show is actually all asian based except for the water tribe. Which is why I think Shyamalan decided to expand to other continents.

I think its cool how he made the fire nation people from India. Its in asia but makes it a little different. I think it was inspired by the fire nation Agni Kai duel to the death which comes from India origin.

I'm so glad that they changed the role for Zuko though. Originally it was Jesse Mccartney but now its the guy from Slumdog Millionaire. I see a little resemblance between the two but I don't think Jesse has any acting ability.
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Last Edit: 2009/11/09 16:11 By Kittylin.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm really excited about the avatar movie. I think M. Night will do pretty good He did great on lots of movies and from what I've seen this looks pretty good! I'm going to give it some wiggle room because I know that it won't be as amazing as the original but I wanna see it

I'm not excited about the Cowboy bebop that I've been hearing about. Keanu Reeves will make an awful Spike!!!! I think that if they make that they could choose someone better
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
I've been hearing talk about the Bebop movie for *years* and nothing has come of it. I'm sort of glad because I'm sure a live action would be terrible but I'd be driven by curiosity to see it.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
MiHonoKo wrote:
... the anime Deathnote was BAISED off of the the liveaction....

Wait, what? Do you mean to say the anime was BASED on the live-action? If so, I hate to burst your bubble, but you are sourly mistaken. The anime ran from 2006-10-03 to 2007-06-27, and even before that, there was the manga, which started in 2004. The movies (all 3 of them) came out respectively on 2006-06-17, 2006-11-03 and 2008-02-09. So, while the first movie was there before the anime, it never was there before the manga. The anime, unlike the movies, follows the story of the manga in every possible way. the first movie does a good impression of the story, the second one ends completely different, and the third one would not even be possible if they had followed the original storyline, because SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET SEEN DEATHNOTE L dies halfway through, and is replaced by Mello and Near. So no, the anime was NOT BASED ONT THE LIVEACTION.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 2
As for as the live action Avitar goes; Avitar the Last Airbender is an AMERICAN MADE ANIME, and it was pritty good, also, the anime Deathnote was BAISED off of the the liveaction. So I think that those two shouldn't be considered when discussing an Inuyasha live action. I for one think that if there ever was going to be an Inuyasha live action it would be done in whatever country has the highest bid and be just the same. It would probibly be baised off of one of the movies that have already been made for Inuyasha.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
Breathing new life into this thread: suppose everything went superbly, and the movie was to be shot in Japan, made into a trilogy so that the story could be told properly, the director was somebody amazing who wanted to keep everything in line with the original story... who would you have play the leads? Especially Sesshoumaru. Without keeping ethnicity in mind, who do you think could wear those stripes and moon best and make it work? Or who would you like to see make an attempt?

Reason for this question is that the news reported yesterday that some magazine has done their '50 most sexy men alive' again, and somehow, Robbert Pattinson has made it to the top of said list. Now, I am going to formulate my opinion while trying to keep my language in check, but it will not be easy. I don't know how many Twitards have voted for him, but is must have been way to much, because really guys, if you look at the guy objectively without keeping Edward the Sparkly One in mind, is he really that hot? In my opinion, he looks a bit deformed, really, but I won't go into that. I realize that the books and the movies are popular, but for the love of God, vote for Jason (dunno his real name), he's at least got the face and the body.. But that could just be me.

So, ignoring the rant above, who you have play Sesshoumaru and the others, if you could chose from anyone, dead or alive, or how they looked like in the prime of their life? and don't even attempt to name Pattinson *spits out name*

Also, now that the movie is out, how did you enjoy the Avatar movie?
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Last Edit: 2010/08/20 08:57 By Mitsje.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
thank god i'm not the only one who thinks that edward guy is ugly. I mean seriously, take a freaking shower. Yick.

And my god I loved the guy who played Jason too! I even think thagt Jacob guy is really handsome in a boyish sort of way. But the Edward guy? ughhhhh - And sorry, but I dont know their IRL names, so I'm just using their characters names.

As for who would play Sesshomaru.... I hate to say it, because I dont personally like the guy too much, but Brad Pitt. I realize he's a little old for the part, as Sesshomaru is supposed to be like, what.... physically appearing to be late teens or early twenties? But he deffinately can pull off the bod (Achillies) and he can pull off that stoic man with subtle emotions (Meet Joe Black) plus, he's good looking, and has slightly effeminate features... well some of them anyways, he has a rather masculine jaw line. He's even light featured, which would make transitioning to gold eyes and silver hair look more appropriate than on say someone who has black hair and dark eyes originally.

I'm sure there are other better choices, but i just woke up and i can't think of any right now. curious as to what others think!
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 4
I would do the following actors for the following Inuyasha characters:

Michael Wincott (The main villain in the crow) or Johnny Depp as Naraku

Luke Goss (Prince Nuada in Hell Boy 2)or Jude Law as Sesshomaru

I think Heath Ledger would play a great Inuyasha, if only he were alive. Too Bad.

Taylor Lautner (Jacob in the twilight series) as Koga

Eva Green as Kagura

Catalina Sandino Moreno as Kagome

Bailee Madison as Rin

Deanna Russo as Kikyo

Jaden Smith as Shippo

I think I got them all listed if I missed someone important let me know.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
I so agree with the Naraku suggestions, the Run Suggestion, the Koga Suggestion, and Inuyasha!

I still think Brad Pitt would make a good Sesshomaru...

But seeing your reply made me think about Kagome, and I think that Nina Doprev would make a good physical Kagome... she just doesn't have the voice... hers is deep, husky, and kinda sultry rather than feminine and youthful
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 23
ah personally I don't think Brad Pitt would make a good Sesshoumaru. He might have when he was younger, but not now. But I doubt I'd see the movie if he was in it XD I don't really like him.

These characters would all be kind of hard to match realistically. My personal choice for Sesshoumaru would be Gaspard Ulliel, because I think he has a similar facial structure to Sesshoumaru. However, the problem I'd see with that is, when Gaspard speaks in English, his accent is very strong, and he sometimes mixes his words.

Kagome would be a hard one. I would say acting wise, I'd go with Selena Gomez, but she doesn't really look that much like Kagome. So I don't know who else I'd pick.

As for the other characters, I have no clue, I'll add them to it as soon as I think of some XD
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Beat Cop
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
PRVN wrote:
ah personally I don't think Brad Pitt would make a good Sesshoumaru. He might have when he was younger, but not now. But I doubt I'd see the movie if he was in it XD I don't really like him.

Actually, if you'd read my very first post in this thread you'd see thats almost exactly what I said too I said he's too old now for the role because sessho is supposed to be in his late teens early twenties or something like that AND that I dont like him personally... as an actor i think he's fine, but just dont like the guy and tend to avoid movies with him in it... although i'd see an inuyasha movie, none-the-less, just to appease my curiosity of to have b****ing rights about how WRONG it all is... Like the Dragonball movie... oh how I ranted about that...

I had to look up who this Gaspard character is, but I'd have to agree with you that he'd be an awesome Sesshomaru. Like you said, he has the same facial features, and DIMPLES! Can you guys imagine Sesshomaru with dimples when he smiles?! *swoon* hmmmm Maybe thats why he's so stern all the time... if he smiles people want to go "awwwwwwww" lol not exactly your killing perfection persona.
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
I do have to agree with some of you about 'live action movies' and it should be made in japan only. The live movie DBZ was terrible which I think was stupid and wished they would just leave it alone. Specially, the video games one too. To be truthful it's just better off in anime, instead of making into a live action movie.

I also heard a rumor of a live action movie of Voltron. If it true, then there no chance in hell I'm going to see it, no matter how good the movie trailer looks.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Live action anime movies...? 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29

Danielle Staub from Real Housewives of New Jersey! heheheheh
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