3. Offensive material is subjective. However, use common sense. Hate speech, offensive words intended to incite the reader to anger, or Author Notes attacking another author/artist is not allowed and will result in reprimand or profile deletion dependant on the offense.
These are Dokuga's rules on content posted on this site. I read them, like most authors did, when i went to post here to make sure i didn't post anything that would violate their TOS or rules.
No where in that rule, or any other i can find, did i see anything that certain topics are not allowed here, as long as you properly rate them. NO WHERE FOLKS! This leaves a big door open on what can be posted here. Including a great deal of stuff that many would and could find offensive.
Everyone in this world has a 'squick', ie something that offends or disgusts them, and they generally avoid stories in that topic and won't even bother to read them. But there are a subset of wieniers out there that seem to think that if they don't like the topic that they are special and it shouldn't be allowed to be posted. To get that accomplished they like to flame the authors about them or hide behind anon reviews or use a name that no one can track them down under. Their hopes in this campaign of terror? To ensure authors write nothing that they don't like and stuff they find offensive won't be posted on sites. For some of you this may sound stupid and you don't think it's happened... you're wrong. Both ff.net and mm.org have both had a problem with people doing that as well as reporting yaoi (m/m stuff) because it offends them not because they broke site rules in any way. They are, from my point of view as someone who has had to deal with these idjusts more than once since i started writing, like a 2 year old who only wants their way. They only seem to want what they want and care nothing about the rest of the people on a site so they will ensure, or try to, to get rid of what they don't 'approve' of. Sad thing that...
As most readers know, and many don't seem to care about because they can't be 'bothered', reviews mean a lot to many writers. For people that post on sites like Dokuga it's the only 'payment' you get for what you do. So people who want to practice this form of censorship, or the ones who use it to get even with an author for whatever reason, use those reviews to hammer an author or story in hopes that if they give enough bad reviews or flames that they will quit writing or get with 'their' program and write only what they want. Know what? People like that are sad individuals who's reviews mean squat in the scheme of things. They just don't get that part of the equation is all. Yes, you tend to upset the authors but more than that you tend to upset the
readers as well. And they will come after you more than an author will. Most authors out there, who have written for any length of time, know a flame or bad review for whatever reason when they see one and it doesn't bug them other than for them to roll their eyes and complain a bit. Nor is it going to make them stop writing what they want. Most write for the right reasons and do it for themselves and to tell a story no matter what a review or download count says. One idiot moronicus isn't going to bother them one little bit. So the effort is wasted. But, sadly, this class of people don't seem to get that point nor, probably, will they ever.
All this really boils down to one thing...
if you don't like a story don't read or if it offends you shut it. You have the right to that opinion but the author also has the right to write whatever the heck they want to. It's really that simple. Dokuga and other sites would be very boring if authors got afraid to post what they write for fear they are going to 'offend' some people and get flamed for it. Variety is a wonderful thing and we should be thankful for it. It would be kinda boring to open this site and only see the cute fluffy things on here, not stories that are darker or deal with some topics that are controverisal, dark or anything like that.
Now, on a personal note: LC, don't let the idiots bug you. See them for what they are and continue doing it like you are! Those 'people' aren't worth your effort. You did good, keep it up! I will publicly say that i have written a whole lot worse than you did and used topics a lot more offensive so don't let em get you down!
... ::: rant over ::: ...
Now, Possessed, Nobody and other mods feel free to whack me with a rolled up newspaper if i stepped over bounds.