I like it because I am a very shy person in reality outside the Internet and the anonymity of the Internet is a grateful person who helps me step by step to reach out to strangers and develop relationships with them. Of course anonymity is the biggest strength of the Internet and the terrible shortcoming.
We're connected to a lot of Internet users through a huge network, and we can interact with them at any time or cut them off if we feel uncomfortable. But the fact that we are able to interact with so many people does not only have the advantage of being able to expand. It also poses the risk of an unwanted war with a group of unidentified trolls who attack and slander us without justification.
I curse anonymity when people I like(I love this amazing community and its members

) are attacked by such trolls. They are monsters who try to pass on their own problems and feelings of inferiority to innocent people. Some people urge their(trolls) victims to think about the terrible past of the trolls and the anxiety they experienced at the time.
Yeah, obviously they are pitiful. It's bad for anyone to deny it. But unless we have contributed to their misery, why should we understand them and forgive them for the sins they have already committed? This applies to fan activities as well.
All fans have the right to cheer for what they like and post their creations and claims on the Internet space. It's a constructive action to make the same fan group happy and expand and develop the group. Sometimes there are trolls that attack certain fandoms and their people because they don't suit their personal taste. They are losers. They don't stop wasting time meaninglessly, despite living a limited time just like us....How stupid.
And a ship may be a happiness and life for a fandom member, but in essence, a ship is just a ship. As Avi said earlier, a ship isn't hurting anyone. Ships exist for a harmonious pair and their fandom. It doesn't hurt others. It is not the ship itself but some of the trolls of some ships that do that ridiculous thing. It's an evil deed that can cause severe damage to other members of the ship and to the ship itself. If the user thinks they are mature, the community should not be trawling even in communities where no trolling ban is specified.
The fandom of this ship is very small in my country. I know there are some people in my country who love this ship, but most of them just love it. That enabled me to find Dokuga. If my favorite ship was popular in Korea, I wouldn't have thought of finding a foreign community.
Every moment I visit this community, I get the sense of alienation that domestic fandom loved and listened to in love with a small ship and the fatigue that I get from dealing with other fandom trolls. In fact, I spend all my free time in this community during the day. All members of the community are kind and their fan creations are beautiful. When I can't remember the title of my favorite ship's fan fiction, no one could help me sooner than the members. Nothing makes me as happy these days as many fan creations in the community, seriously.
I want you to be as happy using Dokuga as I was. I loved the ship even when I didn't know it, but it made me love the ship even more. Now I am not only a ship addict but also a fan of all the members. Come and feel the sense of belonging and affection as a member at any time. <3<3<3