Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
I donated as well I don't have a banner yet
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
I'll will make you when I get home! It'll be available today. 
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 2
Weird, I used to have several of the donating banners, but they are all gone now.  Not sure if I did something to remove them tho...
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
I donated too...  I love Dokuga and everyone here.
If this website were to disappear I would lose my main hobby...
Which is reading here...
I will try to donate more frequently though... 
Kisses to all of you and Admins :*
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 2
I've no idea if I have a banner or not, wouldn't know where to look for it! I'm just pleased I could donate when you asked. 
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Posts: 287
Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
Sent a week or so ago  I've fallen out of the community over the years but Dokuga will always have a place in my heart.
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 12
I sent 5 bucks. Hopefully you have all you need with everyone's contributions.
-Kjinuyasha Look for my stories on the Spark... Im too lazy to move them. Lol!!! ^_^
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Done and done. Added, For Dokuga!!! FTW!!!
Yup, I\\\'m EVIL
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
Banners will be going up in the "About Me" section. You can move it somewhere else if you would like but the initial spot for everyone will be the "About Me" at the bottom. If you have not reached out via this thread or to Wiccan then you don't have a banner right now only because Paypal is weird but I'll work on the banners tonight!
 Thanks again everyone!
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Unless you've responded here on the forum, or to me or 'Gome Yuki via PM, and if you've already donated,
PLEASE SEND US YOUR USERNAMES so we can get your banners to you!! I don't want to miss a single person who would like one, 'k? You can't begin to imagine how grateful we all are for your donations, and the fact that you're helping keep our beloved site alive for another year!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi there, I did donate to the site, about 100$ but didn't get a banner 
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
The below people have reached out and now have a support banner in their "About Me". If you are not on this list then please reach out via PM or respond to this thread! Thank youuuuu~
Margaret Armstrong
Raven Nightshade
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
I would like to donate $5 US, but not sure how much that is Canadian, plus fees, so I will just give you the $11 I have left in my account. (Just for the next couple weeks, I am not stranded, just seldomly paid, lol, my hubby takes care of the food aspect since he works at the grocery store, so you arn't beggaring me, promise.) Just need to know where to donate. I never was able to before, but I can now, so I will now. Just need a link.
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Elehanna wrote:
I would like to donate $5 US, but not sure how much that is Canadian, plus fees, so I will just give you the $11 I have left in my account. (Just for the next couple weeks, I am not stranded, just seldomly paid, lol, my hubby takes care of the food aspect since he works at the grocery store, so you arn't beggaring me, promise.) Just need to know where to donate. I never was able to before, but I can now, so I will now. Just need a link.
Just go to www.paypal.com and click on "Send money to friends or family in the US" and enter nkrempa@comcast.net as the email to which you wish to send money. That is my personal PayPal account which has been used for Dokuga for years.
When you send money, you can enter a note for us, or come back to this thread on the forum and let us know that you've donated, and 'Gome Yuki will make you a pretty, shiny banner!! Thanks so much for your willingness to donate to the site!!!!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 6
Sorry it took me a while, but I did it!!! There were issues with my old account, so I made a new one. Hope it helps!!
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Elehanna wrote:
Sorry it took me a while, but I did it!!! There were issues with my old account, so I made a new one. Hope it helps!!
Sweetheart, every single contribution helps, no matter the size! Thank you SO MUCH for going to all that trouble to help us out... ROCK ON!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 84
I plan on donating the same amount as last year but I won't be able to do so until after the first of May.
I'm wondering; do we have or are we eligible for supporter badges?
Thanks everyone,this site and ff.net keep me off the nook. LOL.
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
I sent my contribution.
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Shrine Girl
Posts: 646
Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 50
I sent my share! Thanks for all of your hard work, dears! 
I claimed Midoriko`s Hair in the Claim Game!
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
I also donated, but it was under a different email than my Dokuga account. Thanks for all your hard work!!!
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 49
I can see a new shining addition to my profile page! Thank you! 
Last Edit: 2017/04/29 09:19 By @my.
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
You've given me many years of fanfiction...I'm reading right now, even. I've sent a donation, of course I want you to keep running. :3
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 38
Hello All,
This is the updated list of those that have donated and received banners. The banner can be located in the "About Me" of your profile at the bottom of the section. The ones in blue are the profiles most recently updated. If you have not reached out to myself via this thread, PM, or Wiccan then you do not have a banner at this time. Please reach out if you have donated and want the Support Banner 2017. An Example of the banner is at the bottom of this post:
Margaret Armstrong
Raven Nightshade
Fluffy Kitty
Marie Rivera
Molly Hooper Holmes
Zatarra Manetti
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
I didn't know we got banners - how nice!
I sent in $10 back when you first asked - I'm not active in the community, but I'm happy to support a site that I've come back to for so many years! Thanks for all of your hard work!
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Re:It's Fundraising Time Again! 7 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 84
Can you please post the PayPal addy again?
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