Thanks for the link to that info. It helped me out quite a bit! Of course, I still have a few questions. First, is how can a person actually announce a challenge and create a banner for it, etc.? Are there any specific rules/guidelines to go by?
Now I am not an artist, unless you call strange stick-like figures art.....

Hmmm.....perhaps if it was done in a nice creative way it could work, but I am not an artist. I have two talented artists at home (i.e., my grown children), but they want....and here's the awful, horrible thing....they want MONEY from me!!!! Can you believe that???!!!??? Money from their poor, old Mother......OK. I'm a bit of a ham I know, but if somebody could point me in the direction of someone who loves to draw banners, etc. for poor pathetic non-artists like me...did I mention poor....I would be grateful.
I do have a couple of ideas for some challenge stories and I need to see if those ideas have already been done. Of course I am on this site reading everyday and I haven't seen these particular themes yet.....of course I haven't read the over 3,000+ stories on this site either....there's just way too much creativity and not enough time to read!!!
I don't know if anybody else is interested in this info or not, but if you could just post some sort of general tab/link at the top of the home page I am sure that you would generate a lot of interest!
Again thanks for the response to my inquiry!