Hey guys! I've been away for personal reasons and sadly I feel like I've drifted.

not from sessh/kag bUT the community!
Part of it is that I've been drawing more than writing, though lmao it doesn't stop all my sessh/kag fic ideas XP I still got plenty of em!
But what I miss is the chat! And just talking! And reading new fics finding new authors!
Sooooo many new people have joined! And I hardly know if any of the authors I grew up chatting with remember me, I think about my fics a lot! I think about what I need to work on and what I want to bring to the table!
Do you know how old I am now? XD I joined the site when I was like 14-15, when I was still a young impressionable marble, now I'm a 20yr old dusty marble. Oooh boy I bet there is a whole crop of new 14/15yr olds! And that makes me feel so old >,>
And it makes me think I wonder where everyone I first met is? And I've been away so long it's like a first meeting all over again! Haha!
So I want to take a moment to say hello! And hopefully I can welcome new and old faces alike!
I'm supermangageek23, I use to go by manga. I've made mistakes here and there and made a loooooooot of embarssing post here
I mostly go by kimi now, or bunny.

I write mostly AU's and have a lot in store to bring you all!
Tell me about you! And how you're doing!
*Writing Via Mobile since my computer is broken. Sorry for any mistakes I missed, tiny screen ;0;//
If you ever wanna see me on other sits I'm on dA and tumblr!