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TOPIC: Twilight
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 1
I agree that the movie was didn't really begin to flow properly until they got to the scene where the family was playing baseball. That's when it began, for me, to feel like the book. The movie was overall quite good. The cast did do a wonderful job and I too thought the guy who plays Jasper played him like he had a stick shoved up his...well you get the idea. He was way to stiff. Everyone else was portrayed their characters very well and right on the mark. Go see it and please keep an open mind, you will enjoy it more that way.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 19
in the first book that was the way Jasper acted though! i loved the movie personally! "Is she even Italian?" "Her name is Bella!"
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Aurora Antheia Raine
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 24
Aside from the two obvious favorite characters from Twilight, Alice is my favorite. So I was glad to read they didn't ruin her part.

And I'd just like to say that in the book, it was semi-"I hate you; now I suddenly love you" too. So it probably wasn't just the movie, but the book probably made that transition smoother than the movie. xD
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 1
In Twilight Jasper could have rivaled Rosalie on the cold attitude. I think he was trying to avoid her as best as he could, because of the problems he still has with human blood.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
U know i never really thought it...

Although now that i do Sesshomaru definatly resembles Edward...hmm i do have to say though that Edward is WAY more open with his emotions..if Sess carried all of Edwards qualities it would be so OOC
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 1
Wow I'm already in love with Sess but if he had more of that "Edwardness" I'm sure I would rape him.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 31
inu_tiger_luver_393 wrote:
in the first book that was the way Jasper acted though! i loved the movie personally! "Is she even Italian?" "Her name is Bella!"

lmaof! I loved that part--what made it funnier was how serious and matter of factly he said it! xD
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 11
I didn't particularly love Jasper, but I think that was how he was in the first book. So I agree with you inu_tiger.

Alice was adorable! I loved her. The actress was perfect for the part.

And of course I have to agree with you on the Italian part. That was hilarious! Emmett's character is very... this century in the series, I think. He acts like any 21st century "teen" boy would. He's the best, haha. I like how Stephenie made his character.
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Kris Catastrophe
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
ya i know it was going very fast but damn it i waited a year and tree hours in the cold to see that movie and it was worth it! and yes i do think it goes with Kagome and Sesshomaru a lot and my favorite part was when billy was trying to be cool and the Spider Monkey part
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
the movie was alot better than i thought it would be thats for sure, i was just positive they would botch it but it was actually watchable. now dont get me wrong i really did love twilight i devoured the book in a less than 2 days but seeing everything on the screen made it seem a bit ridiculous and laughable. lol like the way they would growl and hiss at each other, like in the baseball scene when James, Victoria and Laurent showed up, i just cracked up it seemed so silly. The acting was ok i suppose, not Acedemy worth or anything but decent.

i agree with whoever said it was a bit choppy at first, it felt that way to me as well.

lol Jasper did look like SUPER stiff, Emmett was surprisingly hot, as was Jacob. the part that cracked me up was when Charlie was cleaning his gun and Bella said Edward was coming over to meet him lol his initial reaction is so something my dad would do!!
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Kris Catastrophe
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
that was one of my favorite parts but i love the sound tack the bands rock i was already in love with muse and paramore and now i am in love with Blue Foundation and the Black Ghosts but all in all i think they did a grate job in casting for the movie unlike what some people think that's your opinion so keep it i am not going to make you Chang it and now i can say that i have the same name as the chick who plays Bella and is 4 days older hahaha it rocks
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 19
I just got the soundtrack today from HotTopic and an awesome hoodie (dropped over fifty backs there!) i think i need to see the movie again at a decent hour for it to sink in properly for me.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 11
I saw it a second time, haha.

Actually, the second time you see the movie, it's a lot better. In my opinion at least. It seemed less rushed the second time, and it made more sense. Can almost guarantee it'll be better the second time.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 11
Btw, try to avoid spoilers if possible.

And if you do post a spoiler, please put a warning or something.

Don't want any angry Twilight fans burning anything down.

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Kris Catastrophe
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
i think i am goingt ogo see it this week for the second time because i think my brain would be more into it and not an ice cube buecause thay where right about one thing in Oregon it gets cold at night and well walking around at 3 am is not good if your lags have nothing on them god that sucked!
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 31
I agree with Destiny Tears, it should be seen a second time. My sister saw it two times and said the second time was better. Yeah, I think the actress who played Alice was perfect.

lol, Zyren. That part cracked me up too!
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Kris Catastrophe
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
it is kinda sad but i cant go see it tell 3 weeks from now it is stell full even on school days so i am going to give it some time and i did like the chik who played her but i like the guy who played emmet did i spell it right? well i tought he was hot
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Luna Tenshi
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4
Ok... first of let me begin by letting everyone know that i'm slow. real slow. I've had all 4 twilight books sitting in my house for months and i just got to reading them this week. (already finished all 4) Not a big surprise but i'm absolutly in LOVE. this is such a great series. Well because i have to search for more i come to find out that she was actually planning a 5th book named Midnight Sun. I'm sure everyone is say "No S%^&!" but like i stated i just got into this. anyway for those that don't know, it's actually suppose to be a retelling of the first book but from Edwards point of view. unfortunatley someone leaked a good portion of the book onto the web and she has now put the book on hold indefintely. there are sites out there like that are sendin her care packages. i'm not affiliated in any way with this site, but i think they have a good idea. if we would like to see this series continue i think it would be a good idea to send her a positive letter just letting her know how much we truly enjoy her work. see what they recommend we write here

i'll admit, i found the posted work of Midnight Sun (all 200+ pages), and let me tell you, if you thought you loved Edward before, you will be completely and utterly gaga once you read his point of view.
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spoiler warning. DO NOT READ IF NEW TO TWILIGHT 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
Hello, all.
First thing first, how I came unto the twilight world... I was forced to watch the movie with a friend after having extensive one sided (her doing the talking) conversations about the books. And well, the movie interested me... so I read the books. I read one book everyday, five days total if you count the day I came on to read Midnight Sun. I was blown away.
Now, as to the Edward vs. Sesshoumaru thing... Besides some superficial similarities, I think they are nothing a like, myself. Edward's reasoning for everything is nothing like what I imagine Sesshoumaru's reasonings are. Where Edward has love in his heart for for his family and soon Bella, so much so that he would leave her to keep her safe... well, I cannot even imagine Sesshoumaru admitting to loving anyone without changing drastically. (notice I use the word imagine a lot, because these are my own personal perceptions of him, and everyone is different)So to that I would say they are too different to compare. And yet, if I had to choose, it would be Edward.
Next, the casting. Robert Pattinson was the wrong choice for the role. (remember, this is all just my opinion) His voice was wrong, his face was wrong, he was too tall, and far too easy going. However, his acting skills were certainly on par. I thought he did a wonderful job as Edward considering how wrong he was for the role. After seeing the movie, I now have a fondness for Robert. Though his american voice did not suit Edward at all, he did try very hard. And he did manage to look like he waas constantly in pain around the girl.
Kristen Stewartt seems like she should have been the perfect actress for this role. Her hair was perfect, her face, her personality. And yet, her acting left me wanting. I thought she only did a mediocre job with her acting in the part. I was disappointed in her.
The Cullen family. Someone else mentioned that they were not beautiful enough and I have to agree, with the exception of Alice and Carlisle. Alice, as many mentioned, was perfect. Cute, sweet, crazy, the actress there pulled off her voice and her personality with, what looked, like ease. I fell instantly in love with Alice. Carlisle looked the part perfectly, I thought. He was certainly handsome enough and I thought he looked the perfect age, late twenties. He always seemed congenial and loving towards his family. I personally thought Carlisle dead on. (pun fully intended) Rosalie was ugly compared to what she should have been in my mind. Though her acting was wonderful. Emmet, again, looked wrong, but acted the part exactly right. Esme was not good-looking enough, and her acting was only so-so. Now, Jasper... I saw many of you did not like Jasper, but I loved him. He managed to look like he was constantly in pain, constantly fighting some inner battle. It was wonderful. I give full kudos the the actor who played Jasper.
The rest of the charas. Lets start with Charlie. I think the actor who played Charlie did a wonderful job, and that he, also, did not look the part. I thought Charlie would be... bigger. Heavy set. The girl who played Jessica was not what I imagined, and yet fit the role perfectly. I now see that actress in my ming when reading the books and it is an improvement to my imagination. Angela, Ben, Taylor and Mike I was utterly unimpressed with. They seemed wrong to me. Most of the Lapush characters checked out all right in my book, so lets move on to Jacob...
Ah, Jacob. The second-place best friend werewolf. Where to start? For one thing, Jacob's personality was dead on in the movie. perfect. Lovely. But I see a huge issue... Jocob is supposed to get huge in the following movies if they stay true to the book. And the Jacob who played in the first movie simply could not pull that off. No way, no how. The only thing I can think of is that, despite the actors perfection in the role currently, they should ahve picked a taller character who could have bulked up at the right time. Then again, I have also heard Jacob may be replaced, which is a difficult thing to deal with as a fan. I dont like characters switches. Disappointment either way. There is just no pleasing me on this issue.
Okay, thats it. I had my little rant. Thank you all for listening.

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Luna Tenshi
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
In regards to the actor that plays Jacob (Taylor Lautner). I think that he was great, for this movie. However as much as i like him i agree that it was going to be difficult to show his change in New Moon. However they have already announced that they will be replacing him with Steven Strait (he played Warren Peace in Sky High and he was also in the Covenant). I think it's a good choice. My only hope is that they use both actors. Start off with Taylor in the beginning and then end up with Steven. they look close enough and i'm sure with a little movie magic, that they can pull of the transformation. So lets see if the former vampire can become the werewolf.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
WEEEEE! I love twilight!!!!!!!!! I even liked the movie, though it was not as amazing as it could have been. hahaha but since we are on the topic of twilight I want to post a photomosaic that I did for it that took forever! I hope you all of you like it.

if you would like to see the full veiw here is the link:
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Twilight - Spoilers 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 34
Okay. I got to say. I originally thought that i would hate the books. I am an avid reader. I can usually finish a 500 page book in less than a day. I didn't want to read twilight, mostly because stories told in the first person usually suck (my opinion). Well, I promised that i would read the book before I saw the movie, and I did. So let me just say OMFG!!!!! I LOVED IT!!! I really, really liked the book. I don't know if anyone else felt this, but as I was reading I got a tight feeling in my chest at how darkly romantic it all was. I still have it when i read the book. I had it when I saw the movie too.

The books I fell so in love with that i bought them all in hardcover last week and finally got around to reading the last three. I'm upset about the leaker ruining the whole Midnight Sun thing for everyone. But hopefully, Stephenie Meyer will get over it and not punish everyone else for one stupid person's greed. Okay I have to be honest, about the fourth book; I really didn't like the part that was written from Jacob's point of view. At least not until after he first sees Nessie. That I liked the rest i had to read from Bella's point of view cuz it was so much better as far as I am concerned.

Okay, time for the movie. Yeah certain acting could have been better. But I honestly thought the movie was great. The characters all followed what i had in my head, even Edward/Robert. Let me just say HOTTIE ALERT!! But then again, I'm attracted to Robert types. It wasn't identical to the book, but nothing ever is (especially if you've read the Harry Potter books before you saw the movies) They had to make it easier viewing on screen. Still good in my opinion. I am so buying the movie when it comes out. Just to drool over Edward/Robert.

Fave parts from the movie, include, the shotgun (can't get funnier than that)
and the pepperspray. Just funny as hell. If I think of more I'll add them.
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Re:Twilight - Spoilers 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 5
The first time I went through the book I noticed it was in first person and I put it down. Some one kind of bugged me into reading it. Since then just about everything Ive read has been in first person. And all of the books I've read lately have been GREAT.
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 28
I just finished reading the first book today. I felt that the writing style improved drastically throughout the book. In the beginning, the pace was much too slow, and Meyers relied too much on dialogue to throw out crucial information.
I find Bella's character to be unbelievable and her sudden love for Forks, when she has hated it her whole life, too drastic of a character change. However, I could just be going pessimist on the book because I like to think practically and nothing about Twilight was practical. |D

A quote that about sums it up:
Bella: I love you.
Edward: I'd love to kill you. But I'll do my best not to.
Bella: Awwww! I love you.
Edward: I sneak into your house and watch you sleep at night.
Bella: OMG COULD YOU BE ANY CUTER? I love you.
Edward: I read your friends' minds so I can know what you tell them about me.
Bella: YOU'RE THE BEST!!! I love you.
Edward: I could eat you at any moment.
Bella: YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS!! I love you.
Edward: You'll do exactly what I say when I say it and you won't complain, bitch.
Bella: You betcha! I love you.
Edward: I'm going to mindfuck you so bad you'll be suicidal.
Bella: I can't wait! I love you.
Edward: I give up. You're a complete fucking moron.
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Luna Tenshi
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Re:Twilight 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
Ok, so not important i know but for anyone who is interested i now hear that they are thinking of recasting the role of Jacob not with Steven Strait from Sky High but with Miacheal Copon from Scorpion King 2. Whatever i can't wait till the next movie and either is good for me. RRRRRRRROOOOOOWWWWWWW.
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