I was wondering if anyone could help me out. A friend of mine has Crohn’s disease, and he’s with me half the week, every week. He’s on a very strict diet because of his Crohn’s, and other than looking up recipes for new ideas to cook meals, I was wondering if anyone knew of any snack foods I could also keep at my place when he is here.
A list of food he
cannot have:
Corn (this is at the top of the list for a reason, as it is a BIG no-no)
Wheat (this means no bread as well)
Some milk products—milk (though I can use it to cook with in small quantities) and ice cream
Only a small amount of fruit per day
Only a small amount of nuts per day
As you can see, it is difficult to find anything he can snack on in-between meals, but if anyone has, or knows someone who has Crohn’s, your input would be much appreciated

I have asked him what he can and likes to eat but… he hasn’t been as informative as I would like, or more to the point, even he has trouble finding things he can safely eat without any negative side effects. I've even searched online and...that also wasn't nearly as informative as I would like. Can anyone give me some advice?