Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
anyone know of anything OTC that can make the bites stop itching? Even though I'm a Pharmacy Tech, the Hydrocortisone I have doesn't seem to hold up longer then an hour and I'm dieing! They got me while sleeping, and the backs of my thighs are abotu to be ripped up by my claw like nails if i cant get anything to work soon.
any help, more homopathic, then Rx would be greatly loved. 
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 53
I've seen these things... They have like, a sharp point on one end, almost like a razor. And using that to carve small holes where they bit you works wonders... I mean, you get rid of the inflamed area, and you decorate yourself! Win!
But seriously, besides the smart !@# remark... No. Sorry. I've heard honey, but if that's true or not, or will just attract more... *shrug* :/
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Posts: 228
Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 72
I live next to a river and it rains a lot here so mosquitos are a constant battle for us here. I think I've tried everything under the sun to treat those pesky bites! Here's a few suggestions.
Vinegar- Any vinegar will work. Try soaking a cotton ball in vinegar and tape it to the bite. Leave it on for 15-20mins then let skin dry. Should relieve the itch and swelling for a while.
Baking Soda- Making a paste of this and applying to bite area will help relieve the swelling and itching. Wash off after it has dried. (This method is OK but not the best)
Alcohol- Rubbing alcohol works the best but any strong alcohol will work also. Even Listerine!
Aspirin- Making a paste of this works as a pain reliever and helps reduce itching and swelling.
Cold aloe vera- This works to relieve the itching and burning instantly but like cortizones doesn't last very long.
Probably the best thing I can recommend is taking Benadryl orally and using caladryl and cold packs. All of these things work but of course everyones different! 
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Try Benadryl anti itch cream.
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
i will try these. Honestly the ones on the back of my thigh have been rubbing against my clothing all day they are now the size of nickel/quarters. Sadly they do almost burn/itch.its just so weird. Mosquito's never did this to me as a kid, now it's like a week long bee sting. those arent even this bad.
I have looked online I'm certain is mosquito's too. I have 2 on the other leg and they are still rather small because some how they dont rub nearly as bad. they look normal, those one's that have rubbed : it's like the worst reaction ever. 
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 10
itch-x spray which can be found on amazon is what my allergist recommends. A mosquito bite is like a hive and this spray takes the itch out of a hive.
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 54
They do this to my mom as well. They didn't make welts until about 2 or 3 years ago and now every time she's bitten she gets this way. Alcohol helps. I keep a spray bottle of 91% with me in the summer. Gold bond lotion worked better for me on the itching than the cortisone creme. I hope you get better and the little vampires leave you alone.
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 58
Rubbing Alcohol, burns but works. Tea Tree Oil (it's a natural astringent, and anti-septic, as well as repels Mosquitos), Benadryl + Benadryl or hydrocortisone cream (I'm allergic to fleas and Mosquitos... Yay). Also, hemorrhoid cream. Covering bites located where clothes may rub with a bandage will help immensely with inflammation.
I like researching stuffs...
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 60
What I do (cause I heard it somewhere) is dip a metal spoon into a hot beverage (like coffee) for a few seconds, and place the back of the spoon on the mosquito bite. The burn is mild, nothing excruciating, nor does it leave second (or worse) degree burns, just a red mark, and the itching stops. So slight burn on a mosquito bite presto no more itching or lasting affects  Believe me, it works or has long lasting pain or whatever. Just a sting for not even five minutes and everything is better ^^ I would never recommend it otherwise.
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Re:Mosquito Bites 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 57
BelovedStranger wrote:
What I do (cause I heard it somewhere) is dip a metal spoon into a hot beverage (like coffee) for a few seconds, and place the back of the spoon on the mosquito bite. The burn is mild, nothing excruciating, nor does it leave second (or worse) degree burns, just a red mark, and the itching stops. So slight burn on a mosquito bite presto no more itching or lasting affects Believe me, it works or has long lasting pain or whatever. Just a sting for not even five minutes and everything is better ^^ I would never recommend it otherwise.
That's because heat applied to anything inflamed helps to reduce the inflammation and promote healing. It works on itchy-bites, and boils too. Dry heat applied like above works, as does wet heat applied to the inflamed skin using a damp cloth for up to five or six minutes.
You will need to continue, dependent on the severity of the inflammation, to apply the heat treatment until it subsides. Which could take a couple of days to a week, dependent on how fast your body reacts to such things.
Just a reminder, that if you apply wet heat using a cloth, do it once a day, and only when your skin is clean. Best done when you shower.
~ Pyre
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Mosquito Bites 8 Years ago
Karma: 57
Do becareful if you scratch around a mosquito bite, or a flea bite etc. You may infect and or inflame the skin, making the itch worse. You could also give yourself a bad rash and or excema, which makes you more itchy. Hydrocortisone cream, does work, but only over several days.
If that bite gets inflamed it'll turn into a boil. Don't lance it unless you're off to the hospital or the doctor.
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2017/03/14 01:16 By Pyre.
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Re:Mosquito Bites 7 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 7
I know how you feel!! I have a terrible reaction to the saliva that mosquitoes secrete to binder the clotting. I've had great success with peppermint oil (will help with the inflammation), melaleuca/tea tree oil (antistrigent) and just a hot spoon.
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