Hi again
I've got a quandary that's sorta been troubling me, and it's whether or not to stay as supermangageek23.
I've been supermangageek a really long time, even though I haven't been on dokuga long, I've been a geek since I've been on the internet, supermangageek was my handle for nearly everything (I mean everything, like even apps and stuff when I had an ipod later on orz;

And it's funny because when I first got a computer that was able to use the internet, the only sites I went to where sites like disney.com and barbie.com then later mangafox followed by hulu and youtube.
Now here I am doing a thousand different things from the time when I was in 8th grade.
But back to what I was saying, I've been supermangageek for a long time, but after some breakthroughs of sorts, I began to feel my username/handle was embarrassing, that it was kind of childish. That as a once upon a time, self proclaimed otaku, I now cringe at the thought.
But it's really hard to break from it! Because I'm extremely uncreative with coming up with new handles, plus my feelings on whether or not, I want friends on one site to know I use this other site or that other site. For the most part, I've been going my queenlupie or some variant with my mark of 23.
((my new dA, and my aff are the exceptions))
A part of me doesn't wanna let go and just wants to be the geek for my fanfic sites, but the other part of me wants to let go, to show I'm moving on a bit and growing up.
What are your thoughts?
One a side note, I've been looking for a site to pull all my other sites together, I was originally thinking of livejournal to do this, but lately feel more tempted to just make a weebly, so I can have full character profiles and stuff for my ocs.
Thoughts on this would be appreciated as well!