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Negative reviewers
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TOPIC: Negative reviewers
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Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
So I've recently just been dabbling in writing again, and a question has popped up many times for me. Why does a person leave a review that could be conceived as negative deep into the story, when they haven't reviewed once during the entire process?

I guess I'm more so talking about reviews that go something like this:
"Yea, I thought I'd give your small story a chance, but I just don't like it. I'm out."

Why do you need to tell me that?

Correct my grammar. That's fine.
Correct my spelling. I'm horrible at it anyway.

But you don't need to tell me your bailing on my story. I didn't even know you were reading it.

Do any other authors suffer this?

Also, how do ya'll jump back. I always feel a little down after reading something like that. It's hard for me to sit down at my computer and type out the next chapter for a small while lol. How do ya'll cope with the negative?
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Last Edit: 2015/01/08 15:42 By Mandy_26.
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 277
I'm sincerely hoping that this review didn't appear here on Dokuga. We have strict rules regarding reviewing on this site and, when a critical review does not include any constructive criticism, it is judged to be along the lines of a flame. We do not tolerate that here and need to be informed ASAP if anyone receives a review of that nature.

Let this serve as a further warning for those who may have skipped over our rules, we DO NOT allow flames on this site. Negative reviews without concrit will be deleted and the reviewer, if a member, will be alerted. Repeated negative reviews, whether done anonymously or not, will be grounds for bannination.

Also, authors should please keep in mind that they are NOT to respond to negative reviews. Alert a Site Admin to the review and we will handle it from there!

If you're wondering what constitutes a "negative review" in our eyes, please take a look at the following tutorial:

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 52
mandy wrote:

Also, how do ya'll jump back. I always feel a little down after reading something like that. It's hard for me to sit down at my computer and type out the next chapter for a small while lol. How do ya'll cope with the negative?

"So nice knowing you, don't let the door to my story hit your butt on the way out" is basically how I react to a negative review that doesn't offer any constructive criticism. Normally I just do my best to not let it get to me, sometimes I can even turn it into petty flattery in my mind "Hey, they cared enough to actually bother writing the review", let it roll off of me and continue on.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 49
Wow... I'm deeply sorry that this has been happening to you. I read one of the reviews in question, and I found myself becoming annoyed with what was said and HOW it was said to you.

I understand that everyone's entitled to their own opinion (since there are many that hide behind a mask of anonymity on the internet), but just as Miss Wiccan has already mentioned, there is a correct way to do things here on Dokuga... especially when it comes to critiques. (This is NOT a rant. If one's going to take responsibility for something, it'd better be done right.)

Reviews have such an emotional impact on authors that it's not even funny; they're a form of inspiration, motivation, and appreciation all in one. Writers don't necessarily NEED them, but it's nice to get notes on how one's stories are received. As an author that mainly contributes to this site with drabbles, I don't write them to "bother" readers with their short length, or to even get reviews... In actuality, I do so only as a personal challenge to myself to keep strict word count constraints. It's also a way to improve my writing ability. But to each his/her own, I suppose.

Furthermore, I understand that a lot of the "chapter" content of drabbles could be composed with dialogue, but because readers are distracted with the number of drabbles it takes for one conversation to happen, their sense of time in the plot is skewed. Keep in mind that the AUTHOR sets the pacing for the story's progress. Don't let those few impatient fellows hassle you to move things forward. And don't feel inclined to do so either. YOU are the only one in control of your story, okay?

Simply READING a piece of fiction is easy, but WRITING one isn't.

In any case, I share all of your sentiments in this particular situation. Everything you're feeling... I've been there once upon a time. But please don't let it frustrate you.

If you want, think about it like this: Why are you writing? Is it for yourself, things like reviews, or a combination of both? Does writing make you happy? (Consider your actual feelings here, not the recent negative stuff.)

If someone blatantly disrespects you by complaining about your hard work, then they're honestly not worth your time. Ignore them. One sour lemon shouldn't ruin your day. So, you can either take a step back from writing or push on forward.

I sincerely hope you prove those complainers wrong!


P.S. Don't ever let anyone trap you in a box. Let that creativity out. I'm sure others appreciate you, too.

P.P.S. Music helps. Taking time for other hobbies is also good. Relax, and don't dwell on the negativity.
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
Don't let it get to you, Mandy. I don't get why people act like that either. Constructive criticism is one thing, but comments like that are uncalled for.

Personally I have yet gotten a comment like that on my one story (thus far) but did have someone politely point out a spelling error or two along with grammar. Which I'm fine with; I try my best to have proper spelling when I write but make no guarantees on grammar. English was my worst class in high school (go figure with it being my native language) but that doesn't stop me from writing.

Write what you feel. Don't let the negativity trap you. Can't please everybody anyway, don't even try. Do what YOU want. They don't like it, then it's their problem. NOT yours.

*putters away to go read*
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"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." - George Carlin
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
Thanks for the new perspective! Your thoughts definitely helped me take a different angle and feel less chapped. I appreciate it.
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Kagome Yuki Niwa
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 38
I have never received a review where the reader stated they were bailing on my story; I'd probably laugh, not gonna lie. In fact, I have never heard of anyone doing that in the first place. When I first started out I did get an ugly review or two but let me tell you a thing, chica, ain't no one gonna get you down but you.


I'm a reviewbunny. I like getting reviews. Who doesn't? BUT it's like this - if someone random person doesn't like your hair but YOU like your hair, are you going to let it get you down? Probably not. Because it's YOUR hair and YOU like it AND you don't even know them so what does their opinion matter?

The same thing works with writing.

I like my story. Just because someone here or there doesn't like it then am I going to change it? Nope. Because their disagreeable opinion means nothing to me annnnd haters gonna hate. Nothing can stop that.

Also, how do ya'll jump back. I always feel a little down after reading something like that. It's hard for me to sit down at my computer and type out the next chapter for a small while lol. How do ya'll cope with the negative?

You don't need to try and come back from someone's opinion because it's an OPINION. Not a fact. Seriously. I'm a coldfish though so not much really bothers me an it may not work the same way for you. When you get those reviews you just have to sit back and say, "Thousands of people across the world hate One Direction but they still make music. Is this person or are these people going to deter me from what I like to do for even a second? Because if I stop writing for even a day or two, there will be people who LOVE my work who are disappointed and do I really want disappoint them?"

Which is worse, letting the flames bother you, or letting your followers down?

You have to ask yourself the hard questions.

Only you know if typing up that next chapter is worth potentially getting a nasty review.

Never let others deter you from what you love. Not even for a second. You read that ugly review, take what you want from it but then shrug your shoulders, have a Snickers Ice Cream Bar, and you go and write your stuff!
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 59
Mandy, don't let it get you down. Some people write reviews purely from the perspective as a reader. They don't understand the heart and soul that you put into the writing, nor the nervousness and fear of awaiting readers' reactions. Some people have absolutely no tact or, as one person has stated, uses the anonymity of the internet to act like an a$$.

However, I do have to caution, unfortunately and no matter how much it is discouraged, putting ourselves out there in such a way does leave an artist open to negativity. I am in no way claiming that it is acceptable, but it happens . . . and more often on other, less regulated sites. As an artist and photographer myself, I have dealt with this quite often. In fact, when I submit photos for gallery peer reviews, I actually knowingly subject myself to some harsh criticism, lol! A bit of a thick skin is needed and the knowledge that there are 7+ billion individuals out there, each with their own likes/dislikes/preferences. That makes for a hard time to please everyone and you can't. The best you can do is DO the best you can do and know that the majority of the people out there reading your stories are silently (or hopefully not, via reviews) cheering you on.

Everyone has to start somewhere; most from the beginning. Artists grow in their talents just like anything else. So let's assume that, to them, perhaps your work isn't Pulitzer prize worthy, but you never intended it to be. You intended it to be a way to share your love for a fandom with the many others of us here that also share that love . . . and guess what? WE LOVE YOU FOR IT! Don't lose sight of that and don't lose heart!
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Time Traveler
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 57
Take it worth a grain of salt. You'll get positive and negative reviews regardless of what you write. We have critics for everything from newspaper articles to academic papers.

Only pay attention to the reviews that highlight an issue and take the time to explain that issue with supporting evidence if appropriate.

That way at least you know what was wrong and why.

I know it can be disheartening.

But you'll need to develop a thicker skin.

Reviewers have the freedom to review and write what they want.

You need to decide as an author and a reader what's relevant to you in a review and what isn't.

If you get negative feedback and take it to heart than you are your own worst enemy. The same is true of positive feedback. You could be having your ego stroked, but there could be serious problems with your writing that you've constantly overlooked.

You will stagnate either way.

If its bad feedback and you take it to heart. You probably won't want to write anymore. You stop writing. You don't get any practice. You don't get any better.

The person who wrote the negative review also doesn't get a chance for you to prove them wrong.

If you get only positive feedback. You might not see the errors in your writing. You might become overconfident. You might not seek to improve your base skills by re-reading your old stuff for example and seeing the mistakes.

You miss out on potentially writing some amazing future stuff OR you just write the same stuff all the time.

I've suffered as a writer on both counts.

I used to take negative reviews to heart. So I stopped writing for several years because I mistakenly thought that everything I wrote was trash. I didn't figure out that I could write until a decade later when I gingerly started posting new stuff on Dokuga.

My writing has improved since too.

I've also gotten over-confident on occassion by letting my ego get the better of me. Inundated with positive reviews I lost track of what it meant to be a writer. I churned out stories that I would later go back and re-read. I was often left cringing after the first sentence or two.

My point is writing like anything is an art-form.

You only get better with practice, but only you can persevere, by continuing to write. You will get bad feedback. You'll get good feedback. You'll also not get any feedback at all and think you're a terrible writer because it appears as if no one is reading your stuff.

Set the anxiety aside and write.

Just write.

It's really that simple.

~ Pyre
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Last Edit: 2015/01/08 17:40 By Pyre.
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Time Traveler
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
I think the reason why readers criticise and/or bail out on a story further into it has mainly to do with the direction of the plot and/or character development. The story just takes a turn which the reader disagrees with, or it fails to live up to the expectations the reader had at its promising start. Or at least that is my experience. ^^;

I managed to upset a reader with a plot twist badly enough that s/he told me in a review that s/he's never reading any story of mine again. Their loss. *shrugs*

At the end of the day, your story can't please everyone, and neither should it. The only person your story should be pleasing, is YOU.
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Last Edit: 2015/01/08 18:48 By Chie.
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 109
Chie wrote:
At the end of the day, your story can't please everyone, and neither should it. The only person your story should be pleasing, is YOU.

I agree with that. Sometimes you'll get reviews that aren't exactly helpful or friendly. I just take them as a grain of salt. If they care enough to leave a review, well they could have stopped reading anytime and I would have had no problem. I once had a reviewer on accuse me of writing a story based off Twilight and I laughed at it after I read it a few times. It showed that person didn't even bother to read my story and so, I didn't care.

As for your person. A friend of mine had this kind of thing happen to her and she just asked the reviewer to stop reading if she really did have a problem. She told her "I don't care if you don't like the story and stop reading. That's fine. Thanks for letting me know."

I hope that makes you feel better. P.S. Your story is quite interesting by the way! I'm always checking the home page for updates to it.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 60
People can be so cruel sometimes. A strangers opinion shouldn’t matter, but when they disrespect something you literally put your heart and soul into, it’s gonna hurt. Though there is no physical wound, you bleed inside. I know there have been several members who have already posted encouraging feedback, but I feel the need to add my support, because sometimes we need a ‘pick me up’ to get us back on our feet. So hopefully we will be the ointment and Band-Aid to that wound this rude person has given you.

It’s alright to get upset, to break down and cry when someone has been so cruel, because letting the negativity fester inside you without some kind of release will only cripple your drive to continue with your story. Shout, get angry even, but afterwards, when the emotional storm has run its course, stiffen your spine, throw your shoulders back, and continue doing what you love.

Take it from me. Without sounding conceited, I’ve won several Awards on Dokuga, but even I have gotten some negative feedback. For a while, when it happened, I would get pretty upset. It made me wonder why I bothered posting my labors of love if I must suffer hate mail. When I say ‘hate mail’, that obviously means it was not even remotely close to constructive criticism. What kept me going was myself. I loved the story too much and I wasn’t about to let some bully run me off and leave my story high and dry. Plus, I also know I have many fans, so that was an encouraging incentive to continue.

Now? If I get such reviews, I laugh and snicker, cause truthfully, some reviewers review the silliest things, such as obviously lacking in comprehension skills and not paying attention to the plot. Doesn’t faze me anymore. After writing and posting on Dokuga for over two years, I have developed a thicker ‘skin’, so I don’t get upset so easily anymore. Plus, if reviewers get too unruly, I make a special Author’s Note for them. And, the moderators here (like my hero Wiccan) are awesome and will pulverize these people like the bugs they are.

So you’re not alone. Some strangers are cruel, while others are beloved strangers.Take heart in that. We authors (meaning you, too) are a big contributing factor that makes Dokuga the amazing site it is. So keep writing!

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Re:Negative reviewers 9 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 78
We all know there are bullies out there. People who feel the need to inflict emotional pain on others. I have to admit to curiosity about their motives. Just as I feel the need to know why the sky is blue, I want to know why people would choose to do something that could not have any positive impact, to anyone, much less themselves. If you take time to think about it, there is only one possible reason. The soul of the perpetrator is emotionally damaged, stunted and twisted. One can only suppose that bullies, and trolls and the like were raised by a cruel and judgmental parental figure. Many people have the strength to turn away from the pain and anger of such an upbringing. Trolls and bullies, don't. Smile, and be glad you are not them.
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