I'm so sorry!!!!!!!
Between monitoring the site and running my business, I never seem to get around to updating this!
Here's the TERRIFIC news:
Thanks to our generous members, we now have $4,109.00 in our PayPal account!!!!!!!!!
For those wondering, that's enough to fund the site the next 17 months!
YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT... we have a balance that will carry us through for over a YEAR!
So, my heartfelt thanks go out to each and every one of you who have generously donated to keep us afloat. Of course, donations are gratefully accepted at ANY time, so don't be shy if you find yourself with a couple extra dollars to spare, okay?
CONGRATULATIONS, DOKUGIANS, you kept us up and running!
(and apologies for all the caps, but this is some pretty exciting stuff, amirite?)
