Sugar-chan gave me permission to host the GMDDNs since she is unable to at the moment. The same rules apply as before, which I will be posting below. For those who don't know what a GMDDN is, it is a drabble/drawble night only for members who are 18 years or older.
*Date and time-August 23rd starting at 10pm EST. I know it is usually every other month, but want to get in as many before my due date as possible just in case I am unable to host them for a little bit

*Location-special chat room that will be set up only a few minutes before the GMDDN is scheduled to start. The room does not remain open when empty as it did with the last chat program. The GMDDN will only take place in the special password protected room so make sure you do not post anything that is not rated T in the common room of chat.
*Password-if you are over 18 you can get the password from one of the mods; currently Sugar0o, WiccanMethuselah and Creature of Shadow have been sent the password. If you are under 18, you are not allowed to join in, however, we do have a regular DDN usually on the first Saturday of every month. The password will remain the same as before unless we have problems so if you already have the password, no need to get it again

. I can give you the password if you are unable to get a hold of one of the admins, but only if I can find proof of your age.
*Word count-200-300 words per drabble. Don't have to be an exact number, just have to have at least 200 words per drabble to give you more to work with.
*Rating-any rating can be posted during the GMDDN instead of the usual rated T; just be sure to warn readers if there is anything that might offend others such as rape, incest or that might be considered vulgar.
*Rating 2-your entries do not actually have to be rated MA. If you would like to use the prompts for your rated M or under story that is fine as well, just make sure you rate appropriately.
*Site rules-all site rules must be followed while in the chat room as well. This includes the drabbles needing to be SK related. One or the other, or both, need to be the focus.
*Drawble-if you happen to be drawbling, make sure to post your fanart as containing adult content if the image is not safe for all ages.
*Time limit-40 minutes will be given for each prompt to allow more time for drawers to complete their work. May be changed as needed.
*Prompts and theme-there will be between 5-10 prompts, depending on how fast we go through them, that go with a theme of the night. Feel free to try and guess the theme by sending me a message in chat. Do not post it in the actual chat room as you may spoil it for others. You do not have to complete every prompt to get credit for the GMDDN; you simply need to do at least one prompt.
*Save-remember to save your own drabbles as it will not be possible for me to keep track of all of them.
*Banner-there will be a banner posted after the GMDDN is over; it will have the theme on it so it can not be posted during. You can collect the banner as long as you have completed at least one prompt within 24 hours of the GMDDN.
*Completed-Once you have completed the GMDDN, you may feel free to post a link to your story on this thread so those that we not able to read it during the GMDDN can find it later. Just remember to rate accordingly.
*Questions?-feel free to leave a message on this thread or send me a pm.
Prompt 1: Gift
Prompt 2: Invitation
Prompt 3: Door prize
Prompt 4: Gift bingo
Prompt 5: Themed
Prompt 6: Clothes pin
Prompt 7: Celebration
Prompt 8: Favors
Prompt 9: Finger food
Prompt 10: Gender Reveal