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Plagiarized Story
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 9
I actually know several authors, one of them being a close friend, chose to take down all but the FIRST chapters of your fanfictions, for solid proofs. So that's one advice you can consider.

That might bring some unhappiness from your readers, but you can add to these first chapters with an note, and as well as your profile.

Hope this helps some.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
She's decided to upload a story (will be rated MA per the summary) ....

When life hands you lemons you make lemonade and when people take your kindness for grated shame on them. I have been accused, abused, mistreated, and falsely represented, if you have hear rumors about me being a plagiarizer, well you were gravely misinformed.

Many people say the best revenge you can have on someone is to kick their butt, WRONG the best revenge you can have on someone is to PROVE THEM WRONG! I guess I have a lot of proving to do since people want to put labels on me and categorize me in a place where I do not belong.

The power of life and death is in the tongue so be careful what you say to people and be careful how you treat people because you never know ten years or so down the road you made need that very same person you just disrespected to help get to where your going even though many of you probably do not believe it, but everyone needs somebody to lend on.

-from her profile

And to issue threats:
They said I would come to regret messing with the hornets nest well the hornets nest will come to regret messing with me. God said he'll make your enemies your foot stool. This is just a minor setback and a stepping stone to my greatest achievements.
-PM she sent to Warty Hogg

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
I hope that everyone who has been a victim of this twit reads her "new" story to see if they recognize it. I've gone through snippets and can't find anything yet, but if we get more eyes on it, it's likely that someone will recognize it. In spots, the writing is far to good to be hers, given her poorly worded, punctuated, garbled screeds, so I'm betting that this is another hack job (cut parts of another fic and pasted), or it's lifted from another fandom.

Everyone, click on the link in Rogue's post and check it!!

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
Still no word on "Thrill of the Hunt", which I am convinced she reported for "lyrics". I haven't posted anything more on that site, nor do I wish to. I cannot believe she still thinks she is a victim. Such a pathetic attempt when people have provided plenty of evidence against her.

I hope they can get her pulled again because I am willing to bet she spent time revising the story she published recently in order to keep it off the radar (scratch that...she is under a microscope and knows it. wouldn't put it past her). This girl doesn't understand boundaries, nor does she have respect for stories posted by the authors themselves. I do not feel sorry for her... she is no victim. The people dealing with her are the victims. Good riddance. It is one thing to use an idea... ex: Sesshomaru is a Doctor... many people have used that, but it is all about making it your own. Taking someones work and paraphrasing the crap out of it is still plagiarism. I don't care how many hours that idiot spent to disguise it!

What I am afraid of is she will continue. She doesn't seem to want to ease up. She is out for blood because her previous account was deleted. I am glad I blocked her from sending me messages because I could only imagine where those PM's would have gone. They would most likely have been something along the lines of "Cyber bullying". There was no name calling, just civil adults coming to her to discuss her actions. Of course asking 'why' is "childish" and "petty" and we are NOT in our right to ask a simple question or 'why are these so similar?'. She is guilty. Her negative responses have proved that time and time again.

Ugh, this lady drives me nuts...sorry...rant over. haha
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
As I point out in our tutorial on plagiarism, there is a huge difference between "shared cliche" and outright using other people's words. Cutting and pasting scenes, paragraphs, sentences or whole chapters is plagiarism. Cutting and paraphrasing bits of other people's stories is plagiarism. This twit has confused shared cliche with plagiarism (probably willfully so) and refuses to accept responsibility for her actions.

Definitely the sign of an immature individual.

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 54
Read it, don't recognize it myself, but I don't read much.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 171
I read it and I don't recognize it, but then I don't really read stories where it revolves around a OC. Still, I have to agree with Wiccan. I remember the ones that were supposed to be her stories before she was banned and the writing was very bad. The grammar, the punctuation, the spelling, and word usage was hard on the eyes. This new story is too well written, but even then I can still see some of those issues.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
Besides the theme being vastly used, the whole of the story seems vaguely familiar though I can't quite place it. All the close together text and speech sorta of bothered me so I couldn't go past chapter two.

I could be really wrong or off base, but the conversation with Naraku in the second chapter, really reminds me of something I've seen before
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 57
supermangageek23 wrote:
Besides the theme being vastly used, the whole of the story seems vaguely familiar though I can't quite place it. All the close together text and speech sorta of bothered me so I couldn't go past chapter two.

I could be really wrong or off base, but the conversation with Naraku in the second chapter, really reminds me of something I've seen before

Yeah me too. I think I do recall reading a ficlet where Kagome goes into a hospital, and Naraku was a surgeon or a doctor, I can't remember which. He was in it though. Could be coincidental, but I don't know for certain.

~ Pyre
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
Please be aware that the twit found her way here and created an account. It has now been deleted... plagiarists are not welcome here as we all know only too well.

I will put in a request for Mith to block her IP address, but until that happens, I will monitor for it on a regular basis.


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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 24
Mh.... She's probably taking small fragments rather than whole sentences this time. The writing varies too much to have been written by her; either she has a perfect wording on a phrase or she misspells words, and it seems really weird to go from no mistake to not making sure of correct tenses/words or not even adding commas. I did try, however, to search for some sentences and then some words but couldn't find a 100% match (though I'm too tired to keep reading and choosing parts to search), so I encourage anyone to do it if they're suspicious too.

On another note, it was a matter of time before she ended up here on Dokuga. Hope you guys can keep her out.
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Last Edit: 2014/06/18 22:10 By Fye.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 47
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
Please be aware that the twit found her way here and created an account. It has now been deleted... plagiarists are not welcome here as we all know only too well.

I will put in a request for Mith to block her IP address, but until that happens, I will monitor for it on a regular basis.



And now she's commenting about Dokuga on her profile.

"I have nointentions of posting anything on dokuga or whatever ut is because they only hsve sess and kagome pairings, originally was going to change OC to kagome but decided to stick to here.

I like writing OC fanfiction, for you can add yourself to it. I pray that there us a way to remove oneself from dokuga for I regret ever cresting an account there."

Well, her prayers have been answered in this small part, as I'm sure she must know. Most likely she's been trolling this thread. This is going beyond just being an unrepentant plagiarist. This person has some serious mental issues and needs to get therapy.
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Last Edit: 2014/06/18 22:13 By CritterWhisperer.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
Hopefully she IS trolling this thread... because if she is so foolish as to create any further accounts on this site, I will lodge a complaint to her ISP. With any luck, though, Mith will come through and block her IP so that she can never access our site again, which I think would be the best of all worlds.

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 24
Never mind, found it: Kiss for Revenge. Silly me, should have looked for the name she posted on the first chapter of what she used as concept; found at least a few lines that match.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
Fye wrote:
Never mind, found it: Kiss for Revenge. Silly me, should have looked for the name she posted on the first chapter of what she used as concept; found at least a few lines that match.

GREAT CATCH, Fye!! That link has been passed along to Rogue. Hopefully the original author will also file a DMCA with and sweetums will get herself booted from there again!


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Last Edit: 2014/06/18 22:51 By wiccanmethuselah.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 32
Fye, you brilliant genius! (: I'm on my way to report her now! I can't believe she is still not taking the hint. Does she not know that we are master plagiarist detectives? (;

Now that we know the story, we can work on getting it down and getting her banned once again. Has anyone contacted the Author?

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
The author, sad to say, is a 14 year old... but I think Rogue will probably be contacting her anyway to see if she will submit a DMCA report to Like I said, if she does, that should be the end of this 'person' on that site.

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
I reported on "HER" story "Revenge's Kiss".
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
CritterWhisperer wrote:
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
Please be aware that the twit found her way here and created an account. It has now been deleted... plagiarists are not welcome here as we all know only too well.

I will put in a request for Mith to block her IP address, but until that happens, I will monitor for it on a regular basis.



And now she's commenting about Dokuga on her profile.

"I have nointentions of posting anything on dokuga or whatever ut is because they only hsve sess and kagome pairings, originally was going to change OC to kagome but decided to stick to here.

I like writing OC fanfiction, for you can add yourself to it. I pray that there us a way to remove oneself from dokuga for I regret ever cresting an account there."

Well, her prayers have been answered in this small part, as I'm sure she must know. Most likely she's been trolling this thread. This is going beyond just being an unrepentant plagiarist. This person has some serious mental issues and needs to get therapy.

*ding ding ding* AMEN! I figured she had some mental issues from the first crazy PM I got back after asking a simple question and recieving a absolutely mental response! haha
I can belive she should creep here and create an account. My goodnes.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
The author, sad to say, is a 14 year old... but I think Rogue will probably be contacting her anyway to see if she will submit a DMCA report to Like I said, if she does, that should be the end of this 'person' on that site.


You think correctly (Just got online and have updated the TAPIR thread)

Linking to this thread and to the template, so hopefully will be resolved soon.
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
Also I just reported it! Good catch!! Well, she doesn't really have much of an imagination with tiles now does she. She really likes to use the same titles just switched around. I DON'T GET IT!!
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\"There\'s a time and place for everything, and I believe it is called fan fiction.\"
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
Hm. Her new AN:

It's a game that you download unto your cell phone, I hope many of you will play it, its extremely fun. I've been playing for a little close to a year or two now.

Some of the first few chapters probably up until chapter four or five will be from Voltage game kiss of revenge, I do apologize for that, but as a reminder I own nothing up until I pass chapter 5.

Also the Kiss For Revenge ~Carlos PenaVega is not the original creator of this story for you ignorant people attempting to report me, voltage Inc is because it's a game for your phone as I stated above.

If same people are harassing me I will be filing a police report because this ridiculous. I am glad I got some good informers who keep me posted thank you. I just learned about Carlos PensVega today, thanks to dokuga

Since many of you probably wont believe me here's two links to the games information.



When it's known she's trolling the thread, not "being informed"....

Also, Horus found some more matches.

Edit to add screen of admission to posting content that doesn't belong to her:
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Last Edit: 2014/06/19 00:39 By RogueMudblood.

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
Yes, she is most definitely trolling the thread. The "1 guest" that you all see at the top under "viewing" is her. Since her account was deleted, she's entered this site no less than 75 times now. Too bad her "informants" aren't going to help her out of this one, since what she's doing is actually worse than plagiarism, unless I miss my guess.

But, yeah, the "police" will be ever so interested in whatever she cares to report about her own thievery, right?

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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
Did she make another account yet? Goodness, a shiny trait of a thief-no giving up, eh?
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Re:Plagiarized Story 10 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
does anyone know her profile name? i got a message from MissKatt18 about her, but i accidentally deleted the message.
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