will you shorten the time for demon pregnancies?
because sesshomaru is the clan leader will she have his pup first then inuyasha?
follow up if she has a girl first with sesshomaru will she have to keep producing until she has a male then have one with inuyasha?
are we gooing to find out what happened with rin now that we already know about shippo and kogua?
how much time will breeders get between having each pup?
if this goes the way you say with sesshomaru she will have full demon pups will they have miko properties and will inuyashas be half demons with miko properties or will her miko abalities make it so she can produce full blood for both males?
will the breeding process be some kind of cermony?
is the clan mark permenant?
Those are all the questions i have for now.
p.s. youre doing great keep liking the story so far
p.p.s. i would like to hear a bit about kagomes struggles and coping when it comes to the actual breeding part
Jennn (Chapter 5) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Omg I'm so sad the updates are going to take a long time just as it started getting good!! Amazing plot I am so excited to read more!! Update soon if you can (:
Marie (Chapter 5) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Good chapter. I appreciate all the.information. look forward to the next.update
Deana (Chapter 5) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Awesome story! Can't wait for next update to see what's going on with Sessshoumaru.
Susy V (Chapter 5) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Oh! She saw Shippo! That's awesome. But you did intrigue me with that ookami. Is he going to be a threat to the silver inu clan since she didn't pick them? And I'm sorry, I know the title says it all, but I really feel queasy about Yasha and Kagome. She took it well, too well in fact. Will she burst into one of her big fits while in the palace? And I want to see more interaction between Sessho and Kagome! Please? >.< oh! And is the breeding going to be some high tech thing or are they going to do it the old fashioned way? Can't wIt to see where you take this!
Debra (Chapter 5) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Love that she got to meet Shippo first. I can't wait for the next chapter. I wonder how long it will be before she is carrying on of their heirs.
No Uta (Chapter 5) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Holy cow! This moved along rapidly. I like how you through Shippo into the mix. I was wondering if you'd do so, based off of the description given of the clans that were interested in Kagome as their breeder. So... it has been decided, she is the silver Inu clan's breeder. How in the hell will this work out I wonder? Considering Kagome's past with Inuyasha and all. I did catch that Kagome referenced Inuyasha as her 'best friend'. Hmmmm...where will you take it from here? This can go so many different ways. Will she breed with both brothers or will she only do so with Sesshomaru? I'm looking forward to your next update.
No Uta (Chapter 4) - Mon 31 Aug 2015
Oh...sh*t... Kagome will be possibly breeding with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha??? HELL YEAYUS!
Whoa.that.moved really fast, pace yourself there is so much more you can add to fill in our Sess and Inu. Eye shifts, shuffles, drama for angst... Otherwise loved it... Just relax and follow the characters so we see more of them through you
Mona (Chapter 5) - Sun 30 Aug 2015
GREAT!!! Please update soon.
Next chap please
I'm getting excited. Look forward to more chapters.
Kimmy (Chapter 5) - Sun 30 Aug 2015
Just read the story from the beginning and I love it. Can't wait for the next update. Please do soon.
so this going to be a InuKagSess? fascinating! well the story now is more interesting, I can't wait for the next chapter.
Can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for the update.
This is really interesting. Not sure if i missed something but I don't understand why getting a child is so rare by if all they need is a sperm, egg, and a uterus. Are the children fixed when they are born? What about those who doesn't want to be fixed? Since kagome comes from a time where one partner is the norm, wouldn't she feel wronged to have multiple partners? how does she feel about being involve with stranger and being a baby making machine? I can see that she probably won't back out of the deal for the sake of her family but perhaps there's some loophole.
Koree (Chapter 4) - Tue 25 Aug 2015
Woooow talk about popular lol
Did you base this story a bit off of the handmaids tale?
This story, have you posted it before maybe? The title and a lot of key elements remind me of another story posted years ago that is uncannily similar
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