Loved it. Can't wait for the next chapter. I hope it won't be long.
I have really enjoyed this story.
You have portrayed a hard storyline with grace, elegance and dignity.
I am grateful for the opportunity to indulge in the world you have created that is unhindered by mediocrity.
I have the greatest hope you pursue writing more stories.
Thank. You
Sonja Hand.
Deana (Chapter 19) - Tue 25 Oct 2016
Good chapter! I was hoping that you would continue this story. Please update soon.
Leaora (Chapter 19) - Tue 25 Oct 2016
Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Is it Inuyasha? So me other well known character? Will Kagome get the chance to show those youkai that she is more than a pretty faced breeder? I will stay tuned to find out......!
I waited... so long... for an update..... i need more!! Great chapter!
Ooo good chapter! Looking forward to the next update!
candy (Chapter 19) - Tue 25 Oct 2016
Oh wow I can't wait to find out who coming to them. And Inuyasha is big jerk. Update soon please.
Extremely happy with the turnout of events.
I wonder though, who is Inuyasha going to mate. But i wonder even more how his mate will react to his infertile state.
Koree (Chapter 18) - Wed 21 Sep 2016
Awww twins ! I hope i get twins my first pregnancy lol
Ashatan (Chapter 18) - Mon 12 Sep 2016
Oh my!
Alot has happened. Poor Inuyasha. Unable to father pups, and then he turns on Kagome because she got pupped by Seshoumaru again!
Poor Kags, she felt like Seshoumaru was in love with another. I'm so happy they confessed before she left!
I wonder if Inuyasha will be making an appearance at the ball? Or if he plans on making life hell for them, once he finds out she is becoming his Mate!
I can hardly wait to see what happens next!
Talise (Chapter 18) - Sun 11 Sep 2016
I was freaking out!! Last chapter had me screaming. I kept yelling at my phone for Kagome to tell Sesshomaru why she felt she needed to leave him. So glad that got resolved. My question is why is Inuyasha starting another pack if he can't reproduce?
You have my undivided attention. Im enjoying this story, can't wait for the next chapter.
Toni (Chapter 18) - Thu 08 Sep 2016
Love this story. Looking forward to the next chapter
Debra (Chapter 18) - Thu 08 Sep 2016
Great update! Glad Sesshoumaru asked her why she chose to leave. While Inuyasha would be upset, and then avoid the topic, I can't picture Sesshoumaru like that. He would be honest and upfront, not aafraid to deal with truth. Does this mean Inuyasha will have to go to the mating ccelebration or ball or whatever?
Natalia (Chapter 18) - Thu 08 Sep 2016
I like this. Thx for sharing!!
candy (Chapter 18) - Thu 08 Sep 2016
Oh joy I'm happy now
I absolutely loved this chapter. Sessho and Kagome oviously love each other or else they would not be mating so I think it is about time that they tell each other how much they do love each other romantically after some mind blowing sex.
Hopefully Inuyasha does not start any trouble for them and he should apologize to Kagome for calling her a breeding whore maybe Sessho will have the chance to explain to him how Kagome became pregnant this second time. She did not betray him as he thinks. Now that Inuyasha cannot reproduce, What will happen when starts his own pack would he not need an heir also or does that little option changes things for him? Will he and Sessho still work together?
Enjoyed reading both chapters 17 and 18. Excellent writing and will be looking forward to future chapters. Fantastic job!
Lorena (Chapter 18) - Thu 08 Sep 2016
Ah-so sweet! I love their dynamic, they are so compatible. I hope Inuyasha will grow up, he seemed so wonderful! I feel bad about what happened to him but I don't want him to be the brash Inuyasha from before
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