You've pretty much copied half of the opening chapters of A Breeder's World (By BlueRibbon98, the story is here for those of you reviewers who haven't read it). You've made some of the technology different, but the scenes are almost the same.
Make the wish? Check. Wake up in a high tech future where women are breeders? Check. Deal with new technology in both home and transportation? Check. Have Mom there to answer questions and be confused when Kags doesn't know things she should? Check. Go for a physical? Check. Get a mental test to see if she's lying about things she's being asked? Check.
You're basically writing a fanfic about a fanfic.
You've made it interesting enough that I want to read more, but I'm really hoping you start to diverge from the story more.
(And in response to a previous review by Pearl about slut-shaming in the original story, you need to remember that the rules were framed around youkai sensibilities more than humans in that story. I didn't see anything inherently wrong with the setup of the rules - the author didn't slut shame the girls for being sexually active before marraige, she slut shamed them for doing so before the test and then being pissed that other girls didn't. Remember the glares the girls who wore darker colors were giving Kags in that story? Though the wearing of the colors was on the shaming side - having to flaunt how many people you've been with via your wardrobe wasn't the best idea - it got across the point.)
I passed over this story yesterday but I decided to read it since it peaked my curiosity. I'm glad I did, I've enjoyed this story so far! I am very amused with your picture of the "future" it reminds me of what people in the 1950s thought the 1990s would look like. I very much enjoyed KaGomes willingness to go with the flow instead of lash out ( like other stories). It shows her confusion on her situation and it's funny. Great job, I cant wait for the next chapter!
wait! all the future changed? wow... that was unexpected! this story is really interesting, I would like how Kagome meet the inu brothers again. or how she meets sesshy again XD
I read a story close to this but they never finished it!! Soo please update soon! I can't wait to see Kagome meets the brothers again ! I really like your writting style and can't wait read more!
I am getting further excited with each new chapter. I look forward to seeing where you are going to this story.
Ashatan (Chapter 3) - Mon 17 Aug 2015
Oh man! I bet she tested really well. I can't wait to read more about this!
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