Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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AnimeLady04 (Chapter 23) - Tue 16 Dec 2014

Ray is going to get into a lot more trouble with his attitude......Sesshomaru leaves his heir with her and lets himself become vulnerable to Kagome. if he didnt trust her completely, and if he chose to use her for a time...he would not have done that nor named her pack because he would never get away from her. I think Ray is being obtuse....geeez.

I wonder why his mother summoned him when she knew what they would be doing. I hope it's to encourage Sesshomaru to be with Kagome and maybe give her exciting!

Koree (Chapter 22) - Sat 13 Dec 2014

OMG !! * cries * I Did Not See That Coming , I Won't Say I Didn't Have A Feeling Someone Was Going To Die But D; * cries more * & Then Sesshomaru Was Lost.... & The Boys Had To Go Through.... & Inuyasha Lost Both Parents.... Everything Is So Sad The Happiness Of These Chaps Is The Strengthening Off Kagome & Sesshomaru's Bond , Him Being So Lost & Vurnable ( spell check it's 4am :/ ) & Letting Kagome See That & Be His Rock / Shoulder To Lean On Shows Their Connection , & Kazuhiko Opening Up To Kagome About Something Like That Also Strengthens Their Bond As... Step Mom/Child I Guess But AMAZING CHAP :)

c plumley (Chapter 22) - Fri 12 Dec 2014

I cried as I read this passage. It was beautifuly written. I am enjoying this so much.

Deana (Chapter 22) - Wed 10 Dec 2014

The funeral was beautiful but so sad I had tears in my eyes(remembering my sister's memorial service from last year). It very hard to lose someone close to you and you handled it well. Love the fact that the "pups" had to grow up quickly to help with the fighting and it was interesting the way you did it. Can't wait for the next update. Soon please.

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 22) - Wed 10 Dec 2014

Really great perspective on the pups having to defend the kingdom and for the grief and pain that Sesshomaru has suffered by losing his father. No matter if you are at odds it still hurts. I am wondering how Kagome will get the people to accept her though without Touga there now. And I hope Sesshomaru kicks youkai butt when they dare challenge him.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

Another sad chapter, keep it coming.

Michela (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

I enjoyed this chapter even though it was sad. It was almost like you saw another side to everyone during the grieving process.


Update soon!!

Eva (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

I guess their cunning plan, Kagome challenging Touga so she can manipulate Youkai politics to mate Sesshoumaru, is not going to work. I love the symbolism in the funeral rites. I anticipate much fun with sudden onset puberty for the pups.

maricela (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

awesome but so sad thanks loved it.

Debra (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

I thought it was great. I loved how she was there for Sesshoumaru and Kazuhiko. The fact that Shippo is so honest with her, he doesn't hide the fact that he knows she is sleeping Sesshoumaru and even informs her that Kazu knows as well. Not to mention when he said which one of them he would go to for advice about things. They really are a very close pack (family). 

I think Kazuhill freaked with Kagome due to his relationship with her and the respect he holds for her. The way Sesshoumaru said rutting like Kazu had watched him use the toilet or something implies that it was nothing odd or important. I think Kazu probably never deamed anyone his father rutted as important or as deserving of his respect. Probably considered them whores or concubines at best. Even Sesshoumaru wanted their first time to be private, he treated he with respect and love. Something he wouldn't have done for others.

Anyway I am going to be dying till the next chalter comes out! So sad I have to wait a week!????

Lady Crimson (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

I absolutly love this fanfic. You made me cry and then laugh and your story just flows I'm in love still sad for sesshomaru looking forward to the next battle ... Will sesshomarus mother be making a reappearance in the story at all? Will younadd rin? ????????????

Zyren (Chapter 22) - Tue 09 Dec 2014

So sad!!! ???????????? I really am curious about why you killed them off. It was so sudden I can't help but wonder what craziness will ensue. I did think the bit about the pups was really cool though. i don't think I've seen that before. Anywho, nice chapter as always. Can't wait for the next one! 

NightQueen (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

How is it that you manage to make each chapter better than the last! The Funeral was beautiful and very moving.  Kagome being able to reach Sesshoumaru and he not wanting to let her go was heartfelt and so heartbreaking to read.  A part of me was sad about the pups growing up so fast, but then I realized how much fun they will be to read about now that they're teenagers! I too pity the fool who challenges Sesshoumaru on the morrow.  Please, Please let the people of the West realize how important and how good Kagome is for not just Sesshoumaru but for all! Awesome work! I look forward to next weeks update.

sesshouscat (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014






im in tears

for Christmas I demand two updates a week


ong  ( blows nose)


VivWolf (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014 officially have the trophy for the first writer if fan fiction to make be cry. ....correction, on dokuga. Lol.


Wonderfully written ! Interesting turn of events with the pups! New  development. Have not seen it else where.

I'm glad sesshomaru has kagome. Nice to see him open up in some his way and she be capable to respect him and be the big spoon. Love their balance.

Cheryl (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

i loveeeee your story! this such a touching chapter! i can't explain how much im loving this new chapter right now, so much pain, emotion yet love and care is given, i can't wait for the next chapter! 

Akita (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

In all cases, bravo! I don't read a story if it's no good. I would read this any day. It's gooooood stuff

Samara (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

Love your story.  Love it.  Love that the boys have grown up a bit.  I am a little confuse though on their appearance.  How old are they supposed to look now?  I don't know... but it seems as if they are supposed to be taller than Kagome.  I think Kazuhiko said something about being "14".  I am not too sure he would be taller.  maybe like chin height.  unless she is super short.  I mean I am only 60" and my brother didn't out grow me until he was seventeen or so.  Before that we were the same height for a while... but I mean maybe because they are demons and Sess is a big guy himself that Kazuhiko is bigger too.  Anyways some clarification would be nice.  And if you can maybe some Art?  I would like to really see what you have in mind for the Pack style and appearance wise.  I have no artistic skills whatsoever or else I would attempt it myself.  Thank you again.  I cannot wait for your next post.  Chocolate Pocky for you from me...

Tisha (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

In the immortal words of Joey Russo, "Wow!"

Christina (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

Wow! What a emotional chapter!!! Loved that the boys stuck together and they are becoming a tight knit family. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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