Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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No Uta (Chapter 25) - Mon 29 Dec 2014

My last comment was in the wrong chapter. It was meant for chapter 24 whoops and my apologies! Another wonderful chapter. How very sexy these two are. I laughed so hard at Sesshomaru wanting to keep the rug they had just had sex on and especially when he was informing Kagome that his father kept a couch he and his lady did the deed on ahahahaha. That was hilarious! Well done! I'll be looking forward to these upcoming chapters. I'm so excited! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 25) - Mon 29 Dec 2014

Great chapter, keep it coming.

No Uta (Chapter 23) - Mon 29 Dec 2014

Omg I can't believe I fell behind! What a sizzling hot chapter! Loved their training hee hee. So very sexy. Awwww he heard him say that she loved him. He loves her in return only,  cannot risk anyone overhearing him saying it just yet. I'm glad Kagome can see it in his eyes. Okies!!!!On to the next chapter! 

Koree (Chapter 24) - Fri 26 Dec 2014

Awwww This Was A Amazinggggggg Chap :) It Was Cute , Loving & Funny All At Once !

NightQueen (Chapter 24) - Thu 25 Dec 2014

Happy Holiday's! Glad you got home safe and sound! Thank you for the update I've decided it was a fabulous Christmas present! Kagome in charge is an amazing thing to watch.  I love how strong she is in this story and the training scene sexy, funny and oh so hot!! Loved every second! You my dear are a fantastic storyteller! Enjoy your time off and the holidays!!! 

Eva (Chapter 24) - Thu 25 Dec 2014

A delay of a few days is a small price to pay for another chapter of such an entertaining story. I was really blown away by Chapter 23. I like that Kagome is winning over her prospective inu-in-law. The fight scene was dynamic and the aftermath very titillating. I love the whole heart offering. She is proving that she is capable of accepting Sesshomaru as a whole. Touga would have been proud. I am also a big fan of her remark to Ray. That was classic.

Moving on to Chapter 24: Ray may be a bitch, but I think he has an important place in the narrative. Not everyone should be thrilled about their Lord “slumming with a miko.” It could be gratifying to see her win his acceptance, even grudgingly, although I imagine his views on humans in general would probably not change. I liked the part with Kagome jumping feet first into administration. Ruling a territory isn't all sexy, flashy fights. Sesshomaru is probably in more danger of drowning in paper work or dying of boredom most of the time. Kagome could make a real difference in that area and once again it's a good way for her to sway the opinion of his support staff. As always, I enjoy the banter and teasing between Sessho and Kagome. Thanks for sharing with us.

Inuaddict (Chapter 24) - Thu 25 Dec 2014

God can this man get any sexier?? You do SO MUCH JUSTICE! THANK YOU

please stop giving me one chapter updates. I want 15 or something so i can enjoy myself

NomDePlume (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

Adorable! I loved seeing Kagome take charge. Great Chapter! Happy Holidays!

Marie (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014


Minime (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

Yey new chapter. Keep up the good work. This made my Christmas

loraine mae (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

I just love your story... but isany chance in the near future sesshy would take kags as a mate? hmmm been waiting for that part^^

Debra (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

Great chapter! im so glad she said I love you to him. He needs to hear it, and know he has her by him. I hope he is more than pleased with how well she handled everything while he was sleeping. Very sexy the way he took her in the dojo.

I can't wait for the next chapter! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

Good chapter, keep it coming. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

xoMIA ;) (Chapter 24) - Wed 24 Dec 2014

This story seriously makes my heart so happy!!!!

SnowSphynx0083 (Chapter 1) - Mon 22 Dec 2014

Kagome is definitely OOC but love the plot! She's strong! Can't wait for next update!!!

Mistress SleepWell (Chapter 23) - Sat 20 Dec 2014

Woooo! Pure excitement and adrenaline! I loved It! Can't wait to see what is next. 

c plumley (Chapter 23) - Sat 20 Dec 2014

Does Ray have a thing for Kagome?  I didn't think that she would reall eat a part of the heart.

Michela (Chapter 23) - Fri 19 Dec 2014

Sexy love scene as always =] and Ray needs his butt whooped haha

Can't wait for your next update!

Kahdejus (Chapter 23) - Thu 18 Dec 2014

Like I said last chapter I love scary Kagome she just make me so happy. (^.^) Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next update.

Amber (Chapter 23) - Thu 18 Dec 2014

I absolutely love Kagome's dark and sexy side. I love that she is so raw. You made her into such a wonderful career for you story. I ADORE HER!!!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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