Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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Christina (Chapter 28) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

I love this Tory! Such a good steam and great character development. I love seeing the emotional transition and growth. I get so excited when I get an email that the story has been updated. Keep up the fantastic work I look forward to see how the story pans out. 

Kahdejus (Chapter 28) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

Wow so good. I love how Shippo was the one to talk sense into him. Keep up the good work and thank goodness out for mentioning my drawing. (^.^)

Malova (Chapter 28) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

I love this story so much! Though I gotta admit that I'm not really liking the whole Kazu/Kagura thing, we were reading about cute tiny Kazuhiko just a few chapters ago and now we're reading about him getting it on, it kinda freaks me out. Can't wait for the next chapter!

chevonne knowles (Chapter 28) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

Wow what mountain  of emotions. I hope they are not apart for to long. We can't have them going crazy. A crazy Sesshomaru is a bad Sesshomaru indeed!






jodi (Chapter 27) - Fri 09 Jan 2015

Omg I love the plot twist keep up the awesome work.... I am always excited to see update from the story

Eva (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

I love the introduction of Rin. I've had a soft spot for Rin and Shippo although Rin and Kohaku makes more sense in canon. I'm very interested in seeing how Sesshoumaru and Rin develop relationship wise.

NightQueen (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

OMG! You were worried! How could you be worried about this chapter! I loved it!!! My Anxiety is through the roof but it's well worth it.  That Bastard King of the East has no idea who he's dealing with.  He thinks because Kagome is a woman she is less intelligent and doesn't have the strength to fight back.  OMG she's wasting no time and I am pretty confident that she'll be back in the thick of things in less time than she even thinks.  Killian broke my heart how could he betray the West like that! No matter his thoughts and feelings he's condemned all of the West now! Please don't leave me waiting long! Number one Fic!!!!!!!!!

Angel (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

Oh my word this chapter was amazing i totally loved it especially the ending it just screams mystery 

Sabrina (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

I am so in love with this fic that I literally had to force myself to stop reading it, and take breaks. You are a wonderful writer, and I can not wait for you to update this fic. Keep up the awesome work. 

Deana (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

That was great! More please!


Inuaddict (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015


maricela (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

awesome can't wait for more thank you.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

Great, keep it coming.

Debra (Chapter 27) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

Good chapter. I can't wait till the next one! Love that Kazuhiko went with her. At least he gets to spend time with his grandfather and Kagome.

Lena (Chapter 27) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

OMG!!!!Im upset you ended this chapter like this evil cliffies. I absolutely love this story. Keep up the reat work and update soon

tabitha (Chapter 27) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

OMG why why why why why did you leave it there!!!!! Uaggghhhh update soon please. Love it!!!!!!

Emu (Chapter 27) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

Nooooo! You separated them, they were so cute. Can't wait to see how you portray their journey back to each other. Loved the chapter by the way. 

No Uta (Chapter 27) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

Omg....another Holy shit ending! I did NOT see that! Wow! Yes yes yessss trust your instincts and post even if you feel nervous. They have never failed you. I really enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed Sesshomaru's playful demeanor around Rin. That was delightful to read. I so did not expect Kagome and Sesshomaru's son to be sent back to the human world, well..I know his son came voluntarily. It's a good plan he and Sesshomaru had. A very well thought out chapter and plot in this one. Please, do continue this splendid story of yours. 


Christina (Chapter 27) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

Omg! So much is one chapter! Geez. And Killian?!?! I would have thought Ray would be the One. I can't wait to see how this spans out.

consuelo marquez (Chapter 27) - Mon 05 Jan 2015


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