It seems the shikon jewel only prolong the inevable of youkai leaving the human realm. Making the fate to try balance the time from original time line to this new time line. Whether it's a test in order to keep both Youkai and Humans alike to coexist will be very tough and painful path to walk on. With the help of all that it matters maybe walking this lonely road will be bearable in time.
The emotions is all there to feel by the reader as Kagome felt the devastation toward loosing one of her family/friend to some psychotic psycho that use the name of GOD to his/her nefarious purpose to define what is right and what is right or who or what can exist in the world that contain youkai, human, and the inbetweens.
In this new time line there will be human and youkai alike who do not like interbreeding like in the past or hated each other for coexist next to each other or having holly power people working with the youkai instead of fighting them by limiting their ability. The trust between human and Youkai is fragile even in the present time line. The laws may have passed but it doesn't mean it cannot go wrong with people and youkai alike that wanted to fight each other to fill their purpose of the world.
Does the world know about the shikkon no Jewel miko's tale or only certain members know only? If only selected people know that means it would be someone near by or close to or have some mole in the closenet group in order to inform the leader of that group the information. It seem like whoever it is it have to be someone in the group or someone close by in order to know the connection between Kagome and her friend Jenn's relationship in order to kidnap them or even know who Kagome is. I doubt torture will let Jenn and David slip as to who Kagome is. They probably know once captured there is a little to no chance of escape with this group. Either that or this new dark group have more connection than it was shown and they were watching or montior the people around the world.
Besides how did the Leader guy know if a miko betrayed her supposed own kind by working with the youaki race since I assuming only those in that meeting know of Kagome's where her loyality lay. Only that human ignorant "charles" bad mouthed her because of her loyality to the wrong sort according to him. It seem like he may have a link to that infamous group or he wanted to have more greedy purpose for her to be used by him. It makes you think that that infamous group may have some higher up members n the politic world and perhaps the government buiding in human and Youkai alike society in order to gain some foot ground into the organization. That leader could be another Naraku or could be for some reason or another whether it's good or bad will want a war for his/her own purpose.
Good work.
amanda (Chapter 6) - Mon 26 May 2014
I love this story. I can't wait til the next chapter!
I've been remiss in reviewing this story. Truly, it's one of the stories I look forward to reading. I loved the last chapter and really the only thing I wish for is more description in the story :)
I can't wait to read more.
amanda (Chapter 2) - Mon 26 May 2014
I know this is your first story but you are doing really well!
Good, keep it coming.
amanda (Chapter 1) - Mon 26 May 2014
Good start!
rose (Chapter 6) - Mon 26 May 2014
next chapter please
Ana (Chapter 6) - Mon 26 May 2014
Lovely chapter! :) Sad but lovely!
Thanks for the update! <3
Love it! Keep going please!
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