Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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Rachael (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

You can't leave it there!! 

RedRobin (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I'm addicted! I'm looking forward to the next chapters, this is so good! It will be difficult to wait for the next chapter.

Rachel (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

oh HELL YES!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!  I love it when the girl's got the POWWA. And when the jerk gets his ass whooooooped. And he deserved ever bit. I don't actually care for smutty sex and non-consenusal things, but I knew this plot would be good. Now girl, when he gets around to apologizing, he better lick the fucking dirt she walks on, and she needs to make the process a long, fucking painful process for him.

Night Wraith (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Finally!  He still didn't get half of what he deserved but that's what the next couple of chapters are for.  You have now got my interest ten times more than previously done.  I've been waiting for more character build up and it looks like it's finally happened.  Looking forward to the next couple of chapters. 

Kerari (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I have been readin this story since the beginning and I gotta say I love it and I cant wait for the next chapter. I'm so addicted and it's an amazing story line I can't wait to see how he makes up for what he did. :)

Kara (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

HO~LY shit! I came back to this site after like... I don't know two years or something, and I find THIS sparkling little gem on the first page! I will have to say; you could really show the writers of that gawd aweful porn book 50 Shades of Gray a thing or... 231561516. That being said, if you like that really aweful book I'm sorry.

Now, here's the deal girly (I'm assuming you are a female) if that gawds aweful book can get published and become famous (along with some other not-so-well writen books) then you can too. I suggest you find someone who can write at or above your own level, come up with a story line, and go to friggin town writing, have that other person look over your stuff so that it flows a bit better (You had a few lines that could have used improvement. Ex: this chapter Sesshoumaru was in the middle of being stunned and Kagome was ranting, he cut her off with a laugh, it didn't really flow properly with the mood you had built up and what mood was expected from him.) then SUBMIT THAT SHIT for publication.

I don't normally suggest such to fanfiction writers, but you are doing an alternate universe story, so you know how to put a character's back story inside without getting overly descriptive and boring. You could literally turn this into a book, but you'd probably need to smut it down a touch and add some more storyline. OR you could just add more storyline in between the smuts, whichever. 

I hate to think of all the sexy kink parties you don't get invited to because you are unpublished. Really. 

Kristina (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Oh my gosh!!!! I loved this chapter. As much as you made Kagome a sub i totally felt that she would get to a breaking point. I cant wait to see how Sesshoumaru gets her back. Thank you for a great story


FayeMegan (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Woohoo go Kagome!

Marisa (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Omfg!!!!!! It was such a great effin chapter! I feel so pumped how could you end it there? please update soon!!!

Nile (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

And this is how Kagome should be. Kagome is not naturally a submissive being... however, it's your story. It's about time she got her say. Thank you for getting Kagome back on track.

KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Yes!!!! I was waiting. I was thinking he would somehow end up getting her to play his live in maid or something to that effect so that she could get paid for a job in the eyes of everyone else and still funnel money home, while in reality she was right where he wanted her-within reach whenever he wanted. This is so much better. Finally it came out! The truth has been revealed and his eyes have been opened. And we see another side of Sesshoumaru, a little bit of humanity in that bit of questioning of his actions against her. Bonus!! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!!!!! I'm cheesing harder than my face should probably be allowed to safely. I'm through the roof elated and already hungering for the next chapter. Sess messed up really bad, so how's he gonna fix it? I can't even think.of anything. He "ruined" so many things, things that were in place for a good reason without knowing the facts or even asking. He just blackmailed her and overran her every movement. How can he possibly fix this? Ohhhhh I can't wait. 

I have been following along. Just hiding behind the counters and such so I'd be less conspicuous. 

But sheesh, I didn't know how to handle such a domineering Sesshoumaru at first. He seemed like such a jerk but a much worse, less appropriate for public view word.  I was floored. Then all the things he did to her, I was.... even more stunned....happily >.>. I was grateful for the small peeks into his psyche when he was upset with her calling herself derogatory names....but then his butthole side showed up again and he claimed it was just because it looked badly on him. *sigh* He's so complex. I love it and wanted to beat him at the same time.  Kagome was perfect in everything and I could go on and on about the two of them. I'm just so ready to.see what happens next. I'm all behind Kagome right now with that punch to the jaw and telling him off. I'm ready for him to be the beggar and she the one in control.  Eh sorta. Emotionally, at least. I might have a heart attack if  she tried to turn him into a sub. 

Your pitiful reader shall await your next great installment to this masterpiece. 


ChickenSparrow (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Awesome! She had enough. This is a really great chapter. Love it.

Phyllis (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Yeah, Sesshomaru earned that one.  Really?  How selfish!!!  Poor Kagome!  Now what is she supposed to do?

Elizabeth (Chapter 10) - Thu 23 Jan 2014

I waited so long for this chappie!!! It was worth it. Is Sesshoumaru actually showing a little remorse? I can't wait to see what happens next. Please don't make us wait long! *bows down at your feet*

Nechi (Chapter 10) - Thu 23 Jan 2014

Its about FOKN TIME she laid it on him. cant wait to see what happens next

Catalina (Chapter 1) - Mon 20 Jan 2014

You are SOOO not fair! I need more! NEED it! I keep thinking about this story, like, ALL the time! Please? PREASE?

... don't you love me? D:

Rhonda (Chapter 9) - Sat 18 Jan 2014

Kagome coming into her powers AND a throw down between brothers.....YES!!!!

And really, really happy that Sess is going to check her family out again....Hope it wakes him up to what kind of hell our dear Kags is going through in her personal life....

Totally Intense story and looking forward to more!!

wonderbug (Chapter 9) - Fri 17 Jan 2014

Damn, that was the hottest chapter so far!! Sesshoumaru did seem to get abruptly mushy there at the end though, just my opinion. Excited to see where you take the story next, though personally I hope that Kagome, not Inuyasha, is the one to kick Sesshoumaru's ass with her miko powers. :)


Inulover1993 (Chapter 9) - Fri 17 Jan 2014

Loved this chapter I am kinda hoping Sesshomaru has a compassionate side to show in this story. I mean her family needs her and especially her lil bro. She can't exactly walk out on him, she's in this predicament for a very honorable reason even if her previous job wasn't so honorable. I look forward to your next chapter

Katrina Kee (Chapter 9) - Fri 17 Jan 2014

I think that Sessy should discover the truth about Kagome and be ashamed of himself!!! He deserves a good a** kicking! It would be really wonderful if Souta were to go into remission......I feel so sorry for that family that I just want to cry.....I wonder if Sessy understands exactly what his obsession with his little "pet" really means........please continue the story but could you start to focus on something else other than all of the S-N-M crap........I may be a bit old fashioned but I really think that Kagome needs a bit more tenderness fron her "Sir" if she is going to fall in love with him and not be ashamed of herself for what he is doing to her......I feel so sorry for her....she needs something good to happen to her real soon......

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