Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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I Love The Stuff I Review (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014



wonderbug (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

YES!!!!!!!! I'm dancing around the room right now - that was AWESOME! I'm happy for the swear words - I NEEDED the swear words. That was so perfectly done! I could just feel the righteous fury rolling off her, and it's about dang time!!! Loved it, loved it when she told him where he could shove his blackmail :D 

And Jaken as Sesshoumaru's "toady" - LOL. That is THE perfect word for him, in every sense. 

Dear God, I have the hugest smile on my face - glad I read this at the start of my day! I'm ready to take on the world now...or at least my wayward dissertation project, haha.

Can't wait till next time!! You're THE BEST :)


satuross (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I was hoping kagome will slug him in the t0000t a couple a times!

satuross (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

update !!!! awesome chapter

mari (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

really love it kagome fights back thanks.

Random-reviewer (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014


I love this fanfiction. I really like the other ones you've done too, but this one has to be my absolute favorite. update more soon please! i really would like to see what happens next! 

Midian (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I guess sometimes you need to have a smutless chapter.  :(

Maurice (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

OH MY GOSH!!!!! LOVED.....IT!!!! My heart is racing from reading this chapter. Kagome socked Sesshomaru!!! Twice!!!!  He so deserved it after the crap he put her through. The raw emotion, the anger, the gulit and regret was palpable when I was reading this chapter. Bravo and well done! Now its time for Sesshomaru to seek atonement and we all know that Kagome isnt gonna accept his money willingly. He is gonna have to work for it!! Cant wait for the next chapter. Good juju for you and your muse!

Tourmaline Blue (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Thank  God I've been waiting for this chapter I have to say I was beginning to pace a whole in the floor wondering whether or not if Kagome was ever going to get enough ourage and show aome of that back bone anytime soon. Sesshomaru so had it coming.


Would love to read more.


Laura (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I loved it! The backbone and courage was great!!!!

Jennifer (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Great chapter! I also read this chapter twice lol

I really enjoyed Kagome finally standing up for herself and Sesshoumaru seeing the reason behind Kagome's appearance and job(s). I mean come on, drives a beat up car, clothes are well worn, frail body and constantly working.. Obviously, she's using all her money to buy drugs and starve herself to look like a model..instead of  having financial issues.

 Can't wait for ch 11!


dotti (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Wow. This was well deserved for kogome. I like that she stood up to him. She was running on fumes it seems. All that stress she is under can make anyone snap. Very well written. I cant wait to see whats next. :)


Lonelylulaby (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Well since you twisted my arm and all, I liked this scene.  I didnt think Kags was out of character at all with the exception of all the curse words and maybe Sessh with the way he was thinking toward the end. But both flow very well in this story which makes that stuff unrecognizable for the most part, at least for me. Sesshoumaru is gong t have alot to do if he wants Kagome back in his bed.


ja ne till we meet again

StregaSeraphim (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

You may have struggled with the chapter but it flowed so well and now we have our lovely dom/sub couple on ice. Through out all of this never lose sight of the goal in mind, your own passions in this story. I have to say I'm very pleased and I look forward to it lots. I enjoy this so much that I wonder will Sess say sorry, or will he allow himself to fix things in his own way, because let's face it he's Sess and don't have guilt. Maybe he will pay for Souta bills, put him on the top of the list. Give the Higushia there home back all while waiting for his Bitch* Yesh I meant in a good way.) To bring her Submissive butt home. And well after everything then we get chapters of chapters of smut and then more plot, what ever you come up with, cause I love your writing and your style and I'd hate to loose this story.



Ambar (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I almost cried! i felt her anger :( please update soon i have to know where this will go how he will react- what kagome will do to save her little brother!

House_Of_Eternal_Moon (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I don't often write reviews, while I love a lot of the stories on here, I just have never really felt a compulsion to leave reviews, very terrible of me. But your story has MADE me want to leave a review. This chapter was...simply put...amazing! I had to read it twice! Go Kagome. I was feeling her rage as I was reading it. Please, please update soon!

thumper (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

can't wait for her to give him the paddle.

rose (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

next chapter please

saralene (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Awesome! About time she went at him. I think in the right situation, everyone will swear or cuss someone out. He had it comin! since you've begun this chapter arc, please give us more! we PLEAD with you! cause i wanna see sesshoumaru suffer >:D

Selenityhyperion (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I am liking the story. Usually I don't like this sort of smut but I must admit that with the storyline behind it I am truly enjoying it

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