Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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Mikazuki (Chapter 10) - Mon 27 Jan 2014

OMG!  I read this chapter.  And read it again.  Then I read it again and again.  I have read it so many timrs since you posted it that it only gets better.  Very well written despite your comments as I felt every bit of her outrage.  I am looking forward to your next update.  ^.^


SilverSoks (Chapter 10) - Sun 26 Jan 2014

Gosh, I loved this chapter! I adore the smut and hot-and-heavy scenes, but what always gets me is a moment that makes my heart actually ache for the characters. This chapter achieved that wonderfully! Great Job, cannot wait for the next update!

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 10) - Sat 25 Jan 2014

Awww poor kagome

Will she come lean with her family?

Please update soon!

trinity3000 (Chapter 10) - Sat 25 Jan 2014

This is my favorite chapter.  I was wondering what it would take to make her mad enough to stand up to Sesshomaru.  Well done!!  I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

Tay (Chapter 10) - Sat 25 Jan 2014

You need to update like now!!!! its getting to good for you to stop for a short time!!! this is the only enjoyment I have durning my break at work. Please put the next update...very soon!!

DreamCatcher121 (Chapter 10) - Sat 25 Jan 2014









Shit just got real... This was brilliant. I can't wait to see what happens next!



GoofyGrin (Chapter 10) - Sat 25 Jan 2014

nice cliff hanger. like the dark writing. oh please next chapter its really good. 

Jennifer Levery (Chapter 10) - Sat 25 Jan 2014

Yay!!! Go kagome I'm so happy she finally stuck it to sesshomaru! Please update soon!!!!

Debra (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I just loved this chapter! We finally get to see Kagome's anger and Sesshoumaru speechless. I love how it ended with Sesshoumaru finally realizing he what he's done. 

Hope you update soon!

Ana (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

OMG o.O 



LOVED IT! Really LOVED IT! Thank you soooooo much! <3 It was so gratifying to see some reaction out of her! 

You are amazing! Thank you!!!

Thank so much for this update! <3 


Ps: It´s nice to finnaly see a story were Kagome gets raped and she doesn´t fall in love woth him for it! She reacted as it was supposed to! Thank you for making it this way! 

tify (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Lovee ittttt crriiieddddd forrr kagsss

Katie (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

OMG!!! I am so HAPPY you updated!!! I couldn't wait to read it after seeing the alert in my email! I love the twist you put in the story with him making a payoff for her to quit! Of course the best part was the RANT! I love that she stuck up for herself and didn't back down! I hope she let's him BEG MERCIFULLY for forgiveness and then some!!! LMAO! I look forward to the update!

Catalina (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

WoW! I didn't expect that! Really! I will say that you made Sesshoumaru too regretful too quickly, granted he had a decent reason to be suddenly different, but there should be a pull back in the next chapter, I think, where he's less remorseful. I'm super happy though! Really happy, I mean, I was like "FUCK YEAH GIRL!" when she slapped him! You got half the internets cheering you on... but hey, no pressure, no pressure at all.

T (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Solid chapter. I'm interested to see how you let Sesshomaru's character respond to his 'mistake'. I think it was mentioned before that he doesn't feel guilt, does he apologize by donating the money as a mystery benefactor, does he man up and apologize to her in person. Does any of her friends and family find out? I'm so excited to find out

jade (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

exelant totlaly exelent ilreally likeit im putin this one in my favorites list lol ur really good every things right on the puncuation ur spacein capitalizeation every thing ur a really good writer have u ever considerd going to a publisher? i know a few that could make ur stories as big as the fifty shades of gray franchise

sesshysgirl (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

hell yeah, its about time she stepped up to him i bet he feels like crap now. i hope he has to crawl and beg for her forgiveness. thank you keep up the good work 

Brittany (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I was waiting for the day to come when Kagome would snap. Excited to see what happens next :)

Caroline (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

Finaly Kagome grow a backbone. It was a great chapter and I love how Kagome confronted Sesshoumaru. Can't wait to read what happens next. 

Szira (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014

I love your smuflees chapter! Amg can't wait for updates!!

Akita (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jan 2014




Need I say... more?!

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