Reviews for Red Lotus by Madison

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Isa Win (Chapter 19) - Mon 23 Jun 2014

A really great story! I enjoyed every chapter of it!

I saw you apologizing for the long chapters and the lenghty character development: actually that is what makes your story so great in my eyes. You keep Sesshomaru in character which is very hard and yet succeed in developing a subtle yet deep love story between the two. 

So, take your time, write whenever you feel like it.. and most importantly stick to your style of writing, 'cause it's amazing ;-)

Ana (Chapter 19) - Mon 23 Jun 2014

Ohhhhhhh *-* Come on Sess, you need to man up ad take her *-* 

Thise chap made me sweat...*-* I'm not joking! xD

Thanks for the update! <3 

missmirandax3 (Chapter 19) - Mon 23 Jun 2014

?????? love love! Keep it up ????

starwindess (Chapter 19) - Mon 23 Jun 2014

I love love love this story.  Soooooo excited when I saw you updated! I am sure I have said this to you before, but it's true.  You say that you take too long with character development, and you appologize for it, but that is what makes this story great.  These are two very strong willed characters, and the transitions they are going through would not be easy to come to grips with.  The rate at which the story is progressing is perfect I think and they are coming to their own conclusions about the changes they are experiencing, both emotionally and physically, like a normal person would.  You are doing a fantastic job, and this story is why I love fanfiction, and this pairing in particular.  Keep it up, and I can't wait to see what happens next!!!

Kinsei (Chapter 18) - Sun 15 Jun 2014

G'day! Jealous Sess is so cute! Thanks for updating - I was hoping to see another update - and you delivered! I got to the end, and thought, 'that wasn't a long chapter!!' but on checking the scroll bar, it actually is... I am so looking forward to your updating again! Gotta go, it's past my bed time and I've got work early tomorrow..T.T Jaa ne!

Didie (Chapter 18) - Tue 10 Jun 2014

I keep re-read the last part of this story, I just love how you draw the jealous Sesshoumaru... Absolutely one of my favorite chapter! Good job and keep a good work, Maddie-san!

Alii (Chapter 18) - Mon 09 Jun 2014

Another chapter? I could cry of how happy I am about this!

Didie (Chapter 18) - Mon 09 Jun 2014

Ah.... Hojo! Why did I keep forget about him? Maybe because his roles in the anime just a little bit unsignificant for me, so he couldn't come to my picture for this story.. But, if he'll make Sesshoumaru and Kagome reach a new height of their relationship, I can't to not rooted for him! Go Hojo! Persuade Kagome like what you did in middle school!! *evil grin*

Didie (Chapter 18) - Mon 09 Jun 2014

I just went down from camping site in some hills with my friends, and the very first thing I did when finally I got signal for my mobile phone was to checked dokuga site... I kept scrolling down... And....tadaaaaa... Update from you! I like went 'kya kya kya' in my friend car, made most of my deadly tired friends awaken from their nap... Sorry guys....*puppy eyes*


Hmm... Guess for the next chapter..? No no no... I caaaaan't....!!

*blushing mode*

Ana (Chapter 18) - Sun 08 Jun 2014

Poor Sess! xD This link is really beating him hard! xD 

Question is, if it wasn't for the link would they still have this fellings? I think that yhat's what's going to disturbe Sess the most! 

I'll wait and see! 

Thanks for the update! <3 

Ankita (Chapter 18) - Sun 08 Jun 2014

I don't think readers would mind long chapters it is always welcomed especially by me .... I think the hint would be kids but first they'll have to do tht :maybe hojo's involvement will help .... just a guess plz keep updating

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 18) - Sat 07 Jun 2014

Great, Maya Angelou passed away, keep it coming.


satuross (Chapter 18) - Sat 07 Jun 2014

so many many good stories X_X thanks for an update!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 17) - Mon 26 May 2014

Keep it coming.


cakeiton (Chapter 17) - Sun 25 May 2014

It wasn't a dream it wasn't a dream it wasn't a dream!!!

Shameless fangirling happening over here.

Her conversations with the doctor were interesting for her. A lot of things she didn't even realize were keeping her down were revealed. But, her *feeling* something, even if it is such a conflict, is better than the cutting off of the world. And YAY!!! Pictures explained. I thougth it might have been the jewel.

I hate dogs... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I chuckled at that one.

The whole thing with him punching the desk but chasing after her... Hawt. The whole scene. And then he asked, "May !?" Ugh! What are you doing to my emotions! Lol

Kagome is totally falling hard. Sorry girl, such is life.

Looking forward to the next one! :]

DescendingFrost (Chapter 17) - Sun 25 May 2014

The amount of love that I have for this story is absolutely out of control. You're fantastic writing and progression make it easy to read this one over and over. Can't wait for the next installment. 

Alii (Chapter 17) - Sun 25 May 2014

Supper happy with those updatea keep them coming YAY!

bree (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 May 2014

I adore this story please, please upload chapters faster 

Anonymous (Chapter 1) - Fri 23 May 2014

I live this story and it makes me so sad every time I get lower n lower to the end also torture much this is steamy and just an amazing story i love how possible this can be like chapters after the last episode!! Anyways I read that ur going thru rough times, I hope u find the light just like in ur story and take it one step at a time when its good its good but when its tough just remember u can do this God is always by ur side sometimes u just gotta look deeper in ur heart....i need more chapters I can't wait!!!

Kagome Ketchup (Chapter 17) - Fri 23 May 2014

Classic Madison! Tortured and not so self-aware characters.

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