You have a great sense of dialogue timings and very consistent too.... my own skills are horrendous... anyways, your story is great
Haven (Chapter 36) - Mon 18 Nov 2013
I love little Katsuro and his manners. Kagome is such a good mommy! And wow, Rin is quite bitter, isn't she? Can't wait until next update.
Heh! i love it....simply love it...
Awwwwwww... Katsurou.... so very adorable
Simply marvellous...
Dear NomDePlume, I do not understand why you do not have million reviews praising your work. I am only in the second chapter and already the story is endearing to me. Thanks for the unique take. Most of the Sess/Kag stories are overly rehashed, I hope the chapters after this will hold the same freshness.
Haven (Chapter 34) - Sun 17 Nov 2013
Great fic so far. I'm glad that you are updating. Little Katsauro seems too cute for words. I hope to see more updates soon:)
i wonder if the child has any powers heh heh.
Pfairy (Chapter 33) - Sat 16 Nov 2013
Oh my goodness. That was cute! I love this story and look forward to more! :)
Rhonda (Chapter 1) - Sat 16 Nov 2013
Wonderful story!!! Really looking forward to more.
how did they survive for 3 years? why cant they keep on doing it?
maybe sesshoumaru was always horny whenever he saw rin. he always seems to like underaged girls and boys and toads. so yeah
wow. even after canon, everyone > kagome
how old is kagome and rin?
yeap. killing of inuyasha is good
Ooh this sounds like a promising story. I like the more defiant Rin we have here- it's new and fresh. Can't wait to read more!
And that's how your world changes in a matter of moments. Can't wait for more.
PFairy (Chapter 19) - Thu 05 Jan 2012
Cruelty! That's just plain cruelty. Leaving a cliffy like that. Lol. Keep up the great work. I look forward to reading more. :)
Megan (Chapter 1) - Thu 05 Jan 2012
Read every chapter right through....awsome story line....look forward to more.
thank you for the super speedy updates I hope the rest will be like this too.
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