Uh oh! I am womdering what he is going to do infront of his advisors! Maybe claim Kagome as The Lady of the West?? We won't know until you update!! So please hurry!!
Wow, I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the next chapter. I think Sesshomaru is going to let Kagome know about how he was missinformed about the situation in Inuyasha's village and that Inuyasha's death was planned. I also think that Sesshomaru is going to let kagome have the honors of killing the informant. Update soon!
Uh-Oh Scooby.... I think someone just got caught lieing to Fluffy... and I don't think it was Kagome.
My opinion is as follows: Please write more.
Eve (Chapter 77) - Wed 11 Dec 2013
Wonderful! I can hardly wait for the next chapter!
The fetch scene was plain adorable. I like how you had Sesshomaru play too but not in a childish manner but a way to help the katsuro and his senses!
Awesome like usual! ^__^ updateeee soon! :)
~~GAW! This is so flippin cute! X3 I love their interactions!
Marimay (Chapter 75) - Sun 08 Dec 2013
That was an adorable chapter!
Great story! i read it all in one sitting!
Can't wait for more :) update soon!
Eve (Chapter 72) - Sat 07 Dec 2013
I absolutely love this story of yours !
its in my favorites as I don't want to miss one update ever!
looking forward to the next installment!
Rhonda (Chapter 1) - Fri 06 Dec 2013
Thanks for the update.... This story is Awesome!!!!!
Caera (Chapter 71) - Fri 06 Dec 2013
Amazing chapters! Your story is riveting...
3/4 reiki 1/4 youki. geez.
now if katsurou starts to marry more hanyos, eventually we will have irrational numbers as a percentage
Short, but a very nice chapter. Up date soon.
Haven (Chapter 66) - Wed 04 Dec 2013
Wow, a kick ass Rin. I likey. Makes me wonder why they would be left to such danger though???
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