There is something about this story that is really appealing that draws the reader back. You're doing a truly lovely job. Thank you.
Mimiru (Chapter 61) - Sun 01 Dec 2013
Pricila (Chapter 59) - Sat 30 Nov 2013
This story is being well laid out and I can not wait to see what happens next. Keep it up! Priss ^^
yay. you updated dokuga first ^_^
update now. you always favour FF more. sad.
Megan (Chapter 58) - Sat 30 Nov 2013
Oh this is getting good. Can't wait for the next installments.
Come on Kagome. Be sensible.
uh oh. stubborness is the reason why people cant escape visiting dokuga.
what have he done???!?!? i dont know what have he done?!
Marimay (Chapter 55) - Thu 28 Nov 2013
Ahhhh!!!!! Cliff hanger!! No!! Update soon! Please! Before I die of anticipation!!!!!
this makes me feel even worse for inuyasha. i think that he would have had beter control if he was taught
Wow how wonderful! They went by so quickly and I am dying for more! I think you captured Sesshoumaru's struggle and character really well!
Oooo.... after all that time ignoring Inuyasha, he wants to claim his son. This can not end well. Can't wait for more!
eagerly awaiting the next batch.... you're a very good story-teller
sweet sweet katsurou...
loved this chapter...
Marimay (Chapter 53) - Wed 27 Nov 2013
I like the story line but I am a sucker for romance....when will that start? I'm getting anxious!!!
Desiree (Chapter 53) - Wed 27 Nov 2013
i love all your updates!
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