Reviews for A Debt to Be Paid by Rinku

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RubyJeweler (Chapter 16) - Tue 17 Apr 2012

Oh, how I simply love some angst! ;) Thank you for updating.

Alexandra (Chapter 16) - Mon 16 Apr 2012

It was so angsty! I love it! If I were Kagome, I would ignore Sesshoumaru because he's pushing it an being such an asshole to Inuyasha and everything that I hold dear. I'm really sad about Inuyasha's predicament. I hope that there is a bright side to his story. How will Kagome take getting over Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru courting her? I think it's too soon and Kagome might end up pushing Sesshoumaru away because of his insensitivity. I can't wait for the next update!!

Manatee (Chapter 16) - Mon 16 Apr 2012

I think I could speak for everyone when I say, we love ALL the parts with Sesshomaru!  Thanks for the update, it wasn't too angsty.

Suzanne (Chapter 16) - Sun 15 Apr 2012
I have A question, can kagome purify the demon in inu an let him live his life out as a human....

Patrine (Chapter 16) - Sun 15 Apr 2012

Though I don't really like all that Inuyasha's sadness, I enjoy their unsaid goodbye.

I hope for more flufflyness and Sesshy discover his real feelings

Duchess Of Darkness (Chapter 15) - Thu 12 Apr 2012



I've waited so long then you torture me with this cliffy. While the chappie was insanely delicious and oh so smut-fluff heart cries for more, More MORE!!! And you will give it to me. OUT WITH IT MISTER. The DOD has spoken so it shall be. Feel free to add a little more lime and lemons without that sugar of course. Imma itchin for some action between those two lovebirds. But then do as you will just keep this story alive please!!!! -ahem-


Sophie (Chapter 15) - Sat 07 Apr 2012

Kagome is truly in hard situation. It's like finding out person you love commited some horrible crime. You can't remain untouched on the things he did, but you can't kill your feelings immediatelly as well. I think Kagome knows that if she stayed with Inuyasha, one day he would kill her and any childern they would happen to have. I'm sure she would never take that as option.

Right now, she still feels she loves him, she wants to make everyone understand his complicated situation, but she can't ignore fact he did kill their friends.

Erm... okay, I got a bit philosphical right now, sorry for this. I just think you show her wonderfully. Can't wait for another chapters of that and your other stories.

jenny (Chapter 15) - Sat 07 Apr 2012

Didn't notice a lime but cann't wait to see what happens next.

DamnIngtheheavens (Chapter 15) - Fri 06 Apr 2012

I can, understand writers block, but you must update soon. I simy haven't been able to put this down. Sesshoumarus character is very on pointed, and the details of his actions

Kinda help one delve into why he does it. I wonder what's going to be her turning point for sesshou. 


Cant wait for more!

Jhenai (Chapter 15) - Fri 06 Apr 2012

I'm up at 3:43 am... because of your story, I've been deprived from my sleep. I had to read this, no choice, I had to catch up. I don't care how long you take to update, b/c imma be waiting. This is too good.

Pebbles (Chapter 15) - Thu 05 Apr 2012

Oh man!  I have been WAITING for this!!  Thank you for the update and continuation.  You made me so happy when I discovered the update in my emails ^_^  This is the altercation that's been waiting to happen and she's got a front row seat (and what a lovely seat it is, rawr) for it.  It's not gonna be pretty and I'm glad you got this 'softer' chapter in first before the initial fireworks begin.  I'm confident you're gonna BRING IT wit da fiyaworks!!! >=D

Yes, lime was good.  Good lime.  Me like lime. =p  Seriously, I felt anticipating for more happening.  It was excruciatingly good XD.  I'm thinkin 'o man o man, here it comes...' lol  I'm glad you made some effort to bring back to our attention the fact that he's denying much of his own nature to make it work.  And that is a freakin' feat within itself judging by your portrayal of him in this story.  I like it a lot. 

You managed to make her persistance SUPER believable.  She's reluctant the whole way through.  Even after waking up, she's flooded with guilt.  Yet, she can't deny that there's something there.  My current, and maybe future, worry is that her attraction is mistakingly read as something primal or baser wanton needs, sort of writting off any deeper and possible eternal connections.    I hope that that she maintains the ideals of not just being something to possess but as she said "loved".  That looks like it has a complicated road ahead, but I feel that's where you're heading. 

So far, this whole story feels complicated and it has a bit of everything in it.  One things for sure....Sango is about to NUT UP on Inuyasha!!  Poor thing, he's in for a world of hurt...

I'm ready!!  Bring it!  BRING IT!!!



REDWOLF (Chapter 15) - Thu 05 Apr 2012 the sh*t gonna hit the fan!!! Inuyasha gonna get it. Can't wait for the next update :)

randomfan17 (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

Inuyasha ruined a perfectly good moment between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. I think if he just went off to somewhere else they could get mated in a week, tops if Sesshomaru keeps using that dreamscape to woo her. Before the drama came along i was loving it.

Hesunohana (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

your fiction is really great ! their feelings and emotions so well-described. all of them ! I'm desesperate for the next chapter. really ! (smile)


so, good luck !

pauly (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

OMG!!! You´re so evil, how could you left it like that??? I´m so dying to know what happens next. Please update soon ;)

Jekya (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

very good chap keep it goin :)

Ditto Princess (Chapter 2) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

Love it!!! I was getting so sad as I read on!!! I knew the end was coming soon, but I loved the chapter and I love how everything is palying out...

Everything is well written!!!

Kagome and Sesshomaru are going to be one hell of a couple lol... I wonder what gifts he is going to give her :)

At least they have some sort of chemistry, I know Sesshomaru's pride was hurt for a bit, but I thought it was funny... Love it and wanting more!!!

~_~^-^~_~ - Ditto Princess

Knight of Disorder (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

I've been reading this on and off for a while now, and I must say I rather like it. It't not my favorite but it ranks I'd say in the top three. If I had to say, it'd be number two. Well good work and I await future chapters.

Sblck (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

I love your story

I want to see more Sess/Kag

I'm kind of hoping that Inu will die a honorable death and not as a rabid do g that needs to be put down

Alexandra (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

Awww! I still feel bad for Kagome! She's all confused! and you left it at a cliff hanger!! >__<

I feel so bad for Inuyasha. He doesn't remember killing his friends and all he remembers is his broken heart. Poor thing. I hope that he doesn't get a violent end. He should be happy.

OMG. The scene between Kagome and Sesshoumaru was intense! Awesome job! XD

I'm glad you updated though. It's been a while since I read this fanfic. Can't wait for the next update!

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