Reviews for A Debt to Be Paid by Rinku

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Alexandra (Chapter 18) - Mon 10 Sep 2012

OMG! This Chapter! So Many FEEEEELS!!! DX

This is amazing! I can't belive how such a story made me go through so many feels. This is freaking awesome. I can't wait for the next update! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 18) - Sun 09 Sep 2012

I'm glad your back beacause you have not updated in three months, keep it coming.

Alicia (Chapter 18) - Sun 09 Sep 2012

Wow this was really good. I'm glad you continued and I hope life allows you to uptade soon, you are truly a good author.

REDWOLF (Chapter 18) - Sun 09 Sep 2012

GREAT CHAPTER :) Kagome has known Sesshoumaru for sometime now, maybe, not as a potential mate, but, nevertheless, she knows him. Why Kagome keeps beating not only herself up emotionally, but, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru as well, is shocking?? Kagome has feeliing towards Seshoumaru, but, maybe, a little competition is what Kagome needs. Other women surely finds Sesshoumaru attractive and Kagome might need to be reminded of just what she has and how it is wanted by other women. Kagome is actually (in my opinion) acting a little to full of herself. Sesshoumaru is right, she messed her own self up worring over Inuyasha who treated her like crap for years. The issue here is, Inuyasha can't be with her! Sesshoumaru NEEDS her and he wants her.  Now, ,maybe, jealousy is his only solution to Kagome seeing what is right in front of her. Just a thought (lol)!

Whew, that's the most I have ever wrote in a review. I guess, because, this is one of my favorites and I so enjoy reading it. I like this Sesshoumaru. You have taken him in areas that keeps him in character and makes me, the reader, see things from his point. WELL DONE ;) 

Arou (Chapter 18) - Sun 09 Sep 2012

Oh Oh OH! I have been following this story for awhile and I am over joyed that it finally has an update. I feel bad for Sesshomeru cause he has a problem with communication and Kagome.... Kagome needs to find her grown up panties and accept that life is not going to be how she wanted it especially in her situation. Especially in her situation she needs Sesshomeru whether or not she likes it. I do not expect for her to fall in love with Sesshomeru really soon because she is still hung up in knots over Inuyasha. I think she needs to witness or experience what EVERYONE has been trying to tell her. I know it would be tragic but the girl needs to see. She needs to take her head out of the sands and deal with life. Sesshomeru was right when she said that she just thinks in a 2 dimenisonal perspective. Black or White with no Shades of Gray. Its a hard time for her yes but she again needs to grow up cause life happens.  Maybe  it would help her to STOP thinking like the Fuedal era is present day Tokyo. Their ideals and perspectives are different and it completely annoys me that she doesnt TRY to understand where Sesshomeru is coming from. She goes back and forth and suddenly when he is not there (after all those times of telling him to leave her alone) then she wants him to save her. She gah..... well ya ill end my little rant there.

I have a question though. After what Inuyasha did to her friends and Shippo (especailly Shippo since he was her 'son') how the heck is she so wrapped up around him? Talk about rose colored glasses. It makes me wonder what she would have done if Inuyasha and her and kids and he flipped out and history repeated itself. Would you forgive him? So I was overjoyed when this chapter came and she is starting to see a spark of light in her all black view of things. What I hope and wish for is a simple conversation between the two. Without her standoffishness and frowns and with Sesshomeru opening up a little bit and actually tell the girl what is going on without pinning her to a tree ;) (Though that scene was highly enjoys :3 )

So what I am trying to say is your story is  FREAKIN WONDERFUL!!!!! You have definatly developed the characters well and make them seem real. Sesshomeru especially. I LOVE his character. You can tell that he is trying to deal with his own feelings after discovering that he has them, he's trying to figure out the confusing mess that is Kagome, trying to keep his miko in one piece and with him while she is fighting tooth and nail against him, and on top of that having to deal with his pride and Demon law.  *le sigh* I loves him >:3 . I will be looking forwards to seeing an update. Do you have an idea on when we can expect it please please please please plese please? Hope to hear from you soon.

Ja ne,



Manatee (Chapter 18) - Sun 09 Sep 2012

I was so excited to see you updated!!! Its a special day when we see a chapter from you.  Thank you so much.  It was a good one *squee*

Da_Koolest_Inu (Chapter 10) - Sat 08 Sep 2012

luv the fanfic

inuyashaloverr (Chapter 1) - Wed 05 Sep 2012


Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the July 2012 term!
Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.
Our official website can be found here:
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~The Feudal Association






Ewelamb Lover (Chapter 12) - Mon 20 Aug 2012

HolyholyholyholyholyholyholyholyholyholyHOLY CRAP!!!!! I love this story so far and I love the emotions tied to it and everything! I was crying, laughing, burning with frustration, fearing, everything that the characters were feeling! Amazing job! I was crying over the unfairness of Inuyasha's and Kagome's perdicament of love and I was crying at the battle scene in chapter 12 when we all thought Sesshomaru killed Inuyasha. Very well done! I can't wait to finish your story. (I'm hoping for a happy ending perhaps?)


Ewelamb Lover

jaybelle93 (Chapter 17) - Mon 06 Aug 2012

I read this whole story in about two days, and all I have to say is: WOW!
I completely adore how this story is turning out! I hate when Sesshomaru and Kagome fall in love in like two chapters, it's so unrealistic! But I completely love your story line!
I have got to say, Inuyasha is bugging the shit out of me! Haha, for some reason he's driving me crazy and I just want Kagome to accept Sesshy already!
I really like the idea about hanyous going completely crazy and that's why the demon society does't like them very much.
Please update soon because I really want to read more!!

CA (Chapter 17) - Sat 04 Aug 2012

man this is getting really good. i just got to the end of the chapter and was sad because there wasnt another one.

Sian (Chapter 17) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

Hey! Wow this is the first time I haveever written a review. Your story line is amazing if not slightly tragic (poor Inuyasha). On that note i have a little constructive criticism for you. Your descriptions are fantastic, however I think that you tend to be redundant. If a reader has read chapter 10 you can be sure that they have read the previous ones so there is no need to keep reminding them of specific scents or how gorgeous Sesshy's lips are (even though they are damndefine :) ) that way you can be brief in subsequent in those areas in subsequent chapters. Secondly, you need to formulate a chain of events. I understand that Kagome is going through an emotional turmoil but it seems that she is either constantly saying that this is her last time with Inuyasha and then going back to trying to find a life with him, or, progressing with Sesshomaru and the then saying that she doesn't care for him at all. It needs to be a smooth transition not a yoyo. If you want to talk about the torn feelings then use less dramatics like thevarying and stuff that way it still transcends the progress of the story.Lastly, it seems that Kagome is constantly crying. Again I understand the emotional turmoil but fom what I know of males in general they tend to avoid over emotional females. Also Kagome in the series is askittle more sedated than you are making her out to be. I hope you are not offended by my comments or suggestions and feel free to disregard them as it is your story. I do hope to see more of you work in the future :)

Sessh (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

About Inuyasha... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE  let it be a threesome! *O*~
It's so hard to find Sess/Kag/Inu these days Ç__Ç I love Sesshoumaru, but I also love Inuyasha, but don't like him with anyone else besides Kagome >< Of course you must do what you fell you should do, but if you don't mind a threesome, PLEEEEEASE make it a threesome *O*
You'd be doing this crazy little thing here MOST happy :DD Because your story is *@#%$ great! And if it's a threesome I'd die happy :D


Thanks a lot *-* 

ca (Chapter 5) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

wow that was so emotional, i started balling my eyes out when shippo was explaining demon law about half demons..this is really good

Jai (Chapter 1) - Wed 25 Jul 2012

This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association!


Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.


Our official website can be found here:


The current nominations pages are here:


Check them out to see what you were nominated for!


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**Please note that FA membership is closed during voting.


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~ The Feudal Association


**Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.



Jai (Chapter 1) - Wed 25 Jul 2012

This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association!


Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom.


Our official website can be found here:


The current nominations pages are here:


Check them out to see what you were nominated for!


Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here:


**Please note that FA membership is closed during voting.


Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group!



~ The Feudal Association


**Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.



shoshonestar (Chapter 17) - Thu 19 Jul 2012

I stayed up the whole night reading. It was very difficult to stop.  Want to read more. Want to know how the story ends.  This has made for very terrific reading! I thouroughly enjoyed it. 

Meow (Chapter 17) - Wed 18 Jul 2012

I love the story line! But damn i hate kagome additude it just grinds me the wrong way. Maybe because shes just so damn whiny makes me wanna like slap her and say stfu sometimes. But i like the basic plot ^.^

lindsay (Chapter 17) - Tue 17 Jul 2012

I have re-read this amazing story so many times it's sad T-T PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE update soon! One month and three days of no update is starting to drive me a teensy bit insane ^_^ <333 

Ang (Chapter 17) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

OMG this was an amazing story. I was waiting for this update for what feels like forever. Can't wait to read the next one...hopefully soon. :D

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