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FayeMegan (Chapter 83) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

^_^ Ooh poor Kagome when she finds out! xD

I love it, keep updating pleeaasseee

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 83) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Oh Saitou, you bad old dog! lol

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 82) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

*giggles* Kids say the darndist things. XD

And where's Inupapa! He needs to speak more! He's so funny.

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 82) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

I meant to say bear... not ebar... Had to clear that up.

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 82) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

Regarding you kindly!! Great job so far. You're doing a spectacular job with the whole Sesshomaru/Noriko/Kagome bit. I really enjoy the fact that your making the emotional developement realistic. No one truly gets over the loss of a loved one, but with time it gets easier to ebar, and I love that you have prtrayed that so well here.

The only thing I'm left to wonder is how it will take for Sesshomaru to realise that it's okay for him to fall in love again... as well as how long it'll take him to realise he has a thing for the miko. Hopefully not too long, or she may end up dying!

I love Kotone's scheming and the children's prodding, very cute.

Much, much love! Can't wait for more!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 82) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

:3 i likes this my Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee♥♥♥♥!!! tis cute! i like seeing that Sesshomaru was once in love, still is, even if he's all *grumps pants* now.

soulNchantress (Chapter 82) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

I love when you update!!

lol I'm think the name change is warrented.  Sesshomaru's mother sure does have alot of strings being pulled by her dainty fingers!

It's your call though.  As long as you keep updating, you can name it whatever you want.  Just be sure I can keep reading! ;-)

randomfan17 (Chapter 82) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

Haha, should have figured that his mother was up to something in this too cute scene. Sesshomaru is great in this story, can't wait till he breaks down and growls something at Kagome that's dirty though, haha.

Loveyaa (Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

and now Sesshoumaru is getting bombarded from every angle. Both his parents, his children, his brother, and even Kagome. I wonder what he will do know. I love the little moments you create that often are just weird situations that become moments. I can't wait to see what happens next and how long it takes Sesshoumaru to give in :)

randomfan17 (Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

Haha, oh no Sesshomaru's getting pressured by his babies now, too cute when Satoru told he thinks he does. Even funnier that Sesshomaru is thinking about just giving in to Kagome when she doesn't know what she's saying.

Sala - nli (Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

I've been so spoiled by days where you update 10+ chapters at once that I don't know what to do with only a single chapter!  *laughs*  I guess I'll just exercise some patience and wait for the next one...

(Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

awww! precious father-son scene! I love it!. Maybe Satoru will be the final usually have a lot of power in this area because parents feel that they need, well in this case a mother to nurture their children. Again, I love this, the best thus far!

katlady (Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011



  I  saw  your  update  you dont know how many times  i wokr  my mother up by shouting


or by  squealing like a school girl

I actuly had tears  as I have laughted so hard that that too keeped waking her up

Loved all the  Chapter  updated

Saitou  and  Kotone...what  can I say about them I love them


you are doing a  FABULOUS JOB

Please  update soon  I  am eggerly awaiting your next  update

GreyEcho (Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

Good kid.

Firehauke (Chapter 81) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

*chortles insanely* I decided to leave one review instead of several.


This is an awesome group of chapters!  I knew Saitou would be telling tall tales about how to properly thank an Inu.  Poor Kagome, she'll be mortified when she finds out. LOL


Feel for the pups though, I bet they are wanting Kagome for their new mom. They need lots of snuggles.


Can't wait for the next round!

jojo661538 (Chapter 81) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

hahahahaha again another set of wonderful chapters i wonder what would happen if kagome found out what she was doing offering herself to sesshoumaru anyways keep up the great work i hope to read more soon ^_^

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 81) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

awe thats so freaking sweeT! i LOVES his baby boy!!!!

FayeMegan (Chapter 81) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

Awwwww what a cuuttiieee

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 81) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

AWE! Go Puppy for saying what we where all thinking!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 81) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

awww, Satoru's cute~...  X3

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