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papitas (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

I loved the chapter and the lenght but I still wonder what it will take to make kagome fall.

bug (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

No reason to be nervous! It was wonderful... and it brings up a multitude of questions about love. >.<  Thank you for updating!

BlackBirdBasilica (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

update soon pretty pretty please this chapter was soooo good

GreyEcho (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Are you kidding? tThis chapter was awesome! I loved that you put love into words and the difference for each person. The one you chose for Kagome was perfect.  I loved this chapter.

Also (for the previous chapter) glad to know Saitou approves. lol I bet Kagome will want to kill him when she finds out what he's been making her say. XD

mabzap (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

this chappie is awesome!!!! don't change it at all! the depiction of love so complete that one would not need to breath is perfect!!!!

snowbird (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

The chapter may not have felt right for you, but I loved it.  Also, I've wondered for quite some time now as to why they've not tried to find some way to separate Kagome from Saitou.  No one has even made mention of it to my recollection, even Kagome.

crin_fausta (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

This chapter is awesome...You should give yourself more credit! You have some real talent! I really like how you describe the characters..It's....simply, truly breathtaking!

By the way...I wouldn't mind at all if the chapters from now on would be longer *wink*...just so you know...


WildcatYST (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

I htink it was perfect! Soft and gentle,  but not overly sweet. I hope Kagome realizes that she can experience love with a certain someone...

soulNchantress (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Oh my!!!  That was so touching!!  Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!!!

I want to cry!!  LOL I've never been so happy to cry before!!

I have no more rock!

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Bwaaaahhh!! I sure hope he's suffocating! Maybe if he stopped breathing for long enough Kagome would panic and try to give him CPR! Ohhhh my imagination is running away now... *dirty thoughts*

Great update; I always get so excited when I see that little message in my inbox! X) Aywho, eager for more!

Much love!

Meara (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Hooray for love and updates! I'm so happy he's finally figured it out :-)

UzumeTsuki (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

I love this story! Suffocate has to be my favorite chapter. And why is it that the best way to describe what love feels like is always something that sounds dangerous? lol

Ashes (Chapter 75) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Ppffftt! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *falls over gasping for air* Haha he he heee. I love it!

Samurica (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

No need to agonize, it was PERFECT !

Autumn (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Loved it!

Ashley (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

I thinks its wonderful. I've benn reading this quite some time and I think this just might be my favorate chapter (so far). Looking foward to more.

Alexandra (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

great job i love the emotion that sesshoumar is starting to show towards kagome and can't wait for them to get together in the end!! can't wait for all and keep up the good work in the stories!

Nilee1 (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

 Exquisite-- beautiful, sensitive and intense! 

1CarinoInu (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Actually, I think you managed this chapter quite well!  I really have enjoyed this little story, and this last chapter was really well done, with how you communicated love from different prospectives, even though it came from Sesshoumaru.  I figured that when he decided to talk, he'd be profound.

Priestess Skye (Chapter 84) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

Gah! Ree! More!!

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