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Eve (Chapter 22) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Awa so cute!  Can hardly wait for the next installment!

I really love this story of yours!  Wonderfully done.  Keep up the great job!!!




Noacat (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I loved this chapter! It was sweet but realistic. The first time you have sex, especially if both parties lack experience, is kinda bad. There's a lot of awkwardness and it hurts a bit... actually A LOT. But the trial and error all works out eventually. And I like that you showed that. Not many writers do, myself included. LOL

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Hahaha!  XP  (no comment)

GG (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010


Janey-jane (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

as much fun as the romance-novel style sex scenes are, I sort of LOVE it when someone writes a more realistic situation. This was so adorably awkward and embarassing. Poor Sess, feeling like he's gotta act all suave and experienced.

Even when one partner is experienced a first time can be uncomfortable both emotionally and physically, and having them both virgins...awwww, I just want to give them a big hug. SO CUTE!

Also -  you mentioned that you were trying to evoke the feeling of a shojo manga with this story and I just wanted to say that I think you're doing a really good job. A couple chapters ago I actually thought to myself that the story had that shojo feel to it!

Great job, I'm really enjoying reading this and can't wait for more!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

YOU'RE THE DEVIL!!! We'll need to perform an exorcism... you're pure evil!!! How could you stop there??!!! :O bad bad bad MissTeak!!!

hehehe oh please update soon... I swear I was shaking my head and laughing maniacally xDD

updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate soon ^^

xoxo love your ff

Tana_san (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I predict many outraged fans looking up Singapore and booking flights so they can personally spank you, Miss Teak, for leaving such a cliffie as this!

This was just sooo adorably sweet. How perfect for them both. I thought it funny that each thought the other to be experienced. One would think at their ages that they would be too...especially Sesshoumaru since most males have sex as soon as they can get it, whether it be offered or bought.

It was so sweet the way Kagome put him at ease and didn't make him feel any more embarrassed than he already was. I can't wait until I see how they get through there first time together. (and I honestly can't wait to see how you write it!!!) Yes, I am mean now aren't I? You've been doing fluff and fun, dear heart, now comes the deed! Have I told you lately that I love you???? (shys away)  JEN

1CarinoInu (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I could almost feel the tension in the room.  Things like that need to come out naturally, and to force it....well, it doesn't always work out the way you hoped :)  Those poor kids - you really got to feel for them.  At least Kagome is able to identify what's going on and now they can work together towards a common goal (chuckle).

Well done.  I can't wait for the next chapter!

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

OMG, how could you? How could you leave us hanging like this? T_T You are so mean...Please update as soon as possible. Gosh this was just awesome. XD I just love reading virgin Sesshoumaru. You don't get much of it I tell ya. Oh gosh, I will be anticipating for the update during lectures all day long.

none (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

lol~ this was too funny. But it was very sweet at the same time.

wait, why use condom?? I thought that your foreshadowment of sess and kag fishies with babies were of (pple) kag and sess having babies....

are you going to let Kagome lose her virginity to a condom?? lol~

oh btw, about your bleach update, plz update Shadow. I see that you used Byakuya Kuchiki's name as Kaguya's boyfriend in The Thrid Parties.. I can't get enough of Bya/Ruiki. And I can tell that Shadows gonna have some good angst and romance (sighs* forbidden love~~)

sorry, drifting off here. (getting back on track) I enjoy this fic so much. Please don't let us wait so long for your next update, cuz it will be a torture!! ^^


Fuyuhii (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

-rolls on floor laughing like crazy- Thumbs up for you! I mean, a virgin Sesshoumaru is definitely new. I can never see the gorgeous, stoic and deadly assasin the same ever again. and seriously, what were the 3 condoms for? lols.

Mishikaiya (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Mean indeed! Hmph!

hola (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010
*dies* grrrrr!!!!! *magicallly comes back to life and shakes fist at sky* geez. heavens to betsy..... (random old school saying :P) thats frustrating!! stop teasing us, you... tease? lol. obviously looking foward to the next update. x_x x

Kittie (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Ahh, sweet virgin love. Hope they know the first time hurts, buwahahahahahahahahaaaaa! Sorry, lol Can't wait! >.<

Nysrina (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I haven't quite stopped laughing at their antics. Someone toss them a manual, quick!

These two chapters are too precious for words! :D

Miss C (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Awww! Man!! I wanted them to get it on now!! lol!!

Yohko (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Love a virginal Sess! A nice change. REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to their "SHARING SESSION". LOL. UPDATE PLEASE! :D

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Awww you are so wrong for ending there! lol. I about fell out of my seat when I saw where it ended. lol. Great job! I so cannot wait to see what they learn from the 'sharing session'. Please update soon or I fear my poor mind might go into overload..... :)

KAggie (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Oh the cliffhanger! It strikes again! XD I'm just...enjoyig this too much to be truly upset. Both being virgins, it's just priceless. I love that they're taking a new step together, and this will definitely make them bond more for sure! (Hopefully that is!) Oh! I seriously cannot wait for the next chapter. The anticipation! D:

Till next time! ;D

knifethrower (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

E M B A R A S S I N G !  Still, don't you think it's perfect, that they will each be the other's first and only?  I love that...

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