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Ruriame (Chapter 22) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

The way you described Sesshoumaru and Kagome and how they acted after the incident was amusing. Ice King and Dreamer indeed. They'll never get anywhere that way though -_-;

I feel like it's completely unfair that they Nishimiya's make Sesshoumaru do all that crap for them every year when they reap the benefist of his mother's culinary skill. And also because they treated him HORRIBLY. He pays for everything too? Are you freaking KIDDING me? Really? Rich pompous @$$holes.

They have strawberry cream with rainbow sprinkles YanYan in Japan. So jealous!!!

CONDOM!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I can't imagine how embarrassed he must be over that little incident. Wow. That should prove to be entertaining. Is the next chapter the last chapter I have left to read already? That went by too fast! Oh well, at least I have one more...

Ruriame (Chapter 21) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

Awww, he went to go get tickets to the festival for her. Kagome cracks me up how she's trying to flaunt that she's married to him. You go, girl. You show those people who they're dealing with.

“This thing is capable of reducing your lifespan by a considerable amount.”

Well I'll die early according to his standards. Waaaay early.

LMAO. Oh the fishies. Somehow you brought them into the mix again. Sesshoumaru fights back. "Go catch more fish" is a nice but very unconvincing cover up, Kagome dear. LOL.

Ooooh, in public. In a forest. They're making a modern fairytale :)
I really liked that encounter. It wasn't anything heavy, it was them experimenting innocently. Next chapter!

Ruriame (Chapter 20) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

His mother died alone in a hospital. Pardon my language, but those b*tches!

His father used his mother's recipes. What a freaking bastard! Argh! Those people deserve to be...uh...KICKED!!!

Hell man, I would totally rather be the wife of the "bastard child" in that family than a wife of a legitimate son. They're so ridiculous.

A nice sort of annoying. He knows he likes it. LOL.

Next chapter, here I come!

Ruriame (Chapter 19) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

It's so funny how he drops the fish talking pretense pretty early on.

I feel like Sesshoumaru likes that Kagome gets silent after he kisses her. He should've tried it earlier twhen he wanted her to shut up in the beginning ;) LOL.

I find it very touching that she called her Okaasan. It seemed even deeper because she called her Inamoto-san first. I felt like she was his mother early on, but I didn't want to say anything because I actually don't like guessing that much...I don't like being wrong. But I suppose I can't be right that way either. At least some of the mystery is revealed. I wonder what will happen next. Family gathering...hmmmmm. I foresee problems.

Kagome's so adorable. When he puts the affection on her blatantly like that, she got embarrassed and mentioned the fishies :)

Ruriame (Chapter 18) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

The "Bye Kagome," seemed to be a deifnitive way to close the book on something between them. But at least she has no hard feelings for him. Typical Kagome.

I find it really cute that they were both inexperienced when it came to the kiss. It made them on the same level. And then they go at it stronger. I find that really really cute ^_^

Woah. That phone call. not expecting it at all, but I guess it makes sense since you mentioned some plot stuff would be mentioned. I feel like you did a flip where Sesshoumaru is the bastard son and InuYasha is the "legitimate" one.

KOI FISH! MissTeak you're a genius! I love koi fish!!!!

And then you did the name play with the fishies. That was SUCH a good idea! I lov how Kagome was going to describe the Sesshoumaru fish like it was better but then Sesshoumaru made the Kagome fish sound more beautiful. That was tactful.

I really want to know this family mystery though. Next chapter, here we go!

Ruriame (Chapter 17) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

More noise from her when he called her a radio. LOL. Nice one.

OH. My. God. Sesshoumaru and Kagome's undergarments doing laundry. That's SO FUNNY. She must be so embarrassed. But awwww, Sesshoumaru was being all manly man about it and then he gets embarrassed by himself. Too cute!

I like how all the friends try to lighten the mood. Such a contrast to Hojo. He really needs to get over himself. But oh well. And I really like how you use country bumpkin in reference to Sesshoumaru from other people's perspective, for some reason. I just find the term amusing, I guess. It's interesting how hojo was characterized as someone who doesn't like losing, but in a way it makes sense. Reminds me of the anime and how he just doesn't give up.

He kissed her! HE KISSED HER! :):):):):):):):):):)

So I really hope no one reads reviews before they read this story or they're going to hate me with all the spoilers I write...>.>;

Ruriame (Chapter 16) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

That was a nice little chapter :)

Hojo's getting all salty, I see. I really wonder what happened in Sesshoumaru's past that made people treat him like that all the time. I like how Kagome was getting worked up over his case and it probably bothered her more than him. And then she got bothered by the fact that he was used to it.

I hope the couple gets some more happy time before more drama unfolds. But I guess I'll just have to see in the next chapter! Haha.

kazegaki (Chapter 23) - Mon 19 Jul 2010

kyaa~!!! The way this was written..I felt embarrassed too!! hahaha there were a few times i had to stop reading because I was laughing so hard and there were others times that I felt really embarrassed for him. I was freaking out along with Sess haha! Love this chapter and I look forward to the "sharing session" ..oooo~~~~

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

It just so weird reading how inexperience Sesshoumaru is in sex! But I like it, something new just like you said. Thanks for updating!

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 22) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Lol. I got nothing else to say.

english rose (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

You are such great writer! I read all 23 chapters just now. You captured the awkwardness of first time having sex perfectly!! Poor Sess was so nervous about impressing Kagome, but the ending was so sweet:) keep up the excellent writing!

Superbi Squalo (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

-Fistshake- Dx Why'd you have to sttooooopppp!! Ya big meanie!

Bre (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I'm enjoying this refreshing portrayal of sess. I've never read where he was so virginal this way. I think i actually like you doing it this way instead of them actually getting into it this chapter. Makes it almost more real. Update soon.

REDWOLF (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I think it is just plain honorable on both of them to have waited and not just have done it for the hell of it. At least neither has anyone to be jealous of. This is great.

Anonymous (Chapter 3) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

I LOVE IT!!!!! Please update soon!

MaivenTahl (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Argh, darn you for you wonderfully fun and hilarious chapters!!! And darn you for such evil cliff hangers!!!

You're so very talented, thank you for the consistant updates to this fanfic, I guess I can forgive you for having a writers block with 'Wisteria' afterall!




Thank you so much for having such fanstic ideas!

jgem (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Miss Teak, this was hilarious! I can totally imagine this scene if it had been turned in a a panicking little chibi Sesshoumaru running around going "What do I do? What do I do?" 


I don't mind the cliffie though because I know the good stuff is coming. Um, right?

Fox (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010


Saide (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Homaygawds! It's so awkward yet enticing at the same time. *nosebleeds* Gads! The anticipation kills me now. XDDDDDDDD

I await for their union. >D

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 23) - Sun 18 Jul 2010

Ooooh, my dear authoress, methinks you are going to have readers tearing out hair and booking flights unless you update VERY soon!  But it is DELICIOUS!!!!  So realistic, sweet, and fumbling... who would have thought Sesshoumaru could do virginal and fumbling!  I love every minute of this fluffy, hilarious, beautiful love story.  I think you've managed the 'shoujo manga' voice QUITE nicely... and am so very pleased to see that your readers agree.  After all, an entire page, or more, of reviews for ONE chapter?  Oh, yeah, you've got us all on the edge of our seats, for sure!  And just think, we haven't even gotten to the "family dinner" yet!  As always, I eagerly await the next yummy installment!!!



PS - CONGRATULATIONS!  Very pretty graduation pic on your profile!!

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