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Ruriame (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

They are SO awkward. It's freaking adorable. Your approach at this was really genius, MissTeak. I feel like they're watching the worst video ever to attempt to educate themselves. LMAO.

I love how indignant she is over his size. God, how many men in the world think a little tummy fat is cute? I'm totally ruined by fiction for all men. LOL. Hehehe. Funny. He knows to explain to her because they're just going by feeling and they're both new. But before he ended up humping her thigh? Really? LMAO. I am having much too much fun laughing at this scene. And Kagome's freak-out at the end just topped it all off.

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 24) - Wed 21 Jul 2010

Oh I knew they were bound for trouble when I got to the end. Three Condoms. OMG! My mind is rolling with the possibilities now MissTeak! I loved this chapter and how the virgins experience their first time. It was cute but also realistic. I couldn't but laugh at some parts, some so hard I had to get up from the chair because I was laughing so hard! :) Awesome job and I can't wait to see what you do to them next! :)

JessiCeleste89 (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

GReAt!!! I never read a lemon scene with both characters being virgins. Its was cute and at some points funny. But with all that going on they forgot to use the condom. Looks like someone going to be preggos soon!!! hehehe :}

KyuubiPandoraChan (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

I knew it will bound to be trouble when Sesshoumaru didn't use the condom that he neatly placed beside the futon. XD Wakakakaka. They are going to have babies very soon. I'm so glad you updated. It's just too cute. So cute that I wanted to pinch Sesshoumaru's cheek for being so silly.

L-desu (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

bwahahahahaha  you evil evil thing!  loved the whole virginal experience.  the embarrassment, the pain.... the morning after horrors!  brilliant!

Superbi Squalo (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

-Readies a paddle.-

Kira (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

I have never laughed so hard in my life!!! Omg god not even when I lost my virginity did I act like that!! This has got to be funnier than any manga or movie that I have read/seen!!


But how could they so interested in FINALLY having sex FORGET to use a CONDOM!!! Now that is something right there.


I had a friend that used to think when he was little that even if he touched a part of a female just rubbing together that she could get pregnant! I thought that was funny but you beat that by a mile!


Love your work and cannot wait to see what happens next!!

Hoshiakari Kokoro (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

once i read the end of this chappte all, the ending is sooooooo awsome^_^

Melly (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

Oooooooh, snap!  They forgot to use any of them!!!!  I bet the first signs of pregnancy turn up right as the family is about to leave...  Lots of babies for Sesshomaru and Kagome!  Not fish. Ha!!

Miss C (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

Yay!! Now they can have babies!!

aiko (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

gosh... half the time i laid on the ground, laughing my ass off and the other half i had to cry... it's so, sooooo sweet.

Sophie (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

That chapter was so great that I decided to review. I rarely read lemons, they are boring me terribly-they take all chapter and after reading it I'm stil in mood 'Okay they had sex, where's big deal?' But you showed it in a way that was both sweet, funny and realistic. Also the act was made between two people who loved each other. Once again it was really good chapter and I have no regerets that I read it.

But there is only one thing-you must update as soon as possible, or I will get insane from waiting!

88pieces (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

I have to admit that i am indeed a gutter marble lol  that was a good chapter and the end was funny . . . still three condoms =]

jgem (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

Great chapter! It's nice to read a story where it's not all mind blowing hotness but just about the intimacy.  I did like the part about Kagome watching porn the first time. Ah! I remember the first time I saw that. My reaction was pretty much like Kagome's. 

The ending was amusing. I was like, yeah, I remember there were three condoms set out and then it struck me. Wait! Miss Teak did not mention anything about the two "virgins" struggling with the condom issue. Uh-Oh!

(Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

AHHH!!!!  OMG!!! what will happen? A baby perhaps....OMG!

knifethrower (Chapter 24) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

Y O W Z A !  Even though that was awkward and embarrassing, it was still hot!  And then, they forgot to use protection!  That was funny, yet also very realistic-seeming.  What a great chapter!

Madison (Chapter 23) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

Virgin + Virgin = Virgins


The thought that they were people in the place when they were thinking about doing it, made me chuckle quite a bit I must say, lmao. Awee, they are just.. I want to pinch their cheeks like babies. Does that make me crazy? It's not my fault you are so talented at mixing some kind of smut with fluff. I say you should be blame.

Kagome is the cutest thing in the world. I can't even begin to imagine the stress that Kagome is going through. I think her mouth went faster than her brain, and she didn't realize what she said until it was too late, lol. And now, all she can do is run around like a headless chicken, trying to avoid the faithful thing that is meant to happen. But then again, I can understand how she feels. I mean techinically they haven't known each other for that long, and the feelings are new. Plus, they never thought they would be in love did they?

I love how Sesshomaru was the one to stop her, and try to calm her down. It's quite funny especially if you consider the fact that he is not calm at all. He is probably as panicked, or more panic than Kagome, so. But if you think about it, man are much more better at controlling their emotions, and he probably doesnt want Kagome knowing about him being a virgin. Although, if you think about it, I wouldn't mind a virgin Sesshomaru. I dont think there is anythign wrong with a man with no experience. Its unfair to want a virgin girl, but expect an experienced man.

But I'm rambling.

I love them, they are so cute. I mean removed the clothes, than they remember the bed. Poor Sesshomaru I thought he was going to have a heart attack and die. I mean I just was sitting there laughing like an idiot. I know it's mean, but I can't help it. Then, they are starting, well, Sesshomaru is staring, Kagome is mostly sitting there, well laying there, while Sesshomaru tries to act like he knows what he is doing. Omg the thoughts going through their mind just made me giggle again, lmao.

The poor things. Kagome is so hilarious, and I'm glad she noticed that there were things different from the moment of passion. I mean I rather they know where things stand, and do things their own way than rushing into it. OMG when she called him on it, I thought once again that he was going to die. LMAO! Poor little thing, but I'm glad he told her the truth before like, just going into a spiral of lies.

And, awe she suggested that they learn things together.

I mean, that will be cute. AND I CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE!

Madison (Chapter 22) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

You know what these two are just too adorable for their own good. I mean what cuties. I like how they can be caught in such a heat of passion sometimes, than other tinme, they are completely shy, and blushing. I mean it reminds you of a good love, one that is so pure and innocent. And I'm sure they loved the idea of being so busy, because its stopped them from having some sort of confrontation, lol. Silly them. Don't they know they can't escape each other?

I agree with Kagome. The way Seshsomaru has to slave for these people, people who do not care for him seems like an injustice. And he does without a complain. I think throughout his life, Sesshomaru has simply learned to take and take the hits, and he never returned them. I truly hope he learns to come out of his shell at the meeting. Plus, now he will not be alone to confront them because Kagome will always be by his side. He needs to understand its okay to not accept being put down.

I felt the tears come to my eyes when I was reading the part where Kagome looks through the album. I mean the love, and joy that is in the first ones was enough to warm my heart, but then I was thinking about the transition, and I wanted to cry. To think that such a young child had been robbed of love, and family, it was heartbreaking. The same can be said for Sesshomaru's mother. I mean the poor thing, she was so devoted to a man who never loved her, who wanted nothing to do with her once he could go back to his other family.

Alright, I thought nothing of him and his shopping, since you know, he bought her a treat, but then oh my Sesshomaru is trying to hide something? Doesnt he know the more youre mysterious about something, the more a girl is gonna want to know? Kagome might be tiny but the power of curiosity is stronger than anything. Honestly, WHAT IN THE HELL IS IT!






AHAHAHAH! *rolls on the floor*

Virgin Sesshomaru is priceless.

I think I died for a second there, omg. AND KAGOME SAYING WE MIGHT AS WELL USE THEM. You know that reminds me of the condom challenge thingy, lmao. Oh god.

Honey, I love you.

Ruriame (Chapter 23) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

....totally random comment, but is Fatso really the name of the fat fish? LOL.

I like the way he was thinking about how they were both inexperienced. I can just picture a shojuo manga. Seriously. I can only think about what will happen later since you gave the warning at the beginning of the chapter...OMG, they're freaking out so much they can't even make themselves do it! They're totally trying too hard. But it's SO funny. Did he just say videos that he watched to educate himself. Sesshoumaru does strike me as the type to try to learn everything he can. Poor man. LOL.

SHARING SESSION. That was too funny. That really was a masterpiece, MissTeak. I salute. Time to wait for the next chapters...

Ruriame (Chapter 22) - Tue 20 Jul 2010

The way you described Sesshoumaru and Kagome and how they acted after the incident was amusing. Ice King and Dreamer indeed. They'll never get anywhere that way though -_-;

I feel like it's completely unfair that they Nishimiya's make Sesshoumaru do all that crap for them every year when they reap the benefist of his mother's culinary skill. And also because they treated him HORRIBLY. He pays for everything too? Are you freaking KIDDING me? Really? Rich pompous @$$holes.

They have strawberry cream with rainbow sprinkles YanYan in Japan. So jealous!!!

CONDOM!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I can't imagine how embarrassed he must be over that little incident. Wow. That should prove to be entertaining. Is the next chapter the last chapter I have left to read already? That went by too fast! Oh well, at least I have one more...

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