First of: 
Secondly: I am so happy that I found this story again!!! I would occasionally remember it when I was bit by the SessKag bug, but couldn't remember any of the pertinent details to find I, but I found your story again!!!!!! And just, I love this story so much??????? And I'm so happy that it's still here?? And now that I'm done rereading it, 8 need to go add this to my homepage for easy access when I want to reread this gem
Sess2022 (Chapter 18) - Mon 21 Nov 2022
Great story - I wish it had a proper ending. I see you were last online 7 years ago, so we probably will never see this story end, but thank you for your work, creativity, and time. It was an excellent read.
Koiyuki (Chapter 16) - Sun 30 Jan 2022
Something interesting, the daemons that live in India are called Yaksha which is where the Yasha in Inuyasha originally derrives from. Further, Padmaja being a female daemoness from India would be called a Yakshini. On another note, the daemons from China are referred to as Yaoguai.
wiccawoman (Chapter 18) - Wed 07 Jul 2021
Great story! I really hope you decide to finish this.
Erica (Chapter 18) - Mon 04 Jan 2021
Ahhhh it stopped just at the crucial moment I'd been waiting for. Disappointed. Hope you finish it someday.
I love this story so much, I have re-read it countless times. Please do not view this as preassure but even knowing that it might never be finished I am reading it again and literally doing a happy wiggle as I begin the first chapter because I know how beautifully written and engaging it is. If you ever read this Thank you. X)
Update pleaseeee!!!!!!
Kira (Chapter 18) - Thu 13 Dec 2018
Would love to get an update if it’s even possible after all these years!!
Kat (Chapter 18) - Thu 13 Sep 2018
More, more, more.
This is a very interesting story and I would love to read more
Natalia (Chapter 1) - Thu 07 Dec 2017
I honestly almost cried seeing this amazing beautiful and unique fic isn't finished and hasn't been updated in such a long time! A true pity! I wish you would find time and inspiration to update! Please? Thx in advance!
My compliments, it's really a great piece and I enjoyed it very much, reading every chapter!
Thanks! Wishing you good luck with everything in your life!
Take care ????
Kanda (Chapter 18) - Sun 09 Jul 2017
awh, it's sad to know that i've come to the last update of chapter and know that it's not the end. it's a really great story, not to mention you have an incredible writing style. there's a word i'm looking for to describe it, lol, but can't remember it atm. maybe it's elegant. you have an elegant writing style. that's probably it, lol, for now. anyway, i hope yer inspired to come back and finish this story. i really would like to know the outcome and especially where those void demons are coming from!! hope yer enjoying life as well and that you won't ferget us readers! <3
Kanda (Chapter 3) - Sun 09 Jul 2017
you were nervous about yer beginning? gurl, this getting to be a great start! i'm nervous myself about updating my own fic on here, yer writing of chapters and the words themselves are remarkable and well organized. *sigh* wish mine was like yers.
Wonderful story
ponpiri (Chapter 18) - Mon 27 Feb 2017
nooooo. i'm so mad I started this story only to realize that it's incomplete and probably won't be finished.
I wish this would be updated. I want to see what happens next. This story is great so far.
How's it going? Hope things are well. Was wondering if you will be finishing this story or not??????? Please let us know. Thanks. Luv your story :)
i would love to see this story finished it caught my attention
I love that you can review a chapter more than once here. That whole nuzzling scene was very HOT by the way. And very nicely done. Cheers!
I loved this storY and I truly hope you bring it to a proper finish. She needs to finish the garden, they need to solve their conflicts and of course they need to vanquish the void demons! So many loose ends to tie up! Please, Please, Please...this is really too good to just leave hanging. Cheers!
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