Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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Daniella (Chapter 46) - Sun 08 Aug 2010!!!  OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!  I don't even know what to say right now.  This chapter was just so increadibly OMG!  I don't think I've ever read anything where Sesshoumaru was so desperate before.  I honestly was waiting for him to break down and cry because of the emotions that were flooding through him while he tried to find her.  Thankfully he had enough sense to realize that HE couldn't save her and that he really needed his beast therefore causing him to use the watch again. 

So, there is some angry youkai who works for Sesshoumaru behind the kindnapping.  Very original and I love it!  I could definitely see how with the dwindling youkai population there would be many out there who thought the jewel could bring their race back to it's former glory.  It's a shame he's not going to get his chance because from the looks of things Sesshoumaru found them.  Once he sees the injuries inflicted on her by him there is not going to be anything that will spare him.

It would also seem that Kiyoshi is very aware of what's going on.  Something tells me he is going to be one powerful pup if he is able to protect himself and his mother from inside her.  He recognized a threat and decided to take action against it.  He is definitely going to be a momma's boy LoL.

My heart was pounding when Kagome hit that wall.  God I hope that Sesshoumaru gets to her in time because whether either of them want it or not it looks like Kiyoshi is about to make his grand entrance.  Hopefully they will have time to call the doctor but I have a funny feeling Sesshoumaru is going to be delivering his son.

You know I don't know how I'm going to wait till your next update! I'm so anxious as to what is going to happen next that my head is swimming.  Your story has just captivated me from the beginning and now that things are getting heavy I'm just busting at my sides!  Excellent excellent work as always Maddie!!  **Extra big huggs** for this week because you are amazing!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 46) - Sun 08 Aug 2010

Poor Sesshoumaru's luck and he will change back from his youkai form to the human looking Sesshoumaru right when he needs to beat the crap out of these idiots.. Whew, could they be in any more trouble...if only Sesshoumaru's beast could learn to share!

Dawn of Roses Kiss (Chapter 46) - Sun 08 Aug 2010

OMG KAGOME IS IN TROOOOOUUUUBBBBLLLEEEE! I wonder what will happen next? :P Nice chapter, update soon! :D

love you so much (Chapter 45) - Sun 08 Aug 2010

Ahhhhhhh the suspense is killing me!!! Please don't let your fan die!!! :)

Rocks (Chapter 45) - Sun 08 Aug 2010

Wow! Kidnapped or um Wifenapped something like that. This story just keeps getting better and better. Also the whole holding hands thing was great.  You go into so much detail I just love to read all the thoughts you have for the characters. Keep the good work comin' 

Miss.Undo (Chapter 45) - Fri 06 Aug 2010

omg he better find her a.s.a.p! please update soon i cant wait! love the story.

Silvermoon maru (Chapter 45) - Thu 05 Aug 2010

I just love it!!! I didn't have internet connection for a month and what I missed the most was this story. It's really amazing how little by little he is realizing his feelings for her. Is the beast somewhat becoming one with him again or not yet? I hate to have them separated but I understand it has to bo that way. Wonderful story! I can't wait for the next chapter!! This is so exciting!! I could almost see their faces when they held hands, that was sweet!

Hesunohana (Chapter 45) - Tue 03 Aug 2010

un tel suspense ! ça devrait pas être permi ! (rire) à quand la suite ?

Lexie (Chapter 45) - Tue 03 Aug 2010

*gasp* OH NO!! KAGOME!!

please to be updating!!

GreyEcho (Chapter 45) - Tue 03 Aug 2010

AH! Crap! O_O Good thing she left the jewel with him. Gah I hope he gets there in time. Major cliffy. >.<  i can't wait till the next chapter. now I go to pace around my room and wonder what will happen.

I'm glad they're getting closer. and the holding hands moment was cute. ^.^

Glad your Grandmother is getting better too. ^_^

Daniella (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

*$#&$(#(@&$ HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  LoL okay I've gotten that out of my system so it's time to move on.  So Sesshoumaru thinks by distancing himself from her it will make things better?  Ugh I just want to smack him upside his head!  That is absolutely the last thing that he should be doing. 

I was very surprised by their conversation as to what they would do when Kiyoshi is born.  Neither one had thought about how they were going to share custody once he was born.  The fact that Sesshoumaru immediately told her that he would move closer to where she lived so she wouldn't have to travel far was very touching.  He had to understand that for her to be apart from him for any amount of time is going to kill her and that it wasn't an option for her to move.  As he said it's just a house to him and he can move alot easier than she can.

I was almost expecting him to offer his assistance in schooling and I think that, that might come later or it could be just an after thought but it was cute none the less.

I'm really curious who that person was who was staring at her.  I wonder if it is someone from the past, someone who is after the jewel or just someone who's got a grudge against Sesshoumaru.  It is possible that this person would think to use Kagome and Kiyoshi as ransom if that is the case.  I do wonder how she could have been so distracted by him though that she nearly got hit by a car.  Kudos to Sesshoumaru for being a little quicker than the average human!

I'm proud of him; both of them really.  Honestly when he asked her if he could hold her hand I was expecting her to say no, and that she would just walk right next to him or right in front of him.  But she said yes.

Kagome knew something was up and she really should have voiced her concerns.  I know she's trying to be strong and show that she is independent but we all need help once in a while.  Thank goodness she thought to at least leave the jewel with him before she went into that bathroom.

I really really really hope that he finds her.  I have been going through it over and over again who could have possibly taken her and I'm just at a loss as to who it could be.  I am really curious as to why he couldn't smell her and I have to agree with the beast that someone was probably masking her scent from him.  15 minutes is not a long time and unfortunately that's all he's going to get since Kagome is the only one who can remove that watch.  He better find her quickly!!

Now, I will forgive you for leaving me with a major cliffy because I just noticed that I never commented on the last chapter and I feel awful about it.  Sorry Maddie :((  Last week was crazy busy and I know I meant to do it and it just slipped my mind.  I apologize!!!  Congratulations on your nominations, you deserve them!  Best wishes as always to you, hope that grandma is getting better!!  **Big Huggs**

Karli (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

Hey Again i kept checking me email for a fanfiction alerty come this morning nice little surprise in my inbox.

is it me or does Kagome always seems to get kidnapped in the series and in alot of fanfiction..... Now who took her? it would have to be a demon right? it was the stranger with the onyx eyes? Now the main question will the beast find Kagome in time? im still curious about how they took her. right in front of our beloved demon lord.

Dangit i dont like cliff hangers either...........

okies i need to get up and dressed for the day.

Cheer mates and have a good day mate im still loving this story even with the cliffhangers

darkangel05 (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

This was a very good chapter. I wonder what took Kagome at such speed away from Sesshoumaru? And what was their motive behind the supposed attack? Lets just hope that the person who has Kagome is a friend and not an enemy. This chapter was amazing and I hope that you UPDATE SOON!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

I waited everyday, watching for an update. I was so happy that you updated. I will worry for Kagome, why did you leave us like this? I will just have to hope that you update soon, because this is big!!! Sesshoumaru "the beast" will not horse-ass around with who or what ever has his Kagome. I just wish Kagome had just explained herself. Kagome should try to see that if Sesshoumaru is trying so hard he would listen to whatever she has to say. Now, I just hope his beast doesn't mess everything up. Great chapter, and I really, really hope you update soon.

Dawn of Roses Kiss (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

As promised you updated and now I'm reviewing! :P

Anyways nice job! I cant wait to see what happens to Kagome and Sesshoumaru in the next chapter! I wonder who kidnapped Kagome... Oh well still gotta wait to see! Oh and thank Eve for me! Together you guys made one awesome story!

Happy2SeeAll (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

Excellent chapter... I wonder who has Kagome... anyone from the past? oooo I feel bad for whoever has taken her... they are in for a world of hurt!

knifethrower (Chapter 45) - Mon 02 Aug 2010

Yessssss!  Sesshy to the rescue!  Please, hurry with update!

Dawn of Roses Kiss (Chapter 44) - Sun 01 Aug 2010

Nice story! I finally finished reading what you have done so far and it is very awesome! Kagome and Sesshoumaru have a strange relaishionship and I'm glad you made it so it would be diffucult. I kinda hate it when people make it so falling in love is so easy. I know I shouldn't judge others but... Off topic now lol. Update soon so I cant read one of my fav stories!

Hesunohana (Chapter 44) - Tue 27 Jul 2010

ha ! toujours cette ambiance si tendue et si...électrique. tu écris vraiment bien en anglais, je m'en émerveille à chaque fois ! (rire)


mais maintenant, que va-t-il advenir d'eux ? maintenant que le bébé arrive, que Sesshoumartu commence à se poser des questions, que Kagome se senty de mieux en mieux avec lui. et surtout, ils n'ont pas répondu à cette question si importante : quoi faire à propros du "mating bond" ? (gros suspense)


bien, je verrai ça la rochaine fois. bon courage pour les prochains chapitres !

MissTeak (Chapter 44) - Mon 26 Jul 2010

YAY! I finally got the time to sit down and read Blood Stained properly, and I am liking what I have read so far. here's my review for this awesome chapter!

Now, the first part was emotional once again, when he thought about his mistakes. I thought it was brilliant the way you mentioned his greatest mistake was in hurting Kagome and the pup. Guilt is bound to strike him, and I am glad you gave Sesshoumaru's heart that teeny bit of humane touch.

And bravo for mentioning that Kagome could never go back to the same again. I actually liked that very, very much. After suffering such a horrendous trauma, escaping from the terrifying beast and growing pregnant with his child and eventually becoming a mother...I think it is impossible and almost crazy to expect Kagome to go back to being what she used to be. She could heal, but she should heal and emerge a different individual. Besides, she would have to be stronger and more mature emotionally to take care of the new little life that is baby Kiyoshi! Sesshoumaru's presence would definitely help her in this arduous process, and I thought it was nice how he realized that on his own. It would not be nice if Kagome had to go through something life-threatening for him to realize it, or for someone else to tell him to do so.

THEN...*snickers* He starts to think about the mating bond. Now, of course the mating bond is pretty important and it affects their actions to a certain extent. But he is right, he is nonetheless the master of his own body. And...OMG...and...*SQUEALS LIKE A TYPICAL FANGIRL* HE IS FALLING FOR HER. OMG OMG I CAN SENSE IT. I CAN READ IT. YAY!!!!! *floats on PINK clouds*



Back to Earth.

Oh god, poor Sesshoumaru is feeling sooooo much remorse over his actions; it is killing me. I am hurting because I can actually relate to the pain because your beautifully crafted words brought me into his thoughts. It is so raw and painful. And like some other reviewers have mentioned, I thought the imagery of him trying to reassemble the crushed petals of a flower was poignantly beautifully. How tragic, to be doing something like that. The flower can never, ever be the same again, but he is still trying. For that, Sesshoumaru deserves happiness. I believe he does, and I really really hope Blood Stained has a good ending. Or I will cry. Like seriously, seriously CRY. (LOL! That was not a threat sweetheart!! You know I love you LOTS!)

The signs of her growing acceptance are definitely visible in this chapter, from the way she didn't really evade him when he came back into the hotel room, and actually closed in the distance when she sat on his bed. Kagome's psychological state was very, very skillfully written, and it is very mature of you as a writer to mention that a part of her was still angry at Sesshoumaru. It is definitely very realistic, because this is a woman who has been raped. I am not saying I understand fully how victims of rape feel, but I believe no matter how gracious a person is, there would be residual anger and a small part within them that can never come to terms with the pain and trauma. But she is definitely very brave to face her fears, and actually think of Sesshoumaru in a very rational manner instead of channeling all her energy to hating his guts. So she's right, time will actually heal a lot, and she will find herself again if she learned to let go of certain things.

OMG Sesshy as Papa is soooooo beautiful~ The mental image of him kneeling down in front of her and leaning his nose against her stomach is soooooo sweet! And gosh, he SMILED. Are you sure you are not a fluff writer, darling?? I am getting a little giddy from the fangirl-ism. Contact is very good indeed. Please have more contact, Sesshoumaru and Kagome.

You know, I've always thought I'd love for them to be together and actually love each other, but the idea of intercourse between them scares ME. Can you imagine it?? OMG. I cannot, but I did! I actually feared when they talked about being more in contact, and I thought Kagome might go berserk on Sesshoumaru. But then again, you are a very mature writer, so you never give me cause for meaningless worry! Blood Stained is such an awesome fic because of the pace. That aspect alone is very, very commendable.

SEE?? EVEN THE BOND THINKS THEY ARE RIGHT FOR EACH OTHER. Honesty is indeed, the best policy. I thought it was good to have Sesshoumaru tell Kagome the truth, and allow her to accept it slowly. Because no matter what she'd think, the truth remained as such, and it was better than having her realize it subsequently and have no choice but to deal with the situation. It's really sweet that Sesshoumaru is growing to be affected by Kagome's opinions of him! I thought it was cute that he felt bad almost immediately when Kagome started crying. AND ZOMG I want to pull his ears. He should stop pushing everything to the poor bond. It's high time this demon realizes it is his HEART that is feeling all these emotions.

Then as if he heard me, Sesshoumaru had to say this...

"If they were meant to, then they did."


And they continued with that conversation with all that subtle hints and it was really, really sweet to read.

The entire conversation weighed so heavily on me because of how beautiful it was, and I honestly haven't typed such a long review in my eight years of reading fanfiction, but I NEED TO TELL YOU HOW I FEEL.

Sesshoumaru is like, the cutest thing. I know this is strange, because I am reviewing Blood Stained, which is known throughout the fandom as a darker, dramatic and emotional fic. But still, he is so darn cute when he started pondering about what love actually entails, and matching emotions which he had felt in the past to the descriptions Kagome gave. It was as if he had a checklist, and he was just ticking everything off. Having Kagome educate him on the theories of love was a great idea; she actually managed to prove to him that yes, while being alone was easier, it was not exactly nicer. Sure, one didn't get the hurt and pain that comes from being in love at times, but neither would the person know happiness from love. 

THEN SHE TOUCHED HIM :) :) :) *mega grin*

He just had to go and think, didn't he? I want to pull his pointy ears now and scream in them. "YOU ARE IN LOVE, DOGGY!!"

Please keep up the good work, my dear, and keep the chapters coming!! I adore Blood Stained and can't wait for more!! *HUGGLES* Did I break the record for longest review for Blood Stained ever?? LOL.

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