Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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amanda wulke (Chapter 13) - Mon 16 Nov 2009

 This story is perfect!!!!! Keep up the good work and update soon please!

iris (Chapter 13) - Sun 15 Nov 2009

I absolutely LOVE this fanfiction so far!!! I am soo glad I decided to read this fic! From the moment I read the prologue I was hooked!!!  The plot is very good and well planned out.  You seem to know exactly where you are going with it and because of that it is extremely easy to follow.  It is also very different from other fics that I've read because you gave Sesshoumaru a "Naraku" characteristic.  Even though Sesshoumaru despises the hanyou, it seems he has picked up on how to manipulate and decieve others into getting what he wants without even lying.  That was very clever of you!

You also have a very well written story so far!  I think I've only encountered one misspelled word and it is not even worth bothering to fix it.  Your portrayal of Kagome is right on!!!  She's a emotionally strong, caring, forgiving, selfless, spirited woman, and is by no means stupid.  So far, through all the pain, hurt, and betrayal she is not yet broken.  She also hasn't lost her hope, will, and determination to survive the abuse and preservere in order to attempt an escape at some point.

I also give you much praise for the fact that you aren't allowing Kagome to forgive so easily.  Kagome is an abnormally very forgiving, caring, and selfless soul, but even she has limits.  I have read several fics where Kagome was kidnapped, raped, and tortured and then in little to no time she had forgiven too easily and accepted and even fallen in love with that person without the adequate time, remorse, and justice needed in order to obtain any sort of plausible relationship.I mean sure at some point the body may respond to sexual stimulus, but that does not mean that it is a welcome touch and therefore no longer rape.   Just because Sess is handsome, powerful, and rich doesn't mean Kagome should fall head over heels in love with him after all the pain and suffering she's been through.  Kudos for thinking sensibly as to how a person might realistically feel and act in that type of situation, not that I would know, but I think you portrayed Kagome's emotions and reactions accurately given the circumstances.

Another thing I've noticed is that your diologue with internal thoughts and actual conversation is excellent, especially during the lemon parts...hehe...*blushes*  I have read several fanfics that simply tell the reader what is happening such as: she screamed his name over and over...she moaned in bliss...he grunted his pleasure...etc.  Those kind of stories are sorely lacking proper diologue to give the reader a sense of complete awareness as to what is happening and how the characters actually feel about their situation.

Well now I seem to be babbling a bit too much, but I just can't help myself, your fic has got me that excited!  I am eagerly awaiting for the destruction of Naraku, the birth of Kags and Sess's pup, Kikyo's and Sesshoumaru's devious true intentions revealed, and last but certainly not least, the JUSTICE and REVENGE for all the physical, emotional, and mental abuse Kagome has gone through!!!

Overall much kudos and praise for being an excellent writer!!!

Oh by the way, I LOVE long stories myself, so when you mentioned maybe a 100 chapters worth of this fanfiction, I was like WOOHOO!  Can't wait....SERIOUSLY...CAN'T WAIT for more chapters!!!  I'm biting my nails and trying to be  Anyways PLEASE update soon!

Keep up with the fantastic work you're doing! 





Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 13) - Sat 14 Nov 2009

Oh my goodness! This chapter was so informative and so amazing! I completely enjoy this fic more than I thought I might. 'Gome's such a loving creature I doubt she would put her son in danger, but Sesshou's right, her want to leave him does overpower her intellect sometimes. We'll just have to see till the next chapter =D please updata soon c;

kotainuchan (Chapter 13) - Fri 13 Nov 2009

Haha I don't know why I keep reading this...... though it's well written, the constant rape and humiliation just really pisses me off ;P I think I'm waiting for Kagome's revenge and for Sesshoumaru to learn his lesson. It sure is taking a long time though.

knifethrower (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

"Choices and Consequences" is an awesome fanfic.  "The Breeder" is just as great, but I am enjoying it even more.  There is just something about a harsh, unyielding Sesshomaru that just gives me goosebumps, and you have done one of the best jobs ever portraying him this way.  Now that he is off to war, I bet he will begin to change, but these first chapters, with all their brutality, place this story in the 'unforgettable' category for me...

Megan (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Wow I must say this chapter was amazing, I was happy that no harsh sextral activty went on hear, but then you put in the whole, dungen chamber and I was like "Damn"!!! lol man Sesshomaru is way to smart, I must say this chapter suprised me a lote, I mean it looked like he is coming around, but then again!!!, you said in 2 preview chapters that Kagome situation is going to get much worse! I am curious on to see how you are going to make it so much worse then it already is!!!!, I am dieing to read more, I really do hope you update sooner!!, I know of course you have a life and stuff, but I just can't stop reading this wonderful story!!!, I love how you go into detail on ever thing!! so beautifuly written!!!, can't wait to read more, in a way I want to know if Kagome ecapes and stuff, and were will she go and will she ever go back to her time, and if she does manage to ecscap and go back to her time, I wonder if Sesshomaru would follow her and try to get her back, and I am dieing to see the sextral desires he will in flicked on her when he catches her, I know I am so bad, and sick but hey everyone has a darkside hehehhe.

I hope you update real soon!! can't wait to read more, and if you do are you going to just put it on hear or still put it on fanfiction, because of the issues you are having with fanfic and a certain person as well.

Take care darlin


Megan. aka Hattaru.

REDWOLF (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

I hope Kagome does not try to escape, that would show Sesshoumaru that she is a loving mother! I just wish that stupid necklace could be broken and Sesshoumaru could see just how strong and true she truly is and does not need to be trained like an animal. I wonder what her sons will think of her captivaity?? I would imagine that it will not sit welll with them. Maybe, the sons could show the father what TRUE supreme power is! Great Chapter  

Tarawriter (Chapter 3) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

I never read fic like this, ever; my abhorrence of rape/abuse fantasy stories is probably as vast as Kagome's capacity for kindness, but I decided to set aside my personal feelings while reminding myself this isn't real life because I like your writing style.  As usual, the writing is superior, tightly woven, well paced and dialog top notch, but I don't know if I can read anymore for now.  You're a wonderful writer, but this is a very painful piece of work for me to read; when I was younger, I worked with abused children and did volunteer work at a shelter for women.  There are things I've seen I won't forget no matter how many years pass.  Now all this aside, you've done an excellent job of capturing the horror in an abusive relationship, and I congratulate you on doing so.  When this one is finished, I'll be back around to read how you've resolved the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, but I'm positive if anyone can do it and do it well, it will be you.  

Kanna37 (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Man, I tell you what... you were going for dark, and you succeeded.  I want to escape from Sesshoumaru, and I'm not even in the story, lol. 


Samantha (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Nice I really love this story but it is highly and I mean highly unusual for me to read these kinds but I must say sometimes it's just plain interesting to read outside of your box and this story is extremely well written.  I like the lighter chapter this time things were pretty tense but good in the others it was a nice break.  Keep them coming please

stars (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

please updata

autumngold (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Silly Kagome.  As terrible as Sesshoumaru has been to her, she would still attempt to leave knowing that her life and the pup's would be in danger?  What does she think that another youkai would do to her, especially if they knew her power?  Maybe I'm chicken, but I don't think that I would try to leave when I knew it would most likely result in the death of my child.  It's not the baby's fault for what Sesshoumaru is doing.  Great update!  I can't wait to find out if it will be as easy as Sesshoumaru thinks it will be to kill Naraku.  Even if it is, what will Inuyasha, Kikyo, and the other lords think about Sesshoumaru taking the jewel?  I would think that would cause more fighting than trying to expand territories.  Thanks so much for the update!  Can't wait for more.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Such a good chapter! I'm kind of hoping that Kagome will surprise everyone and not try to escape. But Sessh has a point. And, were it me, I would have already made a number of attempts. I can't wait to see what you'll come up with in the next chapter - but I suppose you're going to make me.

Eien-no-Melody (Chapter 13) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

yay for updates! another drawing is in the works and will be done soon so look forward to it!

i'm a little confused about kagome's actions. in high school i became interested in the human mind for awhile and started looking up on what a person goes through when something tramatic happens. at one point i got to rape and from what i remember, the victim goes through horrific thoughts and actions. they can become violent and take their anger out on everyone around them cause they are angry at themselves for not being able to stop their attacker and/or withdrawn fearing everyone and feeling disgusted with themselves (this is the edited version, a lot more goes on)

the kagome now kind of just goes along with it. i get that's part of the story and maybe what i've discribed above will happen when she realizes how powerless she really is and can't run away, but i was expecting her personality to start turning dark (if only in her own mind).

a lot of stories i've read that involved rape fall to the same problem: the victim accepts what happened and moves on with their life with a happy ending very quickly. i disagree with this because there needs to be a lot of character development for them to come to terms with what happened, stop blaming themeself, and then finding the strength to move on. but then there's the issue  of seeing their attacker's face when they are trying to be with their lover in the same position.


like i said, maybe this'll come up in the story later on (you did say it's be like 90 chapters), but i wanted to throw my two cents in and see what your opinion on this part of the story was.


still looking forward to the next update, and please look forward to my next drawing.

Fluff-Maru-Sama (Chapter 12) - Thu 12 Nov 2009

Oi watch it this story might have more reviews than your Choices & Consequences lol lol

Absolutely Love this story!

Sesshoumaru is profiled so good its terrifying

Please update soon. I have been obessed for a few days checking Dokuga for an update for The Breeder

Its sad I know...Lol

Koishii_Beloved (Chapter 12) - Tue 10 Nov 2009

It took me some time, but I finally got to it and I LOVE it! It's so dark and depressing, but in some sick way, I love it and want to see what happens further in the story. I'm glad I took the time to read it. It is totally worth it! Good luck on the next chapter! <3

jinjin (Chapter 12) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

congrats !!!

u have made such smooth changes in SessKag relationship.

the last scene of this chap is alsmost cute<3

I can see the growing relationship btw them.

just can not wait to see the next chap

ria (Chapter 12) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

I really do love angsty stories. Lol. Although you said that it will be a while before our favourite pairing to be within good terms with each other (hehe), I can't help but grin whenever Sesshoumaru and Kagome have that tiny little moments together (Lol. I sound like I have a total disregard of Kagome's suffering).

Um, I just wanted to ask you. How often do you update? :D

1CarinoInu (Chapter 12) - Sun 08 Nov 2009

You almost have to really hate Sesshoumaru for his abuse of Kagome, and InuYasha for being naive.  I like where this story is going - keep up the great work!

Acadia (Chapter 1) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Great Story, even though i'm not normally into darkfics. I thought you might be interested, if needing any ideas for ways of making Kagome 'get-back' a Sesshomaru, in the idea of Spontaneous Abortions in Human females (Although it is a slightly advanced idea for a Kagome who only completed high-school) They are caused in15-20% of women who endure too much physcal, emotional, or mental stress their dailylives. They can be reoccuring, and can easily be caused by the stress of remembering traumatic events. Lol, i know its random, but I could see Kagome using it XP, I know I would; especially if Sesshomaru was so woried about her being healthy enough to bare childen. I'm a history major, but I have waaaaaaaaaaay to many biology and psychology- loving friends. Again, love the story!

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