Reviews for Chain of Love by Chie

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KEdakumi (Chapter 27) - Tue 03 May 2011

Please tell me at some point Kagome and Sesshoumaru are going to be able to get back at his mother and Kagome will be able to do something she wants without all the manipulation.  I'd keep the monster-in-law from seeing her grandchild, but that's just me. :P

Can't wait to see where you take this.  (please have Kagome smack the smug look off Sess's Mom's face) XD

Vicky (Chapter 27) - Tue 03 May 2011

Oh noo....I hope they'll start communicating their true feelings for each other instead of feeling guilty about everything and not talking it out.  Loved this new longggg chapter.  I can't wait to read the next one.  Please update soon.

Azurena (Chapter 27) - Tue 03 May 2011

Ah! These two! They are infuriating the crap out of me! If they would just learn to communicate with one another, they wouldn't be having all these emotional problems! Gahhh . . . but you know your story is good if it makes a reader feel this much lol

Can't wait for more!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 27) - Tue 03 May 2011

D: that BASTARD! I'm so glad he was purified to dust! seriously! raping her? Ugh. OKay totally happy he died violently, though i'm sad that SK had an emotional setback b/c of words. either way though awesome chapter, and an awesoem birthday read!

crin_fausta (Chapter 27) - Tue 03 May 2011

This story is amazing..and with each chapter you prove it again and again...The way you portray Sesshoumaru and Kagome's interactions, the plot which is one of the most original I have EVER read, every sigle thing concerning this sotry is bloody fantastic, awesome =>You should have expected such a resounding succes for this wonderful story...but anyway...I am quite sure that you are going to win an award this year *wink*

Can't wait to read what is going to happen really are evil you know leaving us not knowing what is going to happen next....but I love you anyway...

Kamiki (Chapter 26) - Wed 20 Apr 2011

Evil cliffy!! I love it though. I cannot wait to see Sesshoumaru's reaction to this!!

Thanks for another awesome chapter :)

~Juggalette4Lyfe420~ (Chapter 26) - Tue 05 Apr 2011

WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!! Update again really soon you are an amazing writer and you have such great talent i cant wait to read more of your wonderfully written fanfiction! Update soon!

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 26) - Tue 05 Apr 2011

LOVED IT! LOVED IT! Please, please hurry with the next update. I have to know what happens next. Goodness, sometimes I want to just shake that can she NOT tell how much Sesshoumaru WANTS to be with her. Geezzz..get a clue! Hurry...pleaseeeee.

Autumn (Chapter 26) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

You just had to leave it there, great chapter though. Update soon!

Mlmonty (Chapter 26) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

You are a horrible, horrible person to leave it there!

... we'll just convinently ignore that fact that the ch was already long.

Loveyaa (Chapter 26) - Wed 30 Mar 2011

Oh snap!! A lot has happened in this chapter. Im kinda just waiting for the freak out of Sesshoumaru. This will def change things even more than they have already changed. I can't wait to see where this new twist takes....well everything. I will be eagerly awaiting the end of a chain and the begnning of a new life :)

Anonymous J (Chapter 26) - Wed 30 Mar 2011

Fantastic chapter! Great turn in the plot, but I think I would have preferred this revelation a couple chapters later in the storyline. I can't wait for the next update, good luck with the end of school and summer job hunting - trust me when I say I know EXACTLY how you feel!

Linay (Chapter 26) - Wed 30 Mar 2011

Awesome chapter. Super duper awesome! Loved the tension and I can't wait for the next chapter!

I hope your job hunt is going well!

Jihadi (Chapter 26) - Wed 30 Mar 2011

After being glued to my computer so that I could read this intriguing story of yours from start to finish, I have come to the conclusion that it is great!  It's original, while not going crazy.  Your OCs serve to further the story without taking it over, as I have seen happen in so many others.  Kudos to you, and I look forward to the next installment!

Blaire (Chapter 26) - Wed 30 Mar 2011

Love it. absolutely loved it. :) update soon!

Sala (Chapter 26) - Tue 29 Mar 2011

Heh.  And then the shit hit the fan. :)

Lady Lyris (Chapter 26) - Tue 29 Mar 2011

I knew it! Just as I had been suspecting since the beginning of the chatper! Bahaha! Great chapter, and such a great ending to this chapter. 

Sesshoumarus Girl (Chapter 26) - Tue 29 Mar 2011

Your story is worth waiting for, late or not. I can't wait to see how Sesshoumaru will react, and what Kagome is going to have boy or girl or both!? LOVE YOUR STORY HOPE YOU UPDATE SOON!!!!

Lady Ashurii (Chapter 26) - Tue 29 Mar 2011

:D i love u haha wonder how daddy sessho's gonna react :P

crin_fausta (Chapter 26) - Tue 29 Mar 2011

You never cease to amaze me!

Please keep going on like this! I really do enjoy this worderful, fantastic story!

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