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Adriana (Chapter 20) - Fri 29 May 2009

While I understand the Sesshoumaru wants Kagome back, it seems to me like he's kinda being a little bit of a jerk about it...

anyways, update soon. :)

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 20) - Fri 29 May 2009

Wow. I think Shippou's idea makes sense... I mean you can never really appreciate something important to u until you've lost it. I hope Sesshou will learn from this valuable lesson. And I agree with Inuyasha... where the hell was Sesshou's "I must be the one to protect and provide for my mate" attitude about 6 months ago? I really hope you make Sesshou work hard for Kagome's forgiveness so that a repeat of this situation will not happen again. I look forward to see how Inuyasha and Shippou will deal with Sesshou's demand of seeing Kagome? How will they get Kagome to comply since she probably won't agree to this meeting willingly. Update soon and keep up the good work.  :P

Walter205 (Chapter 19) - Fri 29 May 2009
I really want to say something, but there is a strange feeling in my little tummy about what will happen in the next few chapters. So, no witty remarks aside, keep up the good work.

Vicky (Chapter 19) - Thu 28 May 2009

I'm glad Kagome will not just take him back.  Sess needs to work on getting her forgiveness.  I look forward to reading the next chapter tomorrow.

Chaos_Queen77 (Chapter 1) - Thu 28 May 2009

*Sigh* I've picked up reading this fic around the time you posted chapter five, i have to say im glad i did. I kept meaning to leave a review but i wont lie i have been to lazy to. Finally i've guilted my self into it. Made myself sit here and tell you what an amazing story you have. Its so original and heart wrenching. It pulls at my black little heart to read this. I can literally feel the two of their pain in my own chest. It is the first thing i read when i get home from work its what gets me through the long aggrivating day, looking forward to a new chapter when i get home. Your story has completely and totally captured me and i can not wait until the next day for the next chapter. Please keep up the good work on a fantastic fan fic.

Starlyte (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 May 2009

I like how easily you cleared things up with that Elyssa woman, that was well done, and the scene with Hojo, yep saw that one coming!

However this chapter was really good, because it was finally out there, you know? The whole reason for everything, them not being mated, her scent not in his room, her not wearing her wedding ring, her condition when Inuyasha and Shippo first saw her, everything! Especially for Inuyasha and Shippo, those two really didn't know what the hell was going on, but now they do and can help fix things. And Yay Sesshomaru finally has all his memories back so now things should progress even though Kagome's going to go away for awhile, though she hasn't actually left yet, so......

But i really really really can't wait for the next chapter! Well Done!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 May 2009

It's still so heart breaking that Sess jumped to the same conclusion without giving Kagome a chance to explain anything. I think this may have been the last straw before Kagome couldn't take it anymore. I wonder what Sess will think when he hears that she's leaving? Will Shippou and Inuyasha help the both of them rebuild what they have lost? What will Kagome's family think when they find out the truth? I look forward to another amazing update... plz hurry. Need more fanfic... Need more now... *pout* :P

Walter205 (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 May 2009
Poor Kags, she's had to endure so much heartpain. Hopefully by leaving for awhile she'll give Sesshomaru some of what he got, so much better for their chances of 'starting over'.

Ko Torii (Chapter 1) - Wed 27 May 2009

I didn't even realize that I had reached the most recent chapter until the next button wasn't coming up because this story is so interesting!  I hope to see future chapters.  Congratulations you have a wonderful story in your hands.


SilentlyFuming (Chapter 17) - Tue 26 May 2009
*groans* one conflict avoided (quite nicely actually, props XP) but now this?! Please update again soon!!!

Adriana (Chapter 17) - Tue 26 May 2009

uh oh. Sesshoumaru got the wrong part of the stroy first.. update soon

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 17) - Tue 26 May 2009

Finally... Sesshou is back at square one where he initially was. I wonder how close his reaction will be to his original one when he finds out the truth again. I wonder if the rest of his memory will come flooding back in another big wave. I'm not sure if I want Kagome to give him yet another chance... I mean sure he did lose his memory and she has been very helpful and patient but even someone like her has their limits. Please update soon with a longer chappie. :P

amoraluv (Chapter 17) - Tue 26 May 2009

wow, the cliffy on 17 blew me. lol I can't wait to read what happens next.

stars (Chapter 17) - Tue 26 May 2009
I like it,but are you going to put an enemy in the story.

Starlyte (Chapter 16) - Tue 26 May 2009

Finally!!! I can't wait to see what happens at the gala, cause you can just tell something is gonna happen!!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 16) - Tue 26 May 2009
DX no, he couldn't have had an affair, right? hell, it'd be better if the bitch had drugged him and tried to rape him or something, but Sesshoumaru could never have had an affair... *whines* Please Update Soon!!!!

Adriana (Chapter 16) - Tue 26 May 2009

Uh-oh. Something bad's gonna happen

What's it gonna be???

sushiko (Chapter 1) - Mon 25 May 2009

since your ahead on with this story why don't you update it all the way. why you don't upate all of it? in school i can't get on becuase it's blocked but i can get on dokuga in school becuase it;s not blocked. but i can never read the rest of your story since you onyl update it every now and then.

Miko53 (Chapter 1) - Sun 24 May 2009
Time, This is one of the best stories I have read lately. The other being Broken Promises which left me crying. Anyway I really like this story and hope to see more of these kinds of stories from you in the future. Thank You. You ROCK! Alicia

Elizabeth (Chapter 14) - Sat 23 May 2009

Ooo, I like that chapter. Not as much as the end of the last chapter but this is still good. Ahahaha I like how Inuyasha was flirting with the sales girls.. that is a really good idea.. Lol.

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