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stars (Chapter 36) - Mon 27 Jul 2009
please updata

TruGemini (Chapter 36) - Mon 27 Jul 2009
A son? How awesome is that? Love the way you are writing about Sess dealing with possesive issues. Great job all around.

Adriana (Chapter 36) - Mon 27 Jul 2009
haha Kagome's having cravings! :) update soon

Sokai (Chapter 35) - Sun 26 Jul 2009
I love it! It is just like when I was pregnant same situation happened to me. I can't wait to read more!

stars (Chapter 35) - Thu 16 Jul 2009
please updata

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 35) - Thu 16 Jul 2009
her mood swings will be the death of him, no question about that *^_^*

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 35) - Wed 15 Jul 2009
This was definitely a long road to travel in order for both Sess and Kagome to get where they are in their relationship. I'm glad Sess was made to work very hard to get back on Kagome's good side and hopefully he's learned his lesson about not taking someone like Kagome for granted. I look forward to what's in store for the new mommy and daddy to-be. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

His Lady (Chapter 35) - Wed 15 Jul 2009
OMG i cant wait to see these mood and beautiful lemon LOVED IT

kimakaanna (Chapter 1) - Wed 15 Jul 2009
wow!! this is a really nice story. Even though sesshy is in the wrong in this story, i really hope that they work it out! thanks for creating this. it's one of the best stories I've read in a while! anywho, onto the next chapter!

Adriana (Chapter 35) - Wed 15 Jul 2009
lol Sesshoumaru must have been a little hrown off by Kagome's outburst! ^_^ update soon

stars (Chapter 34) - Mon 13 Jul 2009
please updata

Xiomara (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 Jul 2009
Oh my goodness!!! You are awesome!, I am a faithful reader and I adore the liltlle cliffhangers that you come up with. Although I would deff. love if you updated a lot more often... But who wouldn't with how great this story is. I would love to read more work from you, and know that even if ppl do not review, they are still ever so watchful of awesome work like yours!! Keep up. --- Xiomara ^_^

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 Jul 2009
*SQUEE~!* Baby time!!! *^_^* lol, I'm a lil hyper at the moment

Ladyfairy (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 Jul 2009
yay you didnt kill off sesshy....but did you have to leave us hanging...update soon please

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 Jul 2009
Grrr. this could cause severe aneurysms, you know!!?? continue soon. This is so wonderful eep!!

gradualwisd0m (Chapter 34) - Sat 11 Jul 2009

Gack!!  Nice cliffy!  I'm so excited for him to tell her what she doesn't yet know/understand!  I was really hoping you wouldn't end on this chapter. 

Adriana (Chapter 34) - Fri 10 Jul 2009
Sesshoumaru found out that Kagome's pregnant!! :)) And She's moving back home!! I wonder what Kagome's reaction will be to finding out she's pregnant. Update soon

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 34) - Fri 10 Jul 2009
Aww man! You stopped it right there!? Of all places!? Lol but in all seriousness, you're doing a great job, and I'm really enjoying this story! Your character portrayal is very refreshing, and I love that Kagome and Sesshomaru actually worked through their problem like a real couple instead of immediately making up - good work! Anyway, I'll be waiting for the next chapter! Good luck! ~Aubrey

Sokai (Chapter 33) - Fri 10 Jul 2009
i have a bad feeling.

Miss Kagura (Chapter 33) - Thu 09 Jul 2009
I love this story! Seriously! I can't wait for an update!

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