FragmentedMatter Profile Page

About Me



With Naraku defeated, Kagome is more than surprised when her life as a wandering miko is interrupted by an unexpected turn of events. Watch as Kagome embarks on a journey filled with loss, friendship, tragedy, and love - not necessarily in that order.

This tale is a re-imagining of a story I started back in 2007 under the title Unexpected Love, With Someone Unexpected. For this story, I want to challenge myself and write it as a series of short drabbles to test the writing techniques I have learned over the years and to prove to myself that I can, in fact, complete a story - even if it may take twenty years to do so.

Join me in this harrowing journey of enshrouded mysteries, complex relationships, and (re)discovering one's identity.


Kagome Higurashi has been single for far too long, and with a lot of persuasion from her friends, she agrees to join the world of online dating. But can compatibility be decided by an app?

This tale is something I hold near and dear to my heart as it is loosely based on personal experience and heartbreak. Initially, I began writing Compatibility to heal after leaving a toxic relationship, and unfortunately, I found it difficult to continue writing this story once I had healed and became a happier/healthier version of myself. While returning to this story has been a challenge, I have been (re)inspired to continue. Many people have asked if this will ever be a Sess/Kag story, and the short answer: of course! This story is largely about mental health, trauma, and healing, so while Sess/Kag are end game, it's important to explore how both Sesshomaru and Kagome navigate these issues on their own before they can come together as a couple. Based on the current outline, there are 300+ chapters for this story, and Sesshomaru and Kagome will meet around the 100th chapter.

Join me as we watch our beloved characters determine their compatibility and wade through the challenges of love and heartbreak.

Sweet Nothings

Sweet Nothings is a quaint little café near the Sunset Shrine, and its incredible coffees and intricately designed confections are a tasty treat and are far superior to anything a corporate franchise could offer. However, not a single customer has entered the premises aside from Higurashi Kagome, a lover of all things sweet and savory, who can’t understand why. As she forms a tentative friendship with the shop owner and as customer numbers slowly increase with her unsolicited advertising, Kagome begins to suspect that the café may be hiding a deep secret, and she is determined to find out what it is – even if it changes her perceptions of the world and of him.

Sweet Nothings is a cute little story with our favourite duo, and it is comparatively different from the dark(er) content of my two other stories. Both Inevitability and Compatibility require me to be in certain headspaces when I write them, but after finding a writing prompt on Instagram, I was inspired to write this whimsical tale that is (mostly) drama free.

Join me in this lighthearted and heartwarming tale about two people who share their love for baked goods.


Just a collection of random and unrelated SessxKag one shots that don’t categorically or thematically fit in any of my other stories.

As my two other stories progress, this will be the home for deleted scenes and other random SessxKag snippets.


As of March 20, 2020:

As always, words can't express how deeply sorry I am for leaving you all waiting for updates. Life continues to get in the way of any type of creative processes. I currently teach academic writing, business writing, and literary analysis at a university, so any free moments I do have are spent sleeping...

I hope you are all well during this crazy pandemic.

Take care, stay safe, and stay healthy!


Edit [as of Mar. 20, 2020]: You never know, with all of my courses now online, I may have a free moment to update something...

Edit [as of May 19, 2020]: The above statement is a lie! I am more busy teaching online, creating audio-recorded presentations, live streaming, and developing interactive web content than I ever was teaching face-to-face! I will do my best, but for now, enjoy the random drabbles I will be uploading to Variables.

Edit [as of Jul. 3, 2020]: ForgottenDarkSoul (FDS) has undergone a name change! Time to break free from my angsty teens years as my thirties loom ever closer...


Other places to find me:






*Story Banner created by the wonderful Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer!

User Status

17 years ago
2 years ago
4 years ago



*Beautiful story banner created by the wonderful Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer!



  Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer
  No Uta
  Youkai Yume
  Channell C. Walker
  Striking Falcon
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


FragmentedMatter has 4 stories

With Naraku defeated, Kagome is more than surprised when her life as a wandering miko is interrupted by an unexpected turn of events. Watch as Kagome embarks on a journey filled with loss, friendship, tragedy, and love - not necessarily in that order. *Story banner created by the wonderful Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer!
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 16 Jul 2014  -  Updated: 12 Aug 2022
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 105  -  Reviews: 215  -  Words: 26,576  -  Reads: 439,282
Kagome Higurashi has been single for far too long, and with a lot of persuasion from her friends, she agrees to join the world of online dating. But can compatibility be decided by an app? **Slow-burn story about the hardships of dating, the traumas of an emotionally abusive relationship, and the struggles of rebuilding one's self-esteem and self-worth. This is a 200+ chapter story with Sess/Kag's official meeting around Chapter 95.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 17 Sep 2017  -  Updated: 29 Dec 2022
Genre: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 59  -  Reviews: 185  -  Words: 54,717  -  Reads: 103,804
Just a collection of random and unrelated SessxKag one shots that don’t categorically or thematically fit in any of my other stories.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 17 May 2020  -  Updated: 13 Jan 2021
Genre: Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 2,618  -  Reads: 5,485
Sweet Nothings is a quaint little café near the Sunset Shrine, and its incredible coffees and intricately designed confections are a tasty treat and are far superior to anything a corporate franchise could offer. However, not a single customer has entered the premises aside from Higurashi Kagome, a lover of all things sweet and savory, who can’t understand why. As she forms a tentative friendship with the shop owner and as customer numbers slowly increase with her unsolicited advertising, Kagome begins to suspect that the café may be hiding a deep secret, and she is determined to find out what it is – even if it changes her perceptions of the world and of him. Nominated for the 2021 3rd Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards in the category 'Best Serial'.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 05 Jun 2021  -  Updated: 30 Nov 2021
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 22  -  Words: 5,686  -  Reads: 13,002


Total number of images: 1

Enter Death
  • Enter Death
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 299

SessKag - First Comes Marriage
first and last dance
Hell Yeah Kagome
Ares & Afrodita
Nice to Meet You Again
Sess's Bun
Sesskag Bingo Banner 2021
Sess, Rin, and Jaken
Good Morning
Rin, Smile!
Bored Sess
Sketching you
Blue & Mourning
SessKag - meadow
SessKag - I Couldn't Let You Fall
The Shikon Miko
by your side
Fae Sesshomaru
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 15 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 05/17/2022 02:44:53

Hope you're doing well, still writing, and are taking it easy.


Created On: 07/12/2021 13:26:18

Hello! Sorry it took me a while to reply! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading "Mamoru." It was one of my first attempts at blending the two universes together and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I tried it once more and then just joined writing for the Naruto fandom, and I've not looked back. And yes, SessKag family feels! Thank you for reading and commenting!
P.S. I'm behind on the bakery story of yours, but I will get around to reading it soon ^_^


Created On: 06/10/2021 11:34:13

Hello! Thank you for your lovely reply to my review I'm so glad that the writing prompts have helped you. I know they help me a lot with my own writing, especially with drabbles. And yes, writing food scenes does make one hungry.

Some of the best stories are ones with no clear plot because the characters will let you create the story around them, and it can be more fun that way. I look forward to seeing what you end up writing for this story!

KShadeslady recommended my stories to you? *Blush* I'm so happy to hear that. Fair warning: my most recent work has been the stuff she's been reading, some of my older stories were written when I was still a teenager, and looking back on them now, I see so many errors.
Hopefully, you enjoy reading my stories

Have a great day!
KH ^_^

No Uta

Created On: 07/19/2015 14:40:27

Thank you for your review of Korekuta - YAY! It is truly an honour to know that such an amazing author is enjoying my humble fic. I truly look forward to reviews from you as well as updates on your own work. YEAYUS I am full of little surprises. I fancy the art of suspense when I write. You're skilled at that as well let me tell ya! Ive been wanting to make Sessh & Toga bros for a long time now. I am grateful for your continued support my friend.
Feedback from FragmentedMatter: No problem! I think it's a very unique take on the Kagome/Sesshomaru relationship, and I can't wait to read more!

Miss Elinor

Created On: 07/01/2015 22:55:23

Dropping in to say thanks for the review! I appreciate you reading the story and I'm SO GLAD that you like it, even though everyones a human
Feedback from FragmentedMatter: No problem! I've been meaning to review your other chapters but just haven't had the time! I love your story and, I think, I love it more that everyone IS human! I can't wait for the next chapter

No Uta

Created On: 06/25/2015 01:52:48

Hiiiiii!!!! Thank you for your wonderful review of Korekuta.Yes, a lot has happened to poor Kagome. I know I'm dreadful. There's definitely a connection between Toga and Sesshomaru. I'm full of surprises.
Feedback from FragmentedMatter: Oh, how exciting that there is a connection between Toga and Sesshomaru! I wonder if it'll be the familial bond we know or if it's something a bit more sinister... Can't wait

No Uta

Created On: 05/12/2015 00:00:49

Thank you so very much for your incredible reviews of Korekuta and
Byoki Unmei: The Abomination. You have seriously made my day.
Feedback from FragmentedMatter: Yay! I'm so glad

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 03/16/2015 18:34:19

Thank you for your review on "His Milestones"! Wow, that was one amazing review. I am so glad that you are enjoying the story so far~
I didn't even realize that "profound" sentence until you pin pointed it to me in your review. I had to go back and re-read it. *chuckles*
Building the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome is very important to I am glad that you thought the development was paced well enough.
Your review truly made my day!
Feedback from FragmentedMatter: Of course! A review was definitely warranted after reading what you have so far. It'll be interesting to see what other milestones are in store for the duo and whether Sesshomaru takes Kagome's advice to find a mate.
I'm glad my review made your day as your tale made mine! Keep up the great work!


Created On: 07/29/2009 17:40:30

Oh YAY!!! I'm ur first to sigh ur profile book
I loved ur first fanart love it
welcome to Dokuga look forward to ur future work

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