Azurena Profile Page

About Me

3/10/2015 NOTICE: To anyone who's interested, I've created an Azurena Fanfics Twitter for those of you who would like to keep informed about what's happening with my writing. Please follow me for info on in-progress chapters, sneak peeks, new stories and more :)

You can find it here:


Hi! I'm Azurena ^-^

Here's some fun facts about me:

  1. I'm twenty-three.
  2. I'm redheaded (NOT ginger~ I am not pale nor covered in freckles :P).
  3. I'm shy.
  4. I'm half Irish and half Cherokee.
  5. I have a dog, cat, and a fish.
  6. I'm a Korean-anything fanatic~ food, music, culture, men... ahem :D
  7. I absolutely love J-Rock (especially Mejibray and The GazettE).
  8. My lifelong dream is to become a published author (or maybe marry a Korean idol... ahem ;P).

I'm also over on Fanfiction.Net! I only have three stories so far, one of which is With the Rain, but maybe you guys would like the new stories I'm working on:

Kaka Kara No Bourei: When Naraku's fail-safe plan, well, fails, Inuyasha and the gang find themselves face-to-face with a ghost from the past who, as they soon discover, has got his sights set on a certain little miko. And he's not about to let her go. Inutaisho/Kagome

Dreamscape: But what no one knew was that the girl had fallen in love with the Goblin King. Not even the girl . . . Labyrinth, Jareth/Sarah

Also, I'd like to say a proper thank you to Yoruzuki and sugar0o for doing such wonderful artwork for my story With the Rain, which is by far the most popular thing I've written :))) Thank you for the love and support! If anyone would like to see Yoruzuki's and r0o's work, check my Favorites!

Much love!


User Status

17 years ago
8 years ago
10 years ago


3/09/2015: NEED-TO-KNOW INFO

To my wonderful readers,

Before I say anything else, I would like to first sincerely apologize for my extended absence. Real life definitely got in the way and all of my writing has suffered for it. To top everything off, my computer has finally and officially kicked the bucket, and with it went all of my in-progress work. It took me a long time to retrieve my files, but I did eventually get it done and now, hopefully, I can jump back on the fan fiction bandwagon.

I've also gotten a handle on my anxiety, thank goodness. For a while I was feeling pretty miserable, and when my grandfather died it sort of tipped me over the edge. Add to that the sudden deaths of his mother and best friend right afterwards and my whole family was having a rough time of it, to say the least. But we're all doing better now, and I'm going to try to get back to my stories. It's not going to be easy (I've pretty much lost all interest in Sess/Kag fics and Inuyasha fics in general) but I'm still going to try.

And to all my faithful readers and reviewers, thank you. You've all been so wonderful during this tough time and I really do appreciate it. You've been so patient and understanding and the only thing I can think of to do in return is reward you with new chapter updates. But before I can do that, I've got some info to share with everyone.

Important Info:

My Best Friend's Brother

I'm sorry to say this guys, but it doesn't look like this story is going to be finished. I lost every bit of work I'd done on it and I've tried all I can to get it back but nothing's worked. So, unless I'm hit with sudden inspiration to rewrite the entire last chapter (which was close to 15,000 words), I don't think it's going to get finished. I'm so sorry :(

With the Rain

Chapter 90 is currently in-progress. Looks like I'm finally going to be able to finish that story. Took long enough. It was like everything was working against me for a while there and I know you've all been waiting for more. Hopefully I'll begin posting new chapters soon :)

I'Mori Aran

I haven't started anything new for this story yet. In fact I kind of forgot about it, but I still want to finish it so I'm going to try and rediscover my love for it. I've lost a lot of my motivation to write over the past two years and it's going to take me some time to get back into the swing of things but I'm hopeful I can overcome this weird depression I've been experiencing and update all my stories. I'm just sorry you all had to wait so long to hear anything from me.


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  Yuna Nara
  Silphire Inu
  Miss Shiori
  Tsuki Ai


Azurena has 6 stories

**5/19/2013 UNDER REVISION** Realizing that a life with Inuyasha was never meant to be, Kagome focuses on controlling her powers and finding and destroying Naraku. She doesn't know what fate has in store for her, but she knows it's definitely not that stuffy demon lord...
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 Jul 2009  -  Updated: 26 May 2011
Genre: Action, Romance  -  Chapters: 15  -  Reviews: 75  -  Words: 34,994  -  Reads: 51,431
Kagome discovers that the freaks really do come out at night . . .
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 28 Oct 2010  -  Updated: 28 Oct 2010
Genre: Dark, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 3,122  -  Reads: 6,036
To be the most beautiful, the most wanted, was every girl's dream in my village. Except for mine. ::SK Drabble series:: (Nominated for Best Alt. Univ., Best Drama, and Best Romance in the 2nd quarter 2011 Dokuga Awards)
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 May 2010  -  Updated: 25 Jun 2013
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 89  -  Reviews: 379  -  Words: 59,606  -  Reads: 337,007
She knew, from the moment she felt his frozen lips brush her throat ever so gently, that she could never deny him.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 11 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 11 Apr 2011
Genre: Dark, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 2,410  -  Reads: 6,910
It was wrong to feel this way, but she just couldn't help herself. She couldn't help but love him. ***Updated Author's Note at top of Chapter 4! Please read!
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 27 May 2011  -  Updated: 24 Jun 2011
Genre: Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 23  -  Words: 11,338  -  Reads: 13,192
In the dead of night, when all is dark, he comes from black earth to steal your heart. ::SK Drabble Series::
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 14 Mar 2012  -  Updated: 30 Sep 2013
Genre: Dark, Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 20  -  Words: 7,255  -  Reads: 13,389

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 100

With the Rain (Title Page Preview 2)
Butterfly Evenings
With The Rain (Title Page Preview)
Fade Out
.:Commission-sesskag-New Lady:.
A Night Full of Stars (WIP)
Kagome With the Rain (Take 3)
With the Rain WIP Sneak Peek
R0o's Thinking Of You Color
Thinking of You
OhLaLa! sketch
His Folly
In the Future ahead...
Sake Original Ink lines
we could have had it all
Bride of the Water God - Colored
  • Bride of the Water God - Colored
  • Author: Sarah
  • Category: Fanart
Water God Sesshoumaru - Colored
  • Water God Sesshoumaru - Colored
  • Author: Sarah
  • Category: Fanart
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Name Entry

Created On: 04/14/2012 04:14:00

I am so glad you enjoyed my story! More will be coming after nominations and such are up because I just gotta do my part to nominate & then vote. This will end up being a chapter-like series. I hope you continue to enjoy it & I'm ecstatic that everyone seems to be having the reactions I was hoping for!! I see you write as well, I'll check it out.



Created On: 08/12/2011 08:10:13

Yes, the chapters on Ever the Lotus are right around ten thousand words each. It takes longer to type them at that length, but I find you can get better detail in the story that way. Most of my newer stories are that chapter length, except my one shot collection It's a Dog's World. Anyway, thank you for reviewing!



Created On: 05/18/2011 16:49:01

Hellou my dear Azurena-Chan. You are very welcome!!

I love that story sooooo much and I think, good stories deserve to be reviewed!! I always try to do so, but as you can see... it doesn't work all the time. But I shall keep an eye on you from now on. ]

Hope, the two brothers will get along...
Somehow, Kagutsuchi reminds of Inuyasha... so I have a feeling, that they won't act like normal brothers would (at least anytime soon...). xD hehe... I can't wait for the next chapter!!



Created On: 05/03/2011 11:49:02

Thanks for reviewing Chain - again. :3

It is true that when a reader is that frustrated for the characters in the story, it is quite a clear sign of the reader feeling drawn to the story - and that is kind of like the ultimate goal for the writer, so it's pretty awesome.

And while they are being infuriating, it would mess up my evil plans big time if they'd just sit down and talk through their misunderstandings.
So try to hang in there, and bear in mind that there will be a happy ending - eventually.

Oh, and as for your apologies on your profile, that's quite alright. Not everyone responds to review responses anyway, which is probably for the better since that could possibly kick up an endless cycle.

Feedback from Azurena: I'm trying my best to be patient, I promise )). If all the complications and issues just sorted themselves out there wouldn't be much of a story. Drama is a must! ^_^ And every time I become frustrated, I'll just remind myself that there will be a happy ending, like you said


Created On: 04/22/2011 21:09:06

I'm blushing - thank you for the compliments! As for Illumination, it's a three-shot, rather like Sweet Betrayal was, and so it won't take long to be finished, since it's almost complete now. I'm simply finishing the third and final chapter on it, and then it'll be ready to go!



Created On: 04/13/2011 20:48:12

I'm thrilled that you are enjoying Windows on the West - but I have to correct you on one thing, lol... I only update quickly when the story is flowing. I try not to let my stories go without at least one update a month, but I do have several, so sometimes it gets iffy. And this one lately has just been flowing really well for me. One thing I've learned in the two years I've now been writing, is that when the inspiration is there, go with it, because if you don't... it'll turn into writer's block, instead. And I hate writer's block with a passion - it depresses me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the next chapter, as well, which will be out tomorrow!



Created On: 01/14/2011 22:03:01

oh my thank you so much for your review of my story Entwined!!!! I greatly appreciate it and am humbled that the authoress of a favorite fanfic of mine has read my works ^ 3^ I hope you'll continue reading and enjoy the story i create!


Created On: 12/07/2010 07:12:10

Thanks for reviewing Chain again! :3 Also thank you very much for the praise~ *^_^* It's nice to know that you're enjoying the story!

And I hope you can wait till Christmas Eve, that's when I'm planning to update next.

- Chie

sugar0o who lurks

Created On: 11/27/2010 13:03:55

*pokes* *misses you!* comeback!


Created On: 11/03/2010 11:07:01

Thanks for reviewing my story Chain!

I'm gald to know that you're enjoying it and that you found it interesting! Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

Hugs! :3

- Chie

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