Help?! by Forsaken
Under construction.....sorry
The first thing she remembered was feeling tired and wore out, as if she had spent the night running through water. Her eyes opened slowly as she stared through blurry eyes at the scenery around her. She was in a forest of some sort, but something was wrong with the place.
She looked around. The trees were fine, normal as in any other forest, though each did seem to be decorated with a dozen or so birds. The birds were of every species and color, merrily chirping away to each other. The air was delicious, filled with the scent of rich earth and flowers. While the birds were perhaps a bit odd, they didn't give her the freezing lightening down her spine. But something was wrong here.
The girl looked higher. The sky was painted with brilliant streaks of yellows, purples, pinks and blues, like the end of a wonderful summer day. And the sun was dead center in the sky. The girl was more curious than afraid and she slowly walked on through the woods, peering up at the trees and their occupants as she passed.
The farther she walked, the louder the volume of bird song increased until it was a deafening roar battering through her head. Just when she felt like the noise would overwhelm her, it stopped. She looked up again. Every creature was frozen in place, every head looking back the way she had come. Only the heaving chests of the larger birds showed they were still alive.
A snapping sound rang through the forest, very quiet, yet managing to travel everywhere at once with such clear intonation. The heavy silence was broken abruptly by the rustle of the hundreds of birds as they took flight. It was like a distorted sound of a waterfall; all the birds remain quiet save for the beating of their wings. The snapping sound continued irregularly, getting faster as the being came.
The girl was frozen to the spot, her body trembling as she tried to unlock her muscles. A pale fog had drifted in, threading its way through the trees. Dimly, the shape of a person took form through the mist as it slowly came towards her. She drew her breath sharply and found control of her body once more. Within that breath she was gone, flying ever faster through the trees ahead. Her feet felt light and burned with the sudden speed. The trees ahead grew closer together, with heavy vines and dripping moss heading low to the ground.....
yeah, I know this isn't the full chapter, but I wanted to get something posted today in case I wasn't able to finish. Thank you all who have sent me reviews.