WiccanMethuselah Profile Page

About Me

I CAN HAZ A 'SONA!!!  ladybattousai slaved away making this terrific 'sona just for ME!



I am an OLD person (THE BIG SEVEN-ZERO... 70!!!) who adores the Kag/Sess pairing. I have done far more beta work than I have done writing, but I did indulge in a couple drabbles, which I have uploaded ONLY here and ebony_silks on LiveJournal

I have one husband, two (mostly) adult children, one dog and three cats. I live in a semi-rural area in Michigan, but close enough to Detroit to take in a concert every now and then (most often when the kids drag me).  My husband and I have a family business doing powder coating (applying powdered paint to metal and baking it).  TWELVE years into the effort, I'm still ready to get out, but business has picked up & hubby is happily working himself silly-despite having had a heart attack and triple-bypass surgery in 2020. *sigh* Men!

I like to encourage new writers, but turn-offs are chat-speak, text-speak and a total lack of punctuation. I'm also more partial to those who take the time to run things through spell-check, at the very least. I know, it makes me sound elitist, but I'm actually pretty easy to talk to, mostly open-minded, and relatively understanding.

Now that you're bored to death, welcome to my profile and give me a holler if you have any questions!

PS - Also not a big fan of cliques, unnecessary drama, and people who fancy themselves to be somehow better than others merely by virtue of who they know.  I'm more impressed by WHAT you know than anything else, 'k?

User Status

6 months ago


Welcome to my Dokuga corner of TEH INTERWEBS!

I am, and always will be, SO VERY grateful to Miss Kagura for creating this, the new home of the BEST Sesshoumaru/Kagome fandom in the whole interweb world.

I was around for the waning days of A-Single-Spark, and here for the early days of Dokuga.

I was beta and cheerleader for one of the most inspired and inspiring Sess/Kag authors in recent years, the incomparable Demonlordlover.  I have also beta-ed for some of the kindest, most imaginative, dedicated writers I may ever have the privilege of knowing.  Despite life getting messy, I still make time to read and (infrequently, unfortunately) review stories that I find intriguing.

I have a presence (read: account)  in a lot of places... ff.net, AFF, MediaMiner, Tumblr, Discord, and various LiveJournal communities.  That's probably where most people see my preferred 'pseudonym.'  I may not be an active participant in a lot of what goes on here, but I do check in from time to time. [EDIT:  Since I'm now an Admin, I guess I *am* an active participant these days!]

There, now I have ensured that anyone unfortunate enough to stumble across my profile page is well and truly BORED.  Thank you for stopping by; profuse apologies for the mind-numbing ennui I have managed to inspire! *snicker*

Added 4/8/09: I just found out today that I can HAZ BANNER!! My thanks to the talented authors who thought my reviews were special enough to nom me in the Review Challenge... I likes BANNERZ, silly old thing that I am!!!


Added 8/26/09: Today, I was gifted a beautiful new siggy by the lovely and talented Priestess Skye... THANK YOU!!!


Added December 2010:


And got this nifty banner for doing so!!


Added March 2011:

And SHADOW made me a BANNER!  I do SO like BANNERZ!!!

Added December 2012:

AND, Aviel made me these two TERRIFIC banners, out of the goodness of her heart!


Forum Statistics
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Total Posts2281

Forum Posts
01/23/2025 19:39:08SERVICE INTERRUPTION COMING!General Discussion1257
11/29/2024 23:16:32Re:CuriosityOff-Topic Discussion1219
11/27/2024 13:52:56Vyncent/WeretigressOff-Topic Discussion1882
07/23/2024 21:38:27Re:Loading issuesBug Reports/Feature Requests5552
12/10/2023 17:04:17Re:EmailsBug Reports/Feature Requests3759
11/02/2022 11:11:31Re:Can We Post Fanfiction YouTube Videos?Artist's Tools4708
06/30/2022 12:51:31Re:Reverse HaremRecommendations4838
06/14/2022 13:45:45RULES!!!Searching for a Fic...3620
06/07/2022 23:40:15Re:No Emails for storys updatesBug Reports/Feature Requests8816
06/06/2022 17:22:26More fic searching for Vyncent!!Searching for a Fic...1986
06/06/2022 17:15:38Re:Wiccan's Absence...Off-Topic Discussion5689
06/06/2022 17:12:41Re:Wiccan's Absence...Off-Topic Discussion5689
05/13/2022 12:19:29Re:Unable to see text in a new chapterBug Reports/Feature Requests4085
05/08/2022 12:05:58Re:Wiccan's Absence...Off-Topic Discussion5689
05/05/2022 23:05:42Re:Looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...2952
05/02/2022 12:02:53Re:Looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...2952
04/30/2022 23:43:51Wiccan's Absence...Off-Topic Discussion5689
04/30/2022 23:39:05Re:Question about Fanfiction vs SparkOff-Topic Discussion3548
04/30/2022 23:28:59Re:Peace Treaty by piratequeen0405 will be a webcomicFanfiction4171
04/25/2022 23:26:43Re:Question about Fanfiction vs SparkOff-Topic Discussion3548

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  Lucy Morningstar
  Maleficent Descent
  Kagome's Love
  Kagome Yuki Niwa
  Utsukushi tenshi
  Guardian of the Nine Realms
  M-Angel 05
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WiccanMethuselah has 4 stories

*Edited to include DISCLAIMER!* Nominated Best Drabble, Dokuga Awards, 1st Quarter! Joint Second Place Winner, LiveJournal community ebony_silks, Week 42, prompt "Wax." My first attempt at writing anything Sess/Kag OR fiction for posting in an open forum.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 25 Apr 2008  -  Updated: 30 Aug 2010
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 16  -  Words: 306  -  Reads: 8,114
*Edited to include DISCLAIMER* Joint Second Place Winner ebony_silks Drabble entry, Week 48, \"Illusion\" prompt. My SECOND attempt at writing Sess/Kag AND fiction. My only excuse is that my friends keep encouraging me.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 25 Apr 2008  -  Updated: 19 Feb 2009
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 17  -  Words: 319  -  Reads: 8,569
In which Sesshoumaru gets educated on yet another human failing... This is a drabble I did for the Tree Prompt in iy_themes community on LiveJournal April, 2009. I just thought it would be nice to keep track of it here!
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 18 Jul 2009  -  Updated: 18 Jul 2009
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 323  -  Reads: 7,892
This is what happens when I get coaxed into chat... proceed at your own risk! Mix of Canon and A/U.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 Dec 2010  -  Updated: 20 Dec 2010
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 7  -  Words: 1,666  -  Reads: 9,109


Total number of images: 1

Wiccan's Fanfiction Writer's Meme
  • Wiccan's Fanfiction Writer's Meme
  • Category: Others


Name Entry

Created On: 12/17/2011 20:08:16

I'm so glad you enjoyed "Dear Santa"! I hope you'll enjoy all the future chapters, too!


Created On: 12/13/2011 13:16:10

Thanks you for reviewing!! I got a big old dopey grin on my face when I realized you read one of my stories. So thanks again!

The Hatter Theory

Created On: 11/28/2011 14:49:21

Thank you so much for all of your reviews! I'm truly glad you enjoyed the different stories and took the time to review them.


Created On: 11/25/2011 22:36:40

Dear Wiccan,

Thank you for you glowing review! I am really glad that you are enjoying my story Keeping Faith. It is a very special story to me and knowing that you are all enjoying it is wonderful. I have been working with Children's Hospital oncology department for a project at work so I have been working with the children there for the past 6 months so my inspiration for this story comes from them! I am sorry to hear about your grandson and my prayers are with your family. Hopefully you will find this story as powerful and beautiful as I hope it will end up being!



Created On: 07/23/2011 15:48:16

Wiccan - thank you so much for your review of chapter 2 of Yesterday's Dreams. Your words of praise are fuel for this new writer's soul and I really appreciate that you take the time to point out what you like about the chapter.

I think you'll like where this story goes and you have some great insight as to what might happen...but I don't want to give it away now, do I?

It'll probably be a week before the next update, even though I have chapter 3 done. I hope that's not too long?

Anyway, again a huge thank you.

Velvet Sometimes

hiding in unfinished fics closet
Created On: 01/19/2011 05:03:30

Thank you so very much for the review! 0_0

And if it makes you feel better to know, whenever Naomi feels in an arting mood again; Chapter 7 is already finished and sitting on my computer ready to go. XD


Created On: 01/08/2011 17:20:37

I'm most honored that you enjoyed your fic! I did my job, and that gives me a good sense of accomplishment. Oh, and as for the latest on Windows on the West - I read about the bamboo connection, and I couldn't resist using it when it brought to mind the third movie and the place Inuyasha was born, and papa died. There was just something about the symbolism, I guess.

Happy New Year!



Created On: 01/01/2011 14:47:14

I'm tickled that you liked that chapter of Windows on the West - hope you enjoyed the latest, as well, No Man is an Island. And also, I'm more than thrilled that you liked your one-shot - I was hoping it would please!

Happy New Year!



Created On: 12/20/2010 23:18:55

Thank you my dear, dear Wiccan!!! You are entirely too kind, and believe me, we WILL drag you back in to write more!! Next month, yes?


Created On: 12/18/2010 23:52:40

Hi Wiccan! I didn't realize you were reading Windows on the West - but then again, sometimes I lose track of who's reading what. I'm glad I'm managing to please, and keep you entertained - after all, that's why I do this! I don't know if you've been reading Accidentally Funny, but if you have, I'm getting ready to post a new chapter sometime tonight, though it might be a little late - I'm working on it now, so if you are, there's something else to look forward to!

Just a little tidbit - I'm working on a slightly long one-shot for you, as a thank you for all the work you've done lately trying to get Dokuga back up and running with the email alerts and all. It's taking me a little bit of time, because I'm being a bit anal with it, but I hope to get it done before New Years.



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