Ariunsai Profile Page

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14 years ago
7 years ago
8 years ago


ATTENTION: So I haven't had a chance to update things. I love how much of my life gets logged with you guys, but I have returned. My updates may be kind of slow at first, as I kind of want to refresh my old stories, but Quid Pro Quo is the first new story I'll be starting on after finishing the Tarnished Miko and deciding what to do with my other stories (Trash or Rehash, lemme know in your reviews) Thank you guys for baring with me I know I'm not as on-top of my updates as some of the more popular authors, but give me some time. I'm coming back full force! I love you guys! Ariun~

Hello Everyone! My name is Ariunusai but you can call me Ari or Ariun for short. I recently discovered this website when searching on Google for Sesshoumaru and Kagome fanfiction, I was completely addicted by then, and this site was just the fix I needed. I have just recently added a new story and hope to add many more.

I was born and raised in Chicago Illinois, I'm 17 yrs old, and Many hobbies that I love are swimming, reading romance novels, writing Sesshomaru and Kagome Fanfiction, and interpreting different meanings of Greek mythology, my favorite being the odyssey and the Iliad, Yes I'm a true romantic. Well I hope you all enjoy!






How come you chose me ?!

Kagome lived in a world of sex; angry, and passionate. They're where men who were more inept at sexual deviance than most, those men were gifted with such by Aphrodite, the Greek Olympian goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and and procreation. So of course these were to be eligible teachers in the world of pleasure, Sesshoumaru Takahashi being the most sought after; Kagome definitely didn't want someone like him, she was positive, That is why he chose her..."Come Kagome, let me show you..."

Gimme More...

Kagome thought that working on a project with Sesshoumaru in sex-ed would be easy..boy was she wrong...ONE SHOT


Quid Pro Quo

Underworld Remake!!!

There has been a blood war going on with Demons and Miko's for centuries, but Sesshoumaru's orders were clear, Hunt them down and kill them all One by One.  That plan was very successful, too successful. However the Miko's weren't taking this lying down, they were planing something. Why else would they be following a human...


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  Silphire Inu


Ariunsai has 3 stories

Kagome gave herself to Inuyasha, in the hopes that he would once and for all choose whom he wished to be with and decide to be with her. however Inuyasha had made such a choice long ago, and kagome was not it. Shunned by demon and human society kagome runs to the only person of nobility and honor; Sesshoumaru. The price he sets maybe one too steep for her. Will he make an honest woman of her or will she forever be, The Tarnished Miko?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 09 Jun 2011  -  Updated: 24 Jun 2012
Genre: Drama, Erotica  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 20  -  Words: 15,668  -  Reads: 30,045
The auctioning of her body leaves no comparison to the bidding on her love..Will she remember her true love, or flee from him before she has the chance?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 28 Jul 2011  -  Updated: 26 Jun 2012
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Kink, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 1,843  -  Reads: 8,109
Sesshoumaru was your not-so-average rich, handsome, snooty jerk, and he knew it. After just getting out of a 'Relationship' he decided to go out of town for some new scenery..and decor..He wasn't expecting a one-nighter to mess up his whole life...but it did.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 21 May 2012  -  Updated: 11 Oct 2012
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 3,730  -  Reads: 11,423


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